Patrone van samewerking en ondersteuning in ‘n voldiensskool

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die doel van hierdie studie is om insig te bekom in samewerkingspraktyke in inklusiewe onderwys, hoe onderwysers in ʼn spesifieke voldiensskool samewerkingspraktyke ervaar en tot watter mate hierdie samewerkingspraktyke tans waarde toevoeg tot inklusiewe onderrig. Hierdie ondersoek behels ʼn kwalitatiewe gevallestudie van beperkte omvang wat deur ʼn interpretivistiese en konstruktivistiese paradigma beskou word. Die teoretiese raamwerk van die studie is die tweedegenerasie- kultureel-historiese aktiwiteitsteorie (KHAT) wat ʼn platform bied om insig te bekom oor die invloede van verskeie kulturele en historiese faktore en ander samelewingsreëls en -verwagtinge op die ervaring van die deelnemers en waarde van samewerkingspraktyke. Data is gegenereer deur middel van onderhoude en niedeelnemende observasie waarby altesaam ses deelnemers betrokke was. Temas is gegenereer deur tematiese verwerking van al die datastelle. Resultate van die studie is tweeledig. Die studie bevind dat ondersteuning en kollegiale verhoudings wat onder onderwysers ontstaan as gevolg van samewerkingspraktyke baie waardevol kan wees vir inklusie aangesien dit onderwyserveerkragtigheid versterk wat onderwysers meer geneig maak om as veranderingsagente op te tree vir inklusie. Andersyds dui bevindinge daarop dat baie samewerkingspraktyke wat in onderwysbeleid gestipuleer en in die sisteem ingebed is en ten doel het om inklusiewe onderwys te vestig, steeds gebaseer is op uitsluiting. Dit laat die waarde van samewerking vir bevordering van inklusiewe onderrig afneem. ʼn Ander spanningsveld wat die studie openbaar, is die belangrike rol wat konteks speel in die implementering van inklusiewe onderwys en die teenstrydige dilemmas wat ontwikkel weens ʼn idealistiese inklusiewe-onderwys-beleid wat nie die nodige hulpbronne kan bied vir die ewig vergrotende diversiteit van behoeftes nie. Hierdie bevindinge stel eerstens voor dat ondersteuningstrukture deur middel van samewerking in voldiensskole aangemoedig moet word om onderwyserveerkragtigheid te bly bou. Sonder veerkragtigheid sal onderwysers nie die nodige agentskap kan toon om verandering teweeg te bring nie. Tweedens blyk dit uit hierdie gevallestudie dat ware inklusie moontlik nog nie plaasgevind het nie. Wat nodig is, is die herbedenking van ʼn volwaardige inklusiewe pedagogie. Nog baie sistemiese veranderinge en die oorwinning van vele kontekstuele hindernisse sal moet plaasvind om inklusiewe onderwys ʼn realiteit te maak. Verdere studies is nodig om insig te bekom oor hoe samewerkingspraktyke aangepas kan word om hierdie uitsluitingsbeleide en -praktyke teen te werk en ʼn inklusiewe pedagogie te bevorder.
ENGLISH SUMMARY : This study sought to gain insight into collaborative practices in inclusive education. The purpose of the study is to investigate how teachers in a specific full-service school experience collaborative practices and to what extent collaboration adds value to inclusive education. This is a qualitative case study of limited scope and is considered by an interpretivist and constructivist paradigm. Second-generation Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) was used to gain insight into various cultural and historical factors and the interaction with societal rules and expectations on the participants’ experiences and the value of collaborative practices. Data were generated through interviews and non-participatory observation in which a total of six participants were involved. Results of the study is twofold. On the one hand it shows that support and collegial relationships between teachers seem to be a valuable result of collaborative practices and was found to be valuable to inclusion because it strengthens teacher resilience that enhance teachers to be agents of change for inclusion. On the other hand, findings indicate that many collaborative practices prescribed by policy and embedded in the system for the purpose of establishing inclusive education are still based on exclusion that devalue the practice of collaboration in terms of promoting inclusion. Another area of tension that the study reveals is the important role that context plays in the implementation of inclusive education and the conflicting dilemmas that develop due to an idealistic inclusive education policy that cannot provide the necessary resources and an ever-increasing diversity of barriers. These findings suggest that support structures should be encouraged through collaboration in full-service schools to continue to build teacher resilience. Without resilience, teachers will not be able to show the agency needed to bring about change. Secondly, with reference to this case study, it is pointed out that true inclusion may not yet take place and we need a rethinking of a fully inclusive pedagogy. Many more systemic changes and the overcoming of many contextual barriers will have to take place to make inclusive education a reality. Further studies are needed to gain insight into how to adapt collaborative practices to counter the exclusionary policies and practices and establish an inclusive pedagogy.
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Inclusive education -- South Africa, Holistic education, Cooperation, Resilience (Personality trait), Teams in the workplace -- Psychological aspects, Primary school teachers, UCTD