Besinning : verwaardiging van siekte

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the representation of the abject body in contemporary visual arts. I experience my own body as abject, through my personal experience with an all-consuming diseased body, caused by Chronic Kidney Disease. I investigate the abject body in relation to the psychological state that is created by the medical institution when dealing with chronic diseases, identity, the self and embodiment. The body and understanding of embodiment is key to our perception of being; who we think we are, and what others ascribe to us (Waskul & van der Riet, 2002). Through the creation of 'abject' objects and texture around the diseased bodies, I discovered an underlying trauma in the art expression of my work. My research method is primed by the critical theory text, Illness as Metaphor (1978) by American writer Susan Sontag. Combined with the text I investigate the work of two contemporary artists that use their bodies as subject in their photography. The selected artists are South African artist, Kathryn Smith, and Spanish photojournalist, Luna Coppola. I will analyze these visual examples by the artists mentioned above to contribute to the discussion of my art making practice. In my study, I display the abject body through the explanation of my own diseased body and present this to the viewer through installation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die voorstelling van die gesonde liggaam in kontemporêre visuele kunste. Ek ervaar my eie liggaam as ‘abject’, as gevolg van my persoonlike ervaring met 'n allesomvattende siek liggaam, wat veroorsaak word deur Kroniese Niersiekte. Ek ondersoek die ‘abject’ liggaam na aanleiding van die sielkundige toestand wat deur die mediese instelling geskep word tydens die hantering van kroniese siektes, identiteit, die self en beliggaming. Die liggaam en begrip van beliggaming is die sleutel tot ons persepsie van wees; wie ons dink ons is, en wat ander aan ons toeskryf (Waskul & van der Riet, 2002). Deur die skepping van ‘abject’ voorwerpe en teksture rondom siek liggame het ek 'n onderliggende trauma in die kunstige uitdrukking van my werk ontdek. My navorsingsmetodes is gegrond op die kritiese teoretici van, Illness as Metaphor (1978) deur die Amerikaanse skrywer, Susan Sontag en The Powers of Horror: An Essay On Abjection (1982) deur Franse skrywer, Julia Kristeva. Gekombineer met die teks, ondersoek ek die werk van twee kontemporêre kunstenaars wat hul liggame as onderwerp in hul fotografie gebruik. Die gekose kunstenaars is die Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar, Kathryn Smith, en die Spaanse fotojoernalis, Luna Coppola. Ek sal hierdie visuele voorbeelde deur die kunstenaars hierbo genoem ontleed om 'n bydrae te lewer tot die bespreking van my kunsmaakpraktyk. In my studie vertoon ek die ‘abject’ liggaam deur die verduideliking van my eie siek liggaam en stel dit aan die kyker voor deur installasie.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Abject art, UCTD, Sickness in art, Kidneys -- Diseases -- Psychological aspects, Identity