Polyunsaturated fatty acid status in individuals with poly cystic ovarian syndrome

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age and a leading cause of female infertility. PCOS patients are more susceptible to develop insulin resistance while hyperinsulinemia is known to aggravate reproductive dysfunction. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), have been shown to improve metabolic parameters. The purpose of the study was to determine whether there was a difference in PUFA status between women with PCOS who were struggling to conceive and a control group. Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional case control study including a total of 77 subjects was conducted. The study group (n = 39) was women with PCOS and infertility (> 6 months), and a control group (n = 38) was used. Independent t-tests, Levene’s test and analysis of variance were used to analyse the data. Demographic information, anthropometric parameters, medical history, supplement history, fertility history, three-day food intake records and plasma phospholipids and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) red blood cell membranes were compared between the groups. Results: Dietary intake of docosahexanoic acid (C22:6n3 DHA) (p = 0.043) and docosapentanoic acid (C22:5n3 DPA) (p = 0.029) were all significantly higher in the control group. Dietary eicosapentanoic acid (C20:5n3 EPA) did not differ significantly between the groups although a trend towards higher levels in the control group was observed (p = 0.062). Plasma phospholipid fatty acids with a significantly higher concentration in the study group were stearic acid (C18:0) (p = 0.005), elaidic acid (C18:1n9T) (p = 0.042), mead acid (C20:3n9) (p = 0.039) and C20:3n6 (p = 0.013). The plasma phospholipid omega-6:omega-3 ratio (n-6:n-3) was higher in women with PCOS (with a trend towards significance [p = 0.071]). The study group had significantly higher plasma phospholipid n-6:n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) compared to the control group when adjusted for possible confounding of PUFA supplementation (p = 0.039) and PUFA supplementation with endometriosis (p = 0.048). Plasma phospholipid omega-3 fatty acids were higher in the control group compared to the study group for DHA (p = 0.029), total n-3 PUFAs (p = 0.036) and n3-LC-PUFAs (p = 0.036). Conclusion: Significantly lower plasma phospholipid omega-3 PUFAs (p = 0.036), in particular DHA (p = 0.029), were observed in women with PCOS and infertility. Conversely, mead acid was significantly higher in this group. In addition, a higher plasma n6:n3 PUFA ratio was observed in women with PCOS (with a trend towards significance). The findings of this study demonstrate that plasma phospholipid fatty acid profiles differ between women with PCOS and infertility and controls and might provide a complementary approach to treatment of PCOS. PUFA’s could therefore potentially play a role in the management of PCOS and infertility.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Polisistiese ovariele sindroom (PSOS) is die algemeenste hormonale steuring onder vroue van voortplantingsouderdom en ’n hoofoorsaak van vroulike onvrugbaarheid. PSOS-pasiente is vatbaarder daarvoor om insulienweerstand (IR) te ontwikkel, terwyl hiperinsulinemie daarvoor bekend is dat dit reproduktiewe disfunksie vererger. Daar is al aangetoon dat poli-onversadigde vetsure (POVS’e) metaboliese parameters verbeter. Die doel van die studie was om vas te stel of die POVS-status van vroue met PSOS wat sukkel om swanger te raak en ’n kontrolegroep verskil. Metodes: ’n Kwantitatiewe, dwarsdeursnit geval-kontrolestudie is uitgevoer met ’n totaal van 77 proefpersone. Die studiegroep (n = 39) was vroue met PSOS en vrugbaarheidsprobleme (> 6 maande) en ʼn kontrolegroep (n = 38). Onafhanklike t-toetse, Levene se toets en variansie-analise (ANOVA) is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Demografiese inligting, antropometriese parameters, mediese geskiedenis, voedingaanvullingsgeskiedenis, vrugbaarheidsgeskiedenis, drie-dae-voedselrekords sowel as die essensiele vetsuur fosfolipiede(EVS’e) in plasma en rooibloedsel membrane is tussen die groepe vergelyk. Resultate: Dieetinname van dokosaheksanoesuur (C22:6n3 DHS) (p = 0.043) en dokosapentanoesuur (C22: 5n3 DPS) (p=0.029) was almal aansienlik hoer in die kontrolegroep. Dieet-eikosapentanoesuur (C20:5n3 EPA) het nie beduidend tussen die groepe verskil nie, hoewel ’n geneigdheid tot hoer vlakke in die kontrolegroep waargeneem is (p = 0.062). Die plasma fosfolipied vetsure met ’n beduidende hoer konsentrasie in die studiegroep was steariensuur (C18:0) (p = 0.005), elaidiensuur (C18:1n9T) (p = 0.042), eikosatrienoesuur (C20:3n9) en C20:3n6 (p = 0.013). Die omega-6:omega-3-verhouding in plasma fosfolipiede (n-6:n-3) was hoer by vroue met PSOS (met ’n beduidendheidstendens [p = 0.071]). Die studiegroep het aansienlik hoer plasma-n-6:n-3-langketting-poli-onversadigdevetsure (LKPOVS), vergeleke met die kontrolegroep, gehad nadat dit aangepas is vir die moontlike strengeling van EVS-aanvulling (p = 0.039) en EVS-aanvulling met endometriose (p = 0.048). Plasma fosfolipied -omega-3-vetsure was hoer in die kontrolegroep in vergelyking met die studiegroep vir DHS (p = 0.029), totale n-3-POVS (p = 0.036) en n3-LKPOVS (p = 0.036). Samevatting: Beduidend laer plasma fosfolipied -omega-3-POVS (p = 0.036), veral DHA (p = 0.029), is by vroue met PSOS en vrugbaarheidsprobleme waargeneem. Daarteenoor was eikosatrienoesuur aansienlik hoer in hierdie groep. Daarbenewens is ’n hoer plasma-n6:n3-POVS-verhouding (met ’n beduidendheidstendens) by vroue met PSOS waargeneem. Die bevindings van hierdie studie toon dat daar ʼn verskil in plasma-fosfolipiedvetsuurprofiele is tussen vroue met PSOS en vrugbaarheidsprobleme, en kontroles, en kan moontlik ’n komplementere benadering tot die behandeling van PSOS bied. EVS’e kan dus potensieel ’n rol speel in die behandeling van PSOS en onvrugbaarheid.
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Insulin resistance, Polyunsaturated fatty acids, Fertility, Essential fatty acids, UCTD