'Like a bird with the gift of reason’ : Maximus of Tyre on the freedom of Diogenes the Cynic

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Stellenbosch University, Department of Ancient Studies
In his thirty-sixth oration, Maximus of Tyre draws on Greek philosophical and literary traditions, including the myth of the Golden Age, to encourage his audience to emulate Diogenes the Cynic. While some consider Maximus a philosophical dilettante, I argue here that this oration serves, rather, as an example of a popular philosophy.
CITATION: More, J. 2019. 'Like a bird with the gift of reason’ : Maximus of Tyre on the freedom of Dogenes the Cynic. Akroterion, 64:91-105, doi:10.7445/64-0-1007.
The original publication is available at http://akroterion.journals.ac.za
Philosophy, Ancient, Cynics (Greek philosophy), Sophists (Greek philosophy), Maximus, of Tyre, active 2nd century, Diogenes, -approximately 323 B.C., Freedom, Golden Age (Mythology)
More, J. 2019. 'Like a bird with the gift of reason’ : Maximus of Tyre on the freedom of Diogenes the Cynic. Akroterion, 64:91-105, doi:10.7445/64-0-1007