Cohort supervision as an approach at postgradute level : a conceptual framework for an open distance e-learing university

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The production of postgraduate students is a national priority, since South Africa is in desperate need of a new generation of researchers to support national growth and development. Many under-prepared students entering higher education have poor writing skills and limited methodological content knowledge, specifically at postgraduate level. In an open distance e learning (ODeL) environment where temporal, geographic, and communication distances exist between students and supervisors, the traditional apprenticeship supervision approach largely fails to enable supervisors to provide sufficient support and guidance to postgraduate students. The study aimed to explore the conceptualisation of a cohort supervision framework as an alternative supervision approach that may improve supervision support. Following a bricolage design, a thematic analysis identified key components to consider in the conceptualisation of a cohort supervision framework in an ODeL environment. Based on the thematically identified elements, semi-structured interviews explored additional dynamics to consider in the conceptualisation process. The study is reported in four chapters. The first chapter provides a background to the study. The second chapter focuses on the use of a thematic analysis to propose a four-stage cohort supervision framework for an ODeL university. The third chapter presents information on additional dynamics to consider, based on input from key experts in the field, obtained through semi-structured interviews. The final chapter concludes the study with implications for future research. Related to an ODeL supervision environment, the main findings indicate that a structured approach is required through the key stages of the research process. Students need support to complete their research proposals, write chapters and collect and analyse data, and complete the final research product using technological tools and online engagement to overcome the temporal and geographical separation between students and supervisors. The cohort, comprising of a number of supervisors and students who engage in an online context, provide collaboration through active communities of practice to support each other continuously. This includes providing critique and feedback on work in progress and encouraging dialogism on methodological compounds. Two aspects specific to the ODeL context make the application of the proposed four-stage cohort supervision framework unique in that it can offer emotional support to overcome feelings of isolation, often associated with distance education, and technology can be used to create the infrastructure for engagement, feedback, collaboration and sharing of resources. Commitment is expected from all members of the cohort to participate in these activities. As the focus of the research was only on creating a conceptual framework for an ODeL environment, more research is required to implement, assess and revise the framework, so that cohort supervision can be used effectively as an alternative supervision approach in distance education.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die suksesvolle voltooiing van nagraadse kwalifikasies is ‘n nasionale prioriteit, aangesien Suid-Afrika ‘n nuwe generasie van navorsers benodig om nasionale groei en ontwikkeling te ondersteun. Vele onvoorbereide tersiëre studente het swak skryfvaardighede en beperkte metodologiese inhoudskennis, veral op nagraadse vlak. In ‘n elektroniese oop afstandsleeromgewing waar daar temporale, geografiese en kommunikasie afstande tussen studente en studieleiers bestaan, faal die tradisionele-vakleerlingskap-studieleiding-benadering om studieleiers te bemagtig om voldoende ondersteuning en leiding aan nagraadse studente te verskaf. Die navorsing het as doel gehad die verkenning van die konseptualisering van ‘n kohort studieleidingraamwerk as alternatiewe studieleiding-benadering, wat studieleidingondersteuning moontlik kan verbeter. Met behulp van ‘n bricolage ontwerp het ‘n tematiese analise dit moontlik gemaak om belangrike komponente te indentifiseer, om te oorweeg in die konseptualisering van ‘n kohort studieleidingraamwerk vir ‘n elektroniese oop afstandsleer universiteit. Gebaseer op die tematies-geïdentifiseerde elemente is semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude ontleed om addisionele eienskappe / veranderlikes / invloede te oorweeg in die konseptualiseringsproses. Die navorsingstudie word weergegee in vier hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk verskaf ‘n agtergrond tot die studie. Die tweede hoofstuk fokus op die gebruik van ‘n tematiese analise om ‘n kohort studieleidingraamwerk wat uit vier stadiums bestaan, vir ‘n elektroniese oop afstandsleer-omgewing voor te stel. Die derde hoofstuk bevat inligting oor addisionele eienskappe / veranderlikes / invloede om in ag te neem, gebaseer op insae van kenners in die veld, verkry deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. Die laaste hoofstuk sluit die studie af met gevolgtrekkings vir toekomstige navorsing. In die konteks van oop afstandsleerstudieleiding dui die hoofbevindinge aan dat ‘n gestruktureerde benadering gevolg moet word gedurende die verskillende stadiums van die navorsingsproses. Studente behoort ondersteun te word om hulle navorsingsvoorstelle te voltooi, hoofstukke te skryf, data te versamel en te ontleed en die finale navorsingsproduk af te rond met die gebruik van tegnologiese instrumente en aanlynbetrokkenheid, om die temporale en geografiese verwydering tussen studente en studieleiers te oorkom. Die kohort, wat bestaan uit studente en studieleiers, behooort mekaar voortdurend te Stellenbosch University ondersteun deur samewerking en aktiewe praktykgemeenskappe. Dit sluit in om opbouende kritiek en terugvoer te gee gedurende die navorsingsproses, dialogisme oor metodologiese verbindings te bevorder en om emosionele ondersteuning aan te bied om ervarings van afsondering, wat dikwels met afstandsonderrig vereenselwig word, te verminder. Tegnologie kan gebruik word om die infrastruktuur te skep vir betrokkenheid, terugvoer, samewerking en die deel van hulpbronne. Oriënteringsessies, werkswinkels, seminare, terugvoer en sosiale interaksie, hetsy aanlyn, behoort gedagboek te word, en die verbintenis van elke lid van die kohort om deel te neem aan die aktiwiteite moet verkry word. Aangesien die fokus van die navorsing alleenlik was om ‘n konseptuele raamwerk te ontwerp vir ‘n elektroniese oop afstandsleer-omgewing, word verdere navorsing benodig om die raamwerk te implementeer, assesseer en aan te pas, sodat kohort studieleiding effektief toegepas kan word as ‘n alternatiewe studieleiding-benadering in afstandsonderrig.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Graduate students -- Supervision of, Distance education -- South Africa, Internet in education -- South Africa, Cohort supervision -- South Africa, UCTD