Application of talent and knowledge management as tools to enhance business : a case of selected Zambian firms

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : This study is an investigation into the meaning and usefulness of the concepts of talent and talent management within the framework of knowledge management to enhance business. It comprises a conceptual analysis as well as a case study of selected Zambian companies. The main area of focus is how organisations define talent within the framework of knowledge management and how these concepts are used as initiatives to contribute to the effectiveness of staff in an organisation. Chapter One is an introduction of the concept talent management and sets out the research framework for this thesis. Chapter Two covers the literature review. It details views on talent and various schools of thought on talent management as well as the relationship between talent management and knowledge management. Chapter Three situates an overview of talent in the context of knowledge management theories and investigates how the initiatives enable the flourishing of knowledge in an organisation. Chapter Four investigates the notions of talent in a selection of large Zambian organisations with respect to their policies and practices relating to talent management. Chapter Five presents the conclusion drawn from the research literature review and the ideal notions of talent in various organisations in Zambia.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie tesis ondersoek die betekenis en bruikbaarheid van die konsepte van talent en talentbestuur bine die raamwerk van kennisbestuur. Dit behels sowel ‘n konseptuele analise as ‘n gevallestudie van geselekteerde Zambiese maatskappye. Dit gaan hoofsaaklik oor hoe organisasies talent definieer binne die konteks van kennisbestuur en hoe dit gebruik word in inisiatiewe om die doeltreffendheid van personeel se werk in organisasies the verhoog. Hoofstuk Een stel die konspe talentbestuur bekend en verduidelik die navorsingsontwerp van die tesis. Hoofstuk Twee behandel die literatuuroorsig. Dit gee besonderhede van verskillende opvattings oor talent en talentbestuur, asook oor die verhouding daartussen en kennisbestuur. Hoofstuk Drie plaas die konsep van talent binne die konteks van kennisbestuur en ondersoek hoe dit kennis in die organisasie bevorder. Hoofstuk Vier ondersoek die opvattings oor en praktyke met betrekking tot talent in ‘n aantal groot Zambiese organisasies. Hoofstuk Vyf bied konklusies van die studie.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Knowledge management -- Zambia, Talent management -- Zambia, UCTD