Extinction risk in fluctuating and heterogeneous environments

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: We model the effects of demographic and environmental stochasticity in the logistic, Gompertz and Ricker models. We focus on factors affecting extinc- tion risk in a lone population as well as in pairs of competing populations. A thorough numerical analysis of extinction probability is given. We find that colored environmental noise causes reductions in extinction risk, and that correlation between the environmental noise experienced by two compet- ing populations increases extinction risk. The Ricker model exhibits a high rate of persistence in comparison with the logistic and Gompertz models.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Ons hoofdoelwit is om die bevolkingsdinamika in veranderlike omgewing te bestudeer. Ons beskou demografiese en omgewingsstogastisiteit in die logistieke, Gompertz- en Ricker modelle. Ons ondersoek die dinamiek van ’n enkele bevolking en kompetisie in tweebevolkings modelle. ’n Deeglike numeriese analise van uitwissing waarskynlikheide word gegee. Ons toon aan dat die Ricker-model ’n hoë tempo van voortbestaan toon in vergely- king met die logistieke en Gompertz-modelle. Ons verken ’n reeks parame- ters deur die simulasies.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Environmental stochasticity, Demographic stochasticity, Population models differential equations, Stochastic population dynamics, Ricker model, Gompertz model, Stochasticity -- Mathematical models, Extinction risk, Heterogeneous computing, Random noise theory, UCTD