Exploring dentistry teachers' perceptions and understanding of the teaching and assessment of the HPCSA core competencies in an undergraduate dentistry curriculum

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: In response to global calls for the transformation of health professional education (Frenk et al., 2010; World Health Organisation, 2011), Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) has emerged as a useful educational approach for equipping health professional graduates to meet the changing healthcare needs of the communities they serve. The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) adopted the Canadian Medical Education Directions for Specialists (CanMEDS) competency framework (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, n.d.) in 2014, and contextually adapted it for undergraduate health professional education in South Africa (Medical and Dental Professions Board of the Health Professions Council of South Africa, 2014). Health Professions Education Institutions in South Africa are now required to incorporate the HPCSA core competencies into their curricula (Van Heerden, 2013). Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) has responded to this call and is currently reviewing curricula for all the undergraduate dental degree programmes (dentistry, oral hygiene and dental therapy) that are offered at the university. At present, undergraduate dental students at SMU are provided with a copy of the HPCSA core competencies document at the beginning of their studies. It is, however, not clear how the teachers in the undergraduate dental programmes at SMU understand and experience the teaching and assessment of the HPCSA core competencies. It is important that teachers are skilled to teach and assess the HPCSA core competencies in order to ensure that the competencies are effectively acquired by the graduates. This study utilised a qualitative methodology within an interpretivist paradigm to explore dentistry teachers’ perceptions and understanding of the teaching and assessment of the HPCSA core competencies in undergraduate dentistry training programmes at SMU. Purposive sampling was employed to select a study sample of 10 participants. Sampling criteria included dentistry and educational qualifications, teaching experience, and being full- time teachers in the undergraduate dentistry programme at SMU within both the clinical and classroom contexts. Qualitative data were generated by means of face-to-face, semi-structured individual interviews, conducted by the researcher. Interviews were audio-recorded with the consent of the participants. Audio recordings were coded and thematically analysed by the researcher, guided by Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six phases of thematic analysis. The findings of this study indicate that participants had varying perceptions and understandings of the teaching and assessment of the HPCSA core competencies within the study context, and brought to the fore the various barriers and enablers teachers experienced in teaching and assessing these competencies. This study highlighted the need for faculty development programmes focused on empowering dentistry teachers with the knowledge and skills to teach and assess all seven of the HPCSA core competencies, in order to adequately equip dentistry graduates to meet the healthcare needs of the patients and communities they will be serving.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In reaksie op wereldwye oproepe vir die transformasie van gesondheidsberoepe (Frenk et al., 2010; Wereldgesondheidsorganisasie, 2011), het Bevoegdheidsgebaseerde Mediese Onderrig (BGME) bekend geraak as ʼn nuttige opvoedkundige benadering om professionele gegradueerdes toe te rus om in die veranderende gesondheidsorgbehoeftes van die gemeenskappe wat hulle bedien te voorsien. Die Suid-Afrika Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe (HPCSA) het in 2014 die vaardigheidsraamwerk van die Kanadese Mediese Opvoedingsaanwysings vir Spesialiste (CanMEDS) (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, n.d) aangeneem en kontekstueel aangepas vir voorgraadse gesondheidsberoepe in Suid-Afrika (Mediese Tandheelkunde- en Beroepsraad van die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe, 2014). Onderwysinstellings vir gesondheidsberoepe in Suid-Afrika moet nou die HPCSA se kernbevoegdhede by hul kurrikulums inwerk (Van Heerden, 2013). Sefako Makgatho Universiteit (SMU) het hierop gereageer en hersien tans kurrikulums vir al die voorgraadse tandheelkundige graadprogramme (tandheelkunde, mondhigiene en tandheelkundige terapie) wat by die universiteit aangebied word. Tans word voorgraadse tandheelkundige studente aan SMU van ʼn afskrif van die HPCSA kernbevoegdhede dokument voorsien. Dit is egter nie duidelik hoe die lektore, in die voorgraadse tandheelkundige programme aan SMU, die onderrig en assessering van die kernbevoegdhede van die HPCSA verstaan en ervaar nie. Dit is belangrik dat lektore vaardig moet wees in die onderrig en assessering van die HPCSA kernbevoegdhede, ten einde te verseker dat die vaardighede effektief deur die gegradueerdes aangeleer word. Hierdie studie het ʼn kwalitatiewe metodologie, binne ʼn interpretatiewe paradigma, gebruik om lektore se persepsies en begrip van die onderrig en assessering van die HPCSA kernbevoegdhede in voorgraadse tandheelkundige opleidingsprogramme by SMU te verken. Doelgerigte steekproewe is gebruik om 10 deelnemers te kies. Steekproefkriteria sluit in tandheelkunde en opvoedkundige kwalifikasies, onderrigervaring, en voltydse lektore in die voorgraadse tandheelkundeprogram aan SMU, binne beide kliniese en klaskamer-konteks. Kwalitatiewe data is gegenereer deur middel van semigestruktureerde, indiwiduele onderhoude wat van aangesig-tot-aangesig deur die navorser uitgevoer is. Onderhoude is digitaal opgeneem met die toestemming van die deelnemers. Oudio-opnames is gekodeer en tematies ontleed deur die navorser, gelei deur Braun en Clarke (2006) se ses fases van tematiese analise. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het getoon dat deelnemers verskeie persepsies en begrip gehad het rakende die onderrig en assessering van die kernbevoegdhede van die HPCSA binne die studiekonteks, en het die verskillende struikelblokke en ondersteuningsfaktore geidentifiseer wat lektore ondervind het om hierdie vaardighede te onderrig en te assesseer. Hierdie studie het die behoefte uitgelig aan fakulteitsontwikkelingsprogramme wat daarop fokus om tandheelkunde-onderwysers te bemagtig met die kennis en vaardighede om al sewe van die HPCSA kernkomponente te onderrig, ten einde tandheelkundige gegradueerdes voldoende toe te rus om te voorsien in die gesondheidsorgbehoeftes van die pasiente en gemeenskappe wat hulle sal dien.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Dentistry -- Study and teaching, Dentistry -- Vocational guidance, College teachers -- Attitudes, UCTD