The effect of the acquisition of parental responsibilities and rights on the realisation of the right to parental care of children born to unmarried parents

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Section 28(1)(b) of the Constitution guarantees every child the right to parental care. It is this right that forms the basis of the research. The content of the right to parental care in South African law is considered in order to identify the persons responsible for the realisation of this right, as well as to highlight what such right entails. The thesis also considers the content of the right to parental care in terms of international law, as the international law position arguably informs South Africa’s interpretation of the right to parental care. The primary aim of this thesis is to determine whether South African civil, customary and/or Muslin personal law limit the right to parental care of children born to unmarried parents. In order to determine this, the rules regulating the acquisition of parental responsibilities and rights are considered, as it is the exercise of such responsibilities and rights that ensures that the child’s right to parental care is realised. Section 28(2) of the Constitution provides that the best interests of the child are of paramount importance in every matter concerning the child. Such matters include the child’s right to parental care and the acquisition of parental responsibilities and rights. The right to parental care must, therefore, be interpreted in light of section 28(2) of the Constitution, resulting in the child being entitled to parental care that is in his or her best interests. This thesis, therefore, further aims to determine whether the manner in which the legal systems under consideration regulate the acquisition of parental responsibilities and rights is in the best interests of children born to unmarried parents. It is argued that the failure of South African civil, customary and Muslim personal law to allow both unmarried biological parents to acquire parental responsibilities and rights automatically, limits the right to parental care of children born to unmarried parents, is not in accordance with the best interests of those children, and unfairly discriminates against such children. It is contended that both biological parents should automatically acquire parental responsibilities and rights, without qualification, and that such responsibilities and rights should only be interfered with if they are exercised in a manner which is contrary to the best interests of the child.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Artikel 28(1)(b) van die Grondwet verskans die reg van elke kind op ouerlike sorg. Hierdie reg vorm die fundamentele vraagstuk van die tesis en daar word spesifiek ondersoek ingestel na die omvang en impak van hierdie reg, asook die identifisering van die persone wat verantwoordelik is vir die verwesenliking daarvan. Hierdie tesis ondersoek ook die inhoud van die reg op ouerlike sorg ingevolge internasionale reg, omdat die internasionale regsposisie ‘n waarkynslike impak het op die interpretasie van die reg op ouerlike sorg in Suid-Afrika. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsingstuk is om te bepaal of die Suid-Afrikaanse siviele reg gewoontereg, en / of Moslem persoonlike reg ‘n beperking stel op die reg op ouerlike sorg van kinders gebore tot ongetroude ouerpare. Om dit te bepaal word die bepalings wat die verkryging van ouerlike verantwoordelikhede en regte reguleer ooweeg, spesifiek ook omdat dit die uitoefening van hierdie verantwoordelikhede en regte is wat verseker dat ‘n kind se reg op ouerlike sorg gerealiseer word, al dan nie. Artikel 28(2) van die Grondwet bepaal dat die beste belange van die kind van deurslaggwende beland is in elke aangeleentheid wat die kind raak. Hierdie bepaling vind beslis toepassing in aangeleenthede met betrekking tot die kind se reg op ouerlike sorg en die verkryging van ouerlike verantwoordelikhede en regte. Dit is duidelik dat reg op ouerlike sorg in die konteks van artikel 28(2) van die Grondwet oorweeg en geïnterpreteer moet word, en gevolglik is ‘n kind dus geregtig is op ouerlike sorg wat in sy of haar beste belang is. Hierdie tesis stel ten doel die evaluering van die huidige wyse waarop die regstelsels wat oorweeg word die verkryging van ouerlike verantwoordelikhede en regte reguleer, spesifiek ook om te bepaal of huidige wyse wel in die beste belang is van kinders gebore tot ongetroude ouerpare, al dan nie. Daar word geargumenteer dat die mislukking van Suid-Afrikaanse siviele reg, inheemsereg en / of Moslem persoonlike reg om aan beide ongetroude biologiese ouers outomaties ouerlike regte en verantwoordelikhede toe te ken die reg op ouerlike sorg van kinders gebore tot ongetroude ouerpare beperk, en dat hierdie beperking nie in die beste belang van die betrokke kind / kinders is nie. Daar word beweer dat beide biologiese ouers outomaties ouerlike verantwoordelikhede en regte behoort te verkry en dat hierdie regte en verantwoordelikhede slegs beperk moet word indien dit uitgeoefen word op ʼn wyse wat strydig is met die beste belange van die betrokke kind / kinders.
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Children -- Civil rights -- South Africa, Unmarried mothers -- Law and legislation -- South Africa, Unmarried fathers -- Law and legislation -- South Africa, Unmarried parents -- Law and legislation -- South Africa, Parent and child (Law) -- South Africa, Child care, UCTD