Marimbas in South African schools : gateway instruments for the indigenous African music curriculum

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The African marimba, even though not indigenous to South Africa, is widely used in schools and entertainment arenas around the country. Albeit to a limited extent, Africa’s people have a shared knowledge of each other’s cultures, allowing multiculturalism in everyday life, especially in schooling and education. This thesis motivates the marimba as an excellent gateway instrument for the indigenous African music (IAM) component in the South African schools’ curriculum, hopefully paving the way for other African instruments. Diatonic marimbas, modelled on traditional marimbas and enhanced for modern technical purposes, have melodic, harmonic and percussive abilities which could be suitable for the largely Western art music orientation of South African schools. The thesis elaborates on this as an opportunity for enhancing present school curricula where current education policy has made space for the inclusion of indigenous African music. In view of this, the study investigates the marimba’s prominence in Africa and then more specifically in South Africa. It also observes the inclusion of indigenous African music in the curricula of some African countries where the marimba is an instrument of instruction. It looks critically at the measures taken in South African schools regarding the implementation of the IAM stream as stipulated in the CAPS document. This study focuses on two objectives. Firstly, it addresses the unfortunate challenges of the current South African curriculum with its inclusivity/exclusivity of indigenous music in the classroom. The prescribed guidelines for IAM in the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements document for Grade 10-12. Music are difficult to implement for many schools and teachers as they include an extensive set of criteria for learners to achieve by the end of their high school career. Scholars have also raised issues as to whether music teachers have had the necessary preparation for the effective implementation of the IAM stream in the South African curriculum. Another dilemma is the lack of adequate resources for the teaching of African music. This study suggests employing the marimba for instructional purposes as it relates quite closely to Western instruments, thereby smoothing the process of implementing the IAM stream. Secondly, the study investigates critically whether the marimba should be the instrument rolled out to assist African music gaining its rightful place in the 21st century South African music classroom. The methodology of this research targeted individuals involved to enable a response to this objective. This study concludes by recommending an effective implementation process of the IAM stream, using the marimba as an appropriate gateway instrument for the teaching of African music.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel die Afrika-marimba nie inheems in Suid-Afrika is nie, word dit landswyd in skole en vermaaklikheidsarenas gebruik. Omdat die inwoners van Afrika kennis dra van mekaar se kulture, hoe gering ook al, laat dit ’n multikulturele samelewing toe, veral in skole en opvoeding. Hierdie tesis motiveer dat die marimba ’n gepaste instrument is om toegang te bied vir die inheemse Afrika-musiekafdeling in die kurrikulum en sodoende die pad voor te berei vir ander Afrika-instrumente. Diatoniese marimbas, ’n ontwerp van tradisionele marimbas en ’n verbetering daarop met die doel vir moderne tegniek, beskik oor die soort melodiese, harmoniese en slagwerk-moontlikhede wat gepas kan wees vir die meerderheidWesterse kunsmusiekgedrewe Suid-Afrikaanse skole. Hierdie tesis brei uit oor hoe dit ‘n geleentheid kan wees vir die bevordering van skoolkurrikula waar die huidige opvoedingsbeleid ruimte maak vir inheemse Afrika-musiek (IAM). In die lig hiervan, bestudeer hierdie navorsing hoe vernaam die marimba in Afrika is en dan veral in Suid-Afrika. Die insluiting van inheemse Afrika-musiek in die kurrikula van sommige Afrika-lande waar die Afrika marimba ’n instrument van onderrig is, word ook in ag geneem. Daar word verder krities gedink oor die stappe wat in Suid-Afrikaanse skole geneem is ten opsigte van die implementering van die IAM-afdeling soos aangedui in die CAPS-dokument. Hierdie navorsing fokus op twee aspekte: eerstens word die uitdagings van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulum ten opsigte van die inklusiwiteit/eksklusiwiteit van inheemse musiek in die klaskamer aangespreek. Dit is moeilik vir skole en onderwysers om die voorgeskrewe riglyne vir IAM in die CAPS-dokument vir Musiek Graad 10-12 te implementeer omdat die kriteria vir leerders té uitgebreid is om teen die einde van hul hoërskoolloopbaan te dek. Kundiges bevraagteken ook of musiekonderwysers die nodige voorbereiding gehad het vir effektiewe implementering van die IAM-afdeling in die Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulum. Nog ’n dilemma is die gebrek aan voldoende hulpbronne vir die onderrig van Afrika-musiek. Hierdie navorsing stel voor dat die Afrika-marimba vir onderrig aangewend word aangesien dit redelik ná aan Westerse instrumente is en dit die implementeringsproses vir die IAM kan vergemaklik. Tweedens besin die studie krities of die marimba die beste instrument kan wees om hulp te verleen aan Afrika-musiek om sy regmatige plek in te neem in die Suid-Afrikaanse klaskamer van die 21ste eeu. Vir hierdie doel was die metodiek van die navorsing op betrokke individue gemik. Die studie sluit af met aanbevelings dat die marimba, korrek aangewend, ’n effektiewe instrument is vir die implementeringsproses van die IAM-afdeling.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Music -- Instruction and study -- South Africa, Curriculum planning -- South Africa, Ethnomusicology -- South Africa, Marimba music