The factors influencing learner travel time to school in the metropolitan municipalities of Gauteng Province

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is to determine the factors influencing the learner travelling time to school in metropolitan municipalities within Gauteng Province. Descriptive analysis was produced. Correlation, Chi-square and logistic regression analysis were performed on the socio-demographic variables, socio-economic variables and settlement type variables to determine the factors influencing the learner travelling time to school in metropolitan municipalities of Gauteng province. A week correlation seem to exist between race, income quintile, type of school attended and level of school and mode of transport. As far as other combination of variables, correlation does not exist. Logistic regression output showed that age of a learner indicates that the probability of travelling more than 30 minutes to school, increases as age of the learner increases. Race is not one of the factors that contribute to traveling more than 30 minutes. Transport to and from school seem to be an important factor of travel time. Learners attending secondary, private and furthest school were most likely to travel more than 30 minutes to school compared to leaners attending primary schools, public and the nearest school across all metros. It is evident that learner mobility in Gauteng is faced with long travelling time regardless of mode of transport. Challenges are on socio-demographic, socio-economic level and the urban form is also contributing to longer travelling time.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om die faktore wat die reistyd na skole toe en terug van leerlinge in die metropolitaanse munisipaliteite in die provinsie van Gauteng beinvloed, te bepaal. ‘n Beskrywende analise is hiervoor aangewend. Die faktore is bepaal deur korrelasie, chi-kwadraatverdeling en logistieke regressie analises op die sosio-demografiese, sosio-ekonomiese en tipe nedersetting veranderlikes uit te voer. Dit blyk uit die bevindinge dat daar ‘n swak korrelasie tussen ras, inkomste kwintiel, tipe skool, skool vlak en transport tipes voorkom. Geen korrelasie wat betref ander moontlike kombinansies, kom voor nie. Die logistieke regressie toon dat die ouderdom van ‘n leerder ‘n goeie aanwyser van die waarskynlikheid tussen ‘n leerder en ‘n reistyd van 30 minute of langer skool toe, is d.w.s hoe ouer die kind hoe langer die reistyd skool toe. Ras is nie ‘n faktor in die bepaling van ‘n reistyd van 30 minute of langer nie. Verder blyk dit dat transport na skole toe en terug wel ‘n groot invloed op die reistyd het. In vergelyking met leerders wat primêre, publieke en skole in die nabyheid bywoon, is die waarskynlik groter dat leerders wat sekondêre, privaat en verste skole bywoon, langer as 30 minute skool toe reis. Dit is dis duidelik dat leerder mobiliteit in Gauteng kan lang reistye te wagte wees ongeag transport tipes. Die uitdaging kom dus op die sosio-demografiese sowel as die sosio-ekonomiese vlak voor maar stedelike vorm kan ook tot ‘n langer reistyd bydra.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Mobility, Student, Urban population movement, Municipal government -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Travel time (Traffic engineering), Transportation -- Psychological aspects, Chi-square test, Logistic regression analysis, Economics -- Sociological aspects, Demography -- Statistical methods, Student mobility, Academic mobility, Students -- Travel, UCTD