Zu Lernmotivationen fur Deutsch im sudafrikanischen Kontext am Beispiel einer Fallstudie : Stellenbosch

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following thesis focuses on the identification of tendencies in the motivation for learning German as a foreign language in South Africa, and the implicated power structures of these tendencies. Theories regarding the research on L2 motivation and postcolonial studies, in particular knowledge production and the discourse around decolonising the curriculum are therefore taken into account. The history and development of the subject and its curricula in South Africa are also shown. A case study is presented to support theoretical findings on the subject, which focuses on three high schools in Stellenbosch and third years and Honours students of Stellenbosch University. The results of this study have shown that the learning of German is seen as being beneficial to the future lives of its learners, unlocking career and study opportunities that would otherwise not have been possible. It has also shown that German as a European foreign language is regarded as having more practical value (value in use) than African languages spoken in South Africa. This perspective leads to the establishing of hierarchies between languages in South Africa. It is recommended that the teaching of German as a subject takes into account these power structures, in order to adjust itself in relation to the language politics in South Africa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op die blootlegging van neigings in leermotivering vir Duits in Suid-Afrika en die onderliggende magstrukture wat daardeur voortgebring word. Teorieë oor die navorsing van L2-motivering en postkoloniale studies, in besonder kennisvervaardiging en die diskoers oor die dekolonisering van die kurrikulum, word daarom in ag geneem. Die geskiedenis en ontwikkeling van die vak en sy kurrikula word ook bespreek. ʼn Gevallestudie oor die leermotiverings vir Duits aan drie skole in Stellenbosch en derdejaars en honneursstudente van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is deurgevoer om die voorgestelde teorieë daaroor te ondersteun. Die bevindings het gewys dat die leer van Duits as voordelig vir die toekoms van die leerders en studente gesien word, veral in verband met werks- en studiegeleenthede wat hulle daarsonder nie sou gehad het nie. Dit is ook vasgestel, dat Duits as ʼn Europese vreemdetaal as meer prakties aanwendbaar as Suid-Afrikaanse Afrikatale gesien word. Hierdie perspektief lei tot die verdeling van tale in ʼn hiërargie, wat noodwendige magsimplikasies het. Dit word voorgestel dat die vak Duits hierdie magstrukture in ag neem in die leerproses, om so in die raamwerk van die Suid-Afrikaanse taalpolitiek relevant te bly.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
German language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Motivations for learning German in South Africa, German teaching in Stellenbosch, UCTD