Modelling the impact of different health care systems and dropouts on the dynamics of HIV/AIDS

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Side effects from antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) over time, present a major challenge to individuals on treatment and is a major cause of dropouts from treatment programs. The provision of treatment for the infected varies depending on their levels of affordability in many developing countries. In this thesis, we formulate a mathematical model to determine the impact of dropouts on the dynamics of HIV/AIDS which depends on different health care systems. We categorize the health care systems into two, private and public with the dropout rates being dependent on the health care system. The model’s steady states are determined and their stabilities presented in terms of the reproduction number, R0. Numerical simulations are carried out and the results suggest that the management of dropouts is significant to the dynamics and management of HIV/AIDS. The role of essential parameters is also investigated through sensitivity analysis that employs the Latin Hypercube Sampling technique. The results have implications to the management and policy designs with regards to health care systems, dropouts and disease progression.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Newe-effekte van antiretrovirale medisyne (ARV’s) met verloop van tyd, is ’n groot uitdaging vir individue wat op behandeling is en is die grootste oorsaak van die uitval van behandelingsprogramme. Die verskaffing van behandeling vir besmette wissel afhangend van hul bekostigbaarheidsvlakke in baie ontwikkelende lande. In hierdie tesis formuleer ons ’n wiskundige model om die impak van uitvalle op die dinamika van MIV / VIGS te bepaal wat afhang van verskillende gesondheidsorgstelsels. Ons kategoriseer die gesondheidsorgstelsels in twee, privaat en publiek, en die uitvalkoers is afhanklik van die gesondheidsorgstelsel. Die standvastoestande van die model word bepaal en hul stabiliteit word aangebied in terme van die reproduksienommer, R0. Numeriese simulasies word uitgevoer en die resultate dui daarop dat die bestuur van uitvalle belangrik is vir die dinamika en hantering van MIV / VIGS. Die rol van essensiele parameters word ook ondersoek deur middel van sensitiwiteitsanalise wat gebruik maak van die Latynse Hypercube Monsternemingstegniek. Die resultate het gevolge vir die bestuur en beleidsontwerpe ten opsigte van gesondheidsorgstelsels, uitvalle en progressie van siektes.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
UCTD, HIV infections -- Treatment, Antiretroviral agents -- Utilization -- Mathematical models, HIV infections -- Dropouts -- Mathematical models, HIV infections -- Management, Sensitivity theory (Mathematics), Hypercube