Phytophthora cinnamomi quantification techniques, root phosphite concentrations and their response to phosphonate application in avocado

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Phytophthora root rot (PRR) is a very destructive soil-borne disease of avocado caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi (Pc) Rands. The disease can be effectively managed using phosphonate fungicides, which breaks down to phosphite anions in plants. Limited information is available on the effect of phosphite on Pc root quantities. Most studies have investigated the suppression of Pc in stems and stem phosphite concentrations in native Australian plant species. This is due to difficulties in quantifying Pc from roots. Phosphate (analogue of phosphite) is an important macronutrient in plants, of which the concentrations might be negatively influenced by phosphite. Knowledge on in planta phosphate concentrations is required, since in vitro it has been reported that phosphate has the potential to negatively influence the toxicity of phosphite against Phytophthora spp. The current study developed a Pc-avocado seedling bioassay system, which was used to identify three effective Pc root quantification methods. The two best quantification techniques were Root-baiting-plating (assesses asexual reproduction from roots) and Root- plating (assesses growth in roots) analyses, where lemon leaf disk baits obtained from root baitings, or roots, were respectively plated onto a semi-selective medium. The third quantification method involved qPCR amplification of Pc from root DNA extracts (Root-qPCR). A fourth technique, which amplified Pc from lemon leaf disk baits obtained from root baitings, was deemed ineffective. The efficacy of the quantification methods was determined based on their ability to differentiation between roots inoculated with a range of zoospore concentrations, Pc quantity correlations with zoospore concentrations, the variability in the quantification data and the presence of false negatives. The Pc-avocado seedling bioassay system was also used to show that phosphite inhibited asexual reproduction of Pc from roots (Root-baiting-plating analysis), but not growth in roots (Root-plating and Root-qPCR) in two avocado seedling rootstocks (Hall and Booth 6). Modeling of the percentage control versus root phosphite concentrations using the Booth 6 Root-baiting-plating data yielded an EC90 value of 48.50 μg/gFresh Weight. For the Hall rootstock, no model could be fitted to the data. Root-plating analysis showed that Pc growth was not suppressed (< 10% control) by phosphite, whereas Root-qPCR analysis yielded highly variable levels of control (-943% to 100%). The latter was unrelated, and not significantly correlated with root phosphite concentrations. The study showed that under orchard conditions, just following phosphonate applications, Pc growth in roots and asexual reproduction were significantly reduced relative to the control by all treatments to a similar level. This was irrespective of root phosphite concentrations differing significantly between treatments, and over the course of the season. At the end of the trial, Pc growth and asexual reproduction was differentially suppressed; a treatment that yielded the lowest root phosphite concentrations resulted in a significant reduction in the asexual reproduction of Pc relative to the untreated control, whereas the growth of Pc in roots was not suppressed. A high yielding root phosphite phosphonate treatment yielded the opposite result. In avocado orchard trials, highly significant positive correlations were identified between root phosphite concentrations and root phosphate concentrations. Furthermore, root phosphate concentrations fluctuated over the course of the season (5 to 21 mMFW). This study increased our knowledge on and identified three quantification methods that can be used for investigating the extent of Pc growth and asexual reproduction in avocado roots. A fourth method will require further optimization. The quantification methods are also useful for investigating the effect of phosphite towards Pc in roots under glasshouse and orchard conditions. Further research is required to evaluate why certain treatments resulted in a differential suppression in Pc growth and asexual reproduction in roots. The root phosphate quantities established in the study can be used for assessing the in vitro toxicity of phosphite against Pc.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Phytophthora wortelverrotting (PWV) word veroorsaak deur Phytophthora cinnamomi (Pc) Rands en is ‘n baie vernietigende grondgedraagde siekte op avokadopeer. Hierdie siekte kan effektief bestuur word deur fosfiet swamdoders, wat fosfietanione in plante afbreek. Min inligting is beskikbaar oor die effek van fosfaat op Pc se wortelhoeveelhede. Die meerderheid studies het die onderdrukking van Pc in stamme en stamfosfietkonsentrasies in inheemse Australiese plantspesies ondersoek. Dit is as gevolg van die stryd om Pc te kwantifiseer vanaf wortels. Fosfaat (analoog van fosfiet) is 'n belangrike makronutriënt in plante, waarvan die konsentrasies negatief deur fosiet beïnvloed kan word. Kennis oor fosfaatkonsentrasies in in planta studies word vereis, aangesien in vitro studies rapporteer dat fosfaat die potensiaal het om die toksiese effek van fosfiet teen Phytophthora spp. te beïnvloed. Die huidige studie het ‘n Pc-avokadopeer saaling biotoets-stelsel ontwikkel om drie effektiewe Pc wortel kwantifieringstegnieke te identifiseer. Die twee beste kwantifiseringstegnieke was wortel-lokaas-uitplating (assesseer ongeslagtelike voortplanting vanaf wortels) en wortel-uitplating (assesseer die groei in wortels). Onderskeidelik was skyfies suurlemoenblare verkry vanaf die wortel-lokaas eksperiment en wortels vanaf die wortel eksperiment en uitgeplaat op 'n semi- selektiewe medium. Die derde kwantifiseringstegniek het qPKR-amplifikasie van Pc vanaf wortel-DNA (Root-qPKR) behels. Die vierde tegniek, was onsuksesvol en het gepoog om Pc te amplifiseer vanaf die suurlemoenblaarskyfies. Die doeltreffendheid van die kwantifiseringstegniek was bepaal eerstens op grond van hul vermoë om te onderskei tussen wortels wat geinokuleer is met verskillende konsentrasies soëspore, tweedens die korrelasie van Pc-hoeveelheid en soëspoorkonsentrasies, derdens die veranderlikheid tussen die kwantifiseringsdata en laastens die teenwoordigheid van vals negatiewes. Die Pc-avokadopeer saailing biotoets-stelsel was ook gebruik om te wys dat fosfiet die ongeslagtelike voortplanting van Pc vanaf wortels inhibeer (wortel-lokaas-uitplatings-analise), maar nie die groei in wortels inhibeer nie (wortel-uitplating en wortel-qPKR) vir twee avokado- saailinge onderstamme ( Hall en Booth 6). Modellering van die persentasie beheer teenoor wortel fosfietkonsentrasies met gebruik van die “Booth 6 Root-baiting-plating” data, het 'n EC90 waarde van 48.50 μg / gvarsgewig opgelewer. Vir die “Hall” onderstam, kon geen model aangebring word op hierdie data nie. Wortel-uitplating analise het getoon dat Pc-groei nie onderdruk word (<10% beheer) deur fosfiet nie, terwyl wortel-qPKR-analise hoë veranderlike beheervlakke (-943% tot 100%) getoon het. Laasgenoemde was nie verwant nie, en was ook nie beduidend gekorreleer met die wortelfosietkonsentrasies nie. Hierdie studie het gewys dat onder boordtoestande die groei van Pc in wortels asook ongeslagtelike voorplanting beduidend verminder na die behandeling van fosfonaat teenoor die kontrole vir alle behandelings teen ‘n soortgelyke vlak. Die resultaat was ongeag van die wortelfosietkonsentrasies wat beduidend verskil het tussen die behandelings asook deur die loop van die seisoen. Aan die einde van die eksperiment was die groei van Pc en ongeslagtelike voortplanting verskillend onderdruk. Die behandeling wat die laagste fosfietkonsentrasie gelewer het, het gelei tot ‘n beduidende vermindering in ongeslagtelike voorsplanting van Pc relatief tot die onbehandelde kontrole maar die groei van Pc in wortels is nie onderdruk nie. ‘n Hoë opbrengs wortelfosfiet-fosfonaat behandeling het gelei tot die teenoorgestelde effek. In avokadopeer-boordproewe was daar ‘n hoë beduidende positiewe korrelasie gevind tussen wortelfosfietkonsentrasies en wortelfosfaatkonsentrasies. Verder die wortelfosfaatkonsentrasies fluksueer deur die loop van die seisoen (5 to 21 mMFW). Hierdie studie het ons kennis verbreed asook drie kwantifikasietegnieke geïdentifiseer, wat gebruik kan word om die omvang van Pc groei en ongeslagtelike voorplanting in adovokadopeerwortels te ondersoek.’n Vierde tegniek vereis verdere optimiseering. Die kwantifiseeringstegnieke kan ook gebruik word om die effek van fosfiet teenoor Pc in wortels te toets onder glashuis- asook boordkondisies. Verdere navorsing is nodig om te evalueer hoekom sekere behandelings gelei het tot beduidende onderdrukking van Pc groei asook ongeslagtelike voorplanting in wortels. Die wortelfosfonaat hoeveelhede wat gebruik is in hierdie studie kan gebruik word om die in vitro toksisiteit van fosfiet teen Pc te evalueer.
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Phytophthora cinnamomi, Phosphonates -- Environmental aspects, Phosphate, Avocado -- Diseases and pests, Soil microbiology, UCTD