Binary interactions between Candida albicans and microorganisms associated with the human body, under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The yeast Candida albicans forms part of the microbiota of healthy human individuals and colonises many body sites, including the skin and gut. This opportunistic fungus can, however, cause candidiasis in immunocompromised individuals and can interact with other potential pathogens. Since such interactions are still largely unexplored, the first aim of this study was to prepare anaerobic bacteria/ yeast co-cultures with a quarter-strength brain heart infusion (¼ BHI; 9.25 g/l) broth to investigate binary interactions between C. albicans and potentially pathogenic representatives of the gut-associated bacterial genus Bacteroides, i.e. Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343 and Bacteroides vulgatus ATCC 8482. Compared to growth in monocultures, yeast growth was largely unaffected by the presence of B. fragilis or B. vulgatus. In contrast, growth of both bacteria was enhanced in the presence of C. albicans. Supplementation of Bacteroides monocultures with dead Candida albicans CAB 392 cells, containing intact outer cell wall mannan layers, resulted in increased bacterial concentrations. Culturing of Bacteroides in a liquid minimal medium supplemented with candidal mannan demonstrated that B. vulgatus ATCC 8482, unlike B. fragilis NCTC 9343, utilised the mannan. Furthermore, by reducing initial oxygen levels in monocultures prepared with ¼ BHI broth by supplementation with L-cysteine hydrochloride, bacterial numbers were higher compared to in monocultures prepared with ¼ BHI broth not supplemented with the reducing agent. Suggesting that C. albicans stimulated Bacteroides growth via aerobic respiration and/or antioxidant production. Bacterial growth-promoting metabolite(s) was likely secreted by Candida, since the cell-free supernatant (spent medium) of 24-h-old C. albicans CAB 392 monocultures promoted Bacteroides growth in monocultures. Since C. albicans also colonises the skin of human individuals, the second aim of this study was to investigate binary interactions between C. albicans CAB 392 and a representative of a skin-colonising yeast, Malassezia pachydermatis CAB 820. Enumerating C. albicans CAB 392 and M. pachydermatis CAB 820, after incubation in a liquid artificial sweat medium under different pH and nutrient conditions, revealed that yeast concentrations in monocultures did not differ from yeast concentrations in co-cultures. However, in co-cultures prepared with artificial sweat medium supplemented with 0.05 g/l yeast extract, M. pachydermatis CAB 820 was outcompeted by C. albicans CAB 392 after 24 h of incubation. Additionally, C. albicans CAB 392 numbers were greater when grown in the spent medium of 9-h-old M. pachydermatis CAB 820 monocultures, prepared with the sweat medium supplemented with 0.05 g/l yeast extract, compared to in freshly prepared supplemented sweat medium. Therefore, while this Malassezia species may secrete Candida growth-promoting factor(s), a potential competitive interaction can exist between C. albicans and M. pachydermatis in the presence of certain nutrient levels or types. It was concluded that environmental conditions govern binary interactions between representatives of C. albicans and Bacteroides or Malassezia. Furthermore, it was observed that the interactions of C. albicans and Bacteroides were species- and strain-specific. Since the planktonic phase of bacterial and yeast cells was studied in liquid cultures, future studies should investigate interactions between C. albicans and Bacteroides or M. pachydermatis in dual-species biofilms.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gis Candida albicans vorm deel van die mikrobiota van gesonde menslike individue en koloniseer verskeie liggaamsdele insluitend die vel en spysverteringskanaal. Hierdie opportunistiese fungus kan kandidiase veroorsaak in individue met verswakte immuunsisteme en kan interaksies hê met ander potensiële patogene. Aangesien sulke interaksies hoofsaaklik onverken is, was die eerste doel van hierdie studie om anaërobiese bakterieë/ gis medekulture voor te berei met ‘n kwart konsentraat brein hart infusie (¼ BHI; 9.25 g/l) vloeistofmedium om binêre interaksies tussen C. albicans en potensiële patogeniese verteenwoordigers van die spysverteringskanaal bakteriële genus Bacteroides, naamlik Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343 en Bacteroides vulgatus ATCC 8482, te ondersoek. In vergelyking met groei in monokulture was gisgroei meestal ongeaffekteerd in die teenwoordigheid van B. fragilis of B. vulgatus. In teenstelling, groei van beide bakterieë was meer in die teenwoordigheid van C. albicans. Die byvoeging van dooie Candida albicans CAB 392 selle met volledige buite selwand mannaan lae tot Bacteroides monokulture het gelei tot verhoogde bakteriële konsentrasies. Kultivering van Bacteroides in ‘n minimale vloeistofmedium waarby Candida mannaan gevoeg was, het aangedui dat B. vulgatus ATCC 8482 (en nie B. fragilis NCTC 9343 nie) die mannaan benut. Deur L-sisteïen hidrochloried by monokulture te voeg wat voorberei was met ¼ BHI vloeistofmedium om die oorspronklike suursfofvlakke te verminder, was bakteriële getalle hoër as in monokulture wat voorberei was met ¼ BHI vloeistofmedium sonder ‘n reduseermiddel. Dit stel voor dat C. albicans Bacteroides groei bevorder deur aërobiese respirasie en/of antioksidant produksie. Candida skei waarskynlik ook ‘n metaboliet(e) af wat bakteriële groei bevorder omdat die selvrye bostand van 24-h-oue C. albicans CAB 392 monokulture Bacteroides groei in monokulture gestimuleer het. Aangesien C. albicans ook die vel van menslike individue koloniseer was die tweede doel van hierdie studie om binêre interaksies tussen C. albicans CAB 392 en ‘n verteenwoordigende vel koloniserende gis, Malassezia pachydermatis CAB 820, te ondersoek. Na inkubasie van C. albicans CAB 392 en M. pachydermatis CAB 820 in ‘n kunsmatige sweet vloeistofmedium onder verskillende pH en nutriëntkondisies was gis konsentrasies in monokulture nie verskillend van gis konsentrasies in medekulture nie. In medekulture wat voorberei was met kunsmatige sweet medium en 0.05 g/l gisekstrak was M. pachydermatis CAB 820 egter uitgekompeteer deur C. albicans CAB 392 na 24 h van inkubasie. Benewens was C. albicans CAB 392 getalle hoër in die selvrye bostand van 9-h-oue M. pachydermatis CAB 820 monokulture wat voorberei was met die sweet medium en 0.05 g/l gisekstrak in vergelyking met getalle in vars voorbereide sweet medium met gisekstrak. Al skei hierdie Malassezia spesie dalk faktore af wat Candida groei bevorder, bestaan ‘n potensiële kompeterende interaksie tussen C. albicans en M. pachydermatis in die teenwoordigheid van sekere nutriëntvlakke of tipes. In gevolgtrekking, omgewingstoestande beïnvloed binêre interaksies tussen verteenwoordigers van C. albicans en Bacteroides of Malassezia. Die interaksies tussen C. albicans en Bacteroides was afhanklik van die spesie en stam. Aangesien die planktoniese fases van bakteriële en gis selle bestudeer was in vloeistof kulture moet toekomstige studies die interaksies tussen C. albicans en Bacteroides of M. pachydermatis in dubbele-spesies biofilms ondersoek.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.