Retail decentralisation in Paarl : evaluating economic and social impacts of Paarl Mall

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As retailers increasingly relocate their places of businesses towards the edges of cities, malls are becoming a prominent form of shopping in many cities across the globe. However, this phenomenon has had a substantial effect on town centres and local economies. This is attributed to the large efflux of people from the centre of towns towards the edges of cities. Retail decentralisation tends to have other consequences as well such as increased dependency on private vehicle transport given the peripheral locations of shopping malls. Retail decentralisation has meant that Central Business Districts had to start competing with decentralised shopping malls as evident throughout many cities across the globe. The decline of business activity in CBDs in some instances have resulted in a lack of employment opportunities and an overall decrease in town income. Limited access for people who are less privileged and who don’t have private motor transport at their disposal also contributes to criticisms of decentralised shopping locations. These negative impacts are visible in many cities in South Africa. This study’s focus is on the town of Paarl located in the Western Cape. Specifically, the study aimed to investigate the impact of Paarl Mall on the local economy as well as on socio-economic conditions of people living in Paarl. The study used Gross Value Added data of comparable towns in the Western Cape, as well as age, income and employment levels to determine how the economic and socio-economic conditions in Paarl have changed since the establishment of the mall. Interviews with store managers and assistants at Paarl Mall and in the CBD were conducted in order to gain insight into the perceptions regarding the impact of the Paarl Mall on the CBD. The empirical findings revealed an improvement of income levels and employment between 2001 and 2011, as well as overall positive perceptions of the Paarl Mall. GVA has also shown an improvement.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Soos winkelsentrums alhoemeer hul besighede na die buitewyke van stede verskuif, word winkelsentrums ʼn prominente vorm van inkopies regoor die wêreld. Hierdie verskynsel het egter 'n wesenlike uitwerking op stad sentrums en plaaslike ekonomieë gehad. Dit word toegeskryf aan die groot uitstroming van mense vanaf die middestad na die kante van stede. Kleinhandel desentralisasie het ook ander gevolge, soos verhoogde afhanklikheid aan privaat voertuig vervoer, gegewe die perifere ligging van winkelsentrums. Kleinhandeldesentralisasie het daartoe gelei dat sentrale sakegebiede met gedesentraliseerde winkelsentrums moes begin meeding, soos blyk uit baie stede regoor die wêreld. Die afname in bedryfsaktiwiteite in SSKs het in sommige gevalle die gevolg gehad dat daar nie genoeg werksgeleenthede is nie en 'n algehele afname in die stad se inkomste ook was. Beperkte toegang vir mense wat minder bevoorreg is en die wat nie privaat motorvervoer tot hul beskikking het nie, dra ook by tot kritiek op gedesentraliseerde inkopiesentrums. Hierdie negatiewe impakte is in baie stede in Suid-Afrika sigbaar. Hierdie studie is gefokus op die dorp van Paarl in die WesKaap. Spesifiek was die studie daarop gemik om die impak van Paarl Mall op die plaaslike ekonomie, sowel as op sosio-ekonomiese toestande van mense in die Paarl te ondersoek. Die studie het Bruto Toegevoegde Waarde van vergelykbare dorpe in die Wes-Kaap, sowel as ouderdom, inkomste en indiensnemings vlakke gebruik om te bepaal hoe die ekonomiese en sosio-ekonomiese toestande in die Paarl verander het sedert die stigting van die winkelsentrum. Onderhoude met winkelbestuurders en assistente by Paarl Mall en in die SSK is uitgevoer om insig te verkry van die persepsies rakende die impak van die Paarl Mall op die SSK. Die empiriese bevindinge het 'n verbetering van inkomste vlakke en indiensneming tussen 2001 en 2011 getoon, sowel as algehele positiewe persepsies van die Paarl Mall. Die Bruto Toegevoegde Waarde het ook ʼn verbetering vertoon.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Retail industry -- South Africa -- Paarl, Central business districts -- South Africa -- Paarl, Retail trade -- South Africa -- Paarl, UCTD, Shopping malls -- South Africa -- Paarl, Urban economies -- South Africa, Cities and towns -- Growth -- South Africa, Paarl (South Africa) -- Economic conditions