Self-assessment of hand hygiene compliance by health professionals in neonatal intensive care unit in Saudi Arabia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Background: Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) pose a significant threat to patients’ safety and have proven to be the leading cause of infant mortality and morbidity which contributes to a tremendous burden in healthcare organizations. However, these infections may be preventable through hand hygiene (HH) since most outbreaks of infections in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) are closely related to lack of hand hygiene compliance culture among Healthcare workers. Methods: The researcher conducted a descriptive quantitative, cross sectional study on self-assessment of hand hygiene compliance by health professionals in a tertiary-level, neonatal intensive-care unit in Saudi Arabia. A self-administrative questionnaire was used in this study in order to gain in-depth information about hand hygiene compliance among 172 Health professionals (HPs) working in NICU. This was the total population therefore no sampling was done. All HPs working in NICU were requested to voluntarily to take part in the study. The researcher obtained a consent for conducting the study through Health Research Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University and from the Institutional Review Board of the organisation. Results: The theory of planned behaviour was used as a lens for analysis in this study. The findings indicated that there was an identified deficit perceived in self-assessment of HPs working in NICU about their non-compliance to hand hygiene as a method to reduce HAIs. The attitude and perceptions of hand hygiene practices influenced the outcomes of hand hygiene practices. It is therefore suggested that there should be increased awareness about the importance of hand hygiene in reducing HAIs among patients in NICU and to increase patients’ safety. Conclusion: There should be continuous reinforcement of hand hygiene compliance culture to all HPs in NICU so as to reduce infant mortality and morbidity and to enhance patients’ safety. There should be zero tolerance for not adhering to recommendations of five moments of hand hygiene and principles that enhance hand hygiene compliance culture. Since deviation from the recommended practice may result in a compromised patient safety position. Healthcare organisations should implement a periodic review of guidelines related to hand hygiene compliance culture and should introduce innovative methods that may enhance hand hygiene compliance by all HPs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Gesondheidsorgverwante infeksies (HAI's) vorm 'n groot beduidende bedreiging vir die pasiënt se veiligheid en het bewys dat dit die belangrikste oorsaak is wat lei tot die sterftes en morbiditeit van die kind. Dit lei tot groot las vir gesondheidsorg organisasies. Dit kan egter voorkom word deur handhigiëne (HH) sedert die meeste uitbrake van infeksies in Neonatale Intensiewe Sorg Eenhede (NICU's) nou verband hou met die gebrek aan handhigiëne-nakomingskultuur onder Gesondheidsorg. Metodes: Die navorser het 'n beskrywende studie gedoen oor die selfevaluering van handhigiëne-nakoming deur gesondheidspersoneel in 'n neonatale intensiewe sorgeenheid in Saoedi-Arabië. 'N Kwantitatiewe benadering is aangewend. 'N Self-administratiewe vraelys is in hierdie studie gebruik om in-diepte inligting oor handhigiëne-nakoming onder gesondheidswerkers (HP's) in NICU te verkry. Alle HP's wat in NICU gewerk het, is genooi om aan die studie deel te neem. Die navorser het toestemming gekry om die studie uit die Gesondheidsnavorsingsetiekkomitee van die Universiteit Stellenbosch en van die Institusionele Hersieningsraad van die organisasie te doen. Resultate: Navorsingsbevindings het aangedui dat daar 'n tekort is wat in die selfevaluering van HP's waargeneem word, geïdentifiseer word in die NICU oor hul nie-nakoming van higiëne as 'n metode om HAI's te verminder. Daar word derhalwe voorgestel dat bewustheid oor die belangrikheid van handhigiëne in die vermindering van HAI's onder pasiënte in NICU verhoog word ten einde die veiligheid van pasiënte te verhoog. Gevolgtrekking: Daar moet deurlopend versterk word van die handhigiëne-nakomingskultuur aan alle HP's in NICU om die sterftes en morbiditeit van die baba te verminder en om die veiligheid van pasiënte te verbeter. Daar moet zero tolerance wees vir die nakoming van die se aanbevelings van vyf oomblikke van handhigiëne en beginsels wat handhigiëne-nakomingskultuur verbeter. Aangesien afwyking van die aanbevole praktyk kan lei tot die veiligheidsposisie van 'n gekompromitteerde pasiënt. Gesondheidsorgorganisasies moet periodieke hersiening van riglyne wat verband hou met handhigiëne-nakomingskultuur, implementeer en innoverende metodes bekendstel wat handhigiëne-nakoming deur al die HP's kan verbeter.
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Hand hygiene, UCTD, Neonatal infections -- Prevention, Infection -- Prevention, Hand washing -- Compliance, Neonatal intensive care, Medical personnel -- Health and hygiene -- Saudi Arabia