Women entrepreneurship development in South Africa : Towards transformative innovation

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Women entrepreneurs represent a largely untapped resource for social and economic growth, yet the gender gap in entrepreneurship persists to date. Arguably, women hold a strong connection to their social context, and contribute to particularly socially productive innovations. As such, women entrepreneurs have a unique role in producing developmental outcomes and welfare effects. In order for South Africa to reach its social and economic development potential, women entrepreneurs must be supported to start, grow and sustain their businesses. In developing contexts, the unique challenges women face when starting, operating and growing enterprises are poorly accounted for, and a systemic-level approach to entrenching women’s inclusion in entrepreneurship development is largely lacking. The main objective of this thesis is to make the case for the systemic inclusion of women in entrepreneurship development in South Africa. This will be done by uncovering the systemic level pain points in South Africa’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. As such, it grapples with how South Africa’s entrepreneurial ecosystem supports women to start, grow and sustain their businesses. Moreover, it explores the extent to which an enabling environment for women entrepreneurs is created, and how entrepreneurship development interventions support women entrepreneurs. In doing so, it explores how and whether clear pathways to transformative innovation exist to systematically support women entrepreneurs. Employing a qualitative research approach, and guided by the entrepreneurial ecosystem framework, this thesis sheds light on the perspectives of women entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurship trainers and promoters in South Africa’s entrepreneurial ecosystem to effectively contend with the Global-North bias in research in women entrepreneurship. The results of this thesis suggest that multiple pain points exist in South Africa’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Particularly in regard to: (1) the financial environment; (2) government policy and support; (3) entrepreneurial education; and (4) social and cultural norms. The various pain points reveal that women entrepreneurs are not sufficiently supported to start, scale, and grow their businesses. Additionally, this thesis found that women entrepreneurship development poses a systemic level problem in South Africa. Briefly, the implications of this study are: (1) the immobile scale of support interventions; (2) lack of impact of approaches in support interventions; and (3) lack of communication and integration of the efforts of key entrepreneurial ecosystem stakeholders. As such, further research is needed to imagine and actualise robust pathways to transformative innovation for women entrepreneurship development.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vroue-entrepreneurs verteenwoordig ʼn grootliks onontginde hulpbron vir maatskaplike en ekonomiese groei, maar nogtans bestaan die gendergaping in entrepreneurskap steeds. Daar kan van die veronderstelling uitgegaan word dat vroue in ʼn noue verband tot hulle sosiale konteks staan en dat hulle ʼn bydrae lewer tot veral sosiaal produktiewe innovering. As sodanig speel vroue-entrepreneurs ʼn unieke rol in die lewering van ontwikkelingsuitkomste en welsynsresultate. Vroue-entrepreneurs wat besighede wil begin, uitbrei en volhoubaar maak, moet ondersteun word sodat Suid-Afrika tot sy volle maatskaplike en ekonomiese potensiaal kan ontwikkel. In ontwikkelende kontekste word die unieke uitdagings waarvoor vroue te staan kom wanneer hulle besighede begin, bedryf en uitbrei selde in ag geneem, en ʼn sistemiesevlakbenadering om te verseker dat vroue by entrepreneurskapontwikkeling ingesluit word, ontbreek bykans geheel en al. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie tesis is om gegronde redes aan te voer vir die sistemiese insluiting van vroue in entrepreneurskapontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika. Dit sal gedoen word deur die knelpunte op sistemiese vlak in Suid-Afrika se entrepreneuriese ekostelsel bloot te lê. As sodanig, pak dit die manier aan waarop Suid-Afrika se entrepreneuriese ekosisteem vroue ondersteun wat hulle eie besighede begin, uitbrei en volhoubaar maak. Verder ondersoek dit die mate waartoe ʼn bemagtigende omgewing vir vroue-entrepreneurs geskep word, en hoe entrepreneurskapontwikkelingsingrype vroue-entrepreneurs ondersteun. Sodoende wil die navorser vasstel of daar enige duidelike weë na transformerende innovering bestaan om vroueentrepreneurs sistematies te ondersteun. Deur ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering te volg, en gelei deur die entrepreneuriese ekostelselraamwerk, werp hierdie tesis lig op die perspektiewe van vroue-entrepreneurs en entrepreneursopleiers en -promotors in Suid-Afrika se entrepreneuriese ekosisteem om die vooroordeel van die globale Noorde in navorsing oor vroue-entrepreneurskap die stryd suksesvol aan te se. Die resultate van hierdie tesis dui daarop dat daar talle knelpunte in Suid-Afrika se entrepreneuriese ekostelsel bestaan, veral met betrekking tot: (1) die finansiele omgewing; (2) regeringsbeleid en -ondersteuning; (3) entrepreneuriese opvoeding; en (4) sosiale en kulturele norme. Die onderskeie knelpunte bring aan die lig dat vroue-entrepreneurs nie voldoende ondersteun word om hulle besighede te begin, te skaleer en uit te brei nie. Hierdie tesis het ook bevind dat die ontwikkeling van vroue-entrepreneurskap ʼn probleem op sistemiese vlak in Suid-Afrika is. Die implikasies van hierdie studie is kortliks: (1) die onbeweeglike skaal van ondersteuningsingrypings; (2) impaklose benaderings tot ondersteuningsingrypings; en (3) ʼn gebrek aan kommunikasie en integrasie van die pogings van belangrike belanghebbendes in die entrepreneuriese ekosisteem. As sodanig is verdere navorsing nodig om robuuste wee na transformerende innovering in die ontwikkeling van vroue-entrepreneurs te visualiseer en te laat realiseer.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Women in economic development -- South Africa, Businesswomen -- South Africa, Entrepreneurs, Women -- South Africa, Women-owned business enterprises -- South Africa, UCTD