An analysis of trust amongst customers of independent community pharmacies

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : “Trust is the glue of life. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – Stephen Covey Healthcare involves an element of uncertainty and risk for the vulnerable individual who is reliant on the competence and intentions of the healthcare provider. Therefore, trust in community pharmacies is particularly important since customers may easily question whether a pharmacy's intention is to grab their money or to enhance their health and well-being. This study analysed trust amongst customers of independent community pharmacies by investigating the influence of five employee-related dimensions on three types of customer trust. Based on a comprehensive review of the literature, the five identified employee-related dimensions include; perceived expertise, likeability, familiarity, communication skills and customer-orientation. Also, customer trust was conceptualised as encompassing three different types, namely, affective trust, cognitive trust and contractual trust. Three models were evaluated in the context of independent community pharmacies through findings from a survey which was personally administered to 299 respondents. Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis was conducted to examine the quantitative data collected specifically amongst customers of Essential Health Pharmacy Group across eight pharmacies in both rural and urban areas. The five employee-related dimensions differently impact the respective types of trust. However, the key findings indicate that customers‟ perception of employees' expertise and communication skills most significantly influence overall customer trust. An interesting finding indicated that familiarity does not have a significant impact on cognitive trust. Overall, employee-related factors play a significant role in affecting customer trust. Moreover, specific factors can be managed to such an extent that it will contribute to overall customer trust. Finally, this study contributes to marketing literature, specifically in the fields of relationship and services marketing, through the theoretical and managerial implications of these findings.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : “Trust is the glue of life. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – Stephen Covey Gesondheidsdienste behels 'n element van onsekerheid en risiko vir die kwesbare individu wie staatmaak op die deskundigheid en voorneme van die gesondheidsdienste-verskaffer. Dus, is vertroue in gemeenskapsapteke in die besonder belangrik, aangesien verbruikers maklik kan bevraagteken of 'n apteek se voorneme hoofsaaklik gefokus is op die bevordering van verkope, of op die bevordering van die verbruiker se gesondheid en welsyn. Hierdie studie het vertroue onder verbruikers van onafhanklike gemeenskapsapteke analiseer deur die invloed van vyf personeel-verwante dimensies op drie tipes vertroue te ondersoek. Vanuit 'n omvattende literatuurstudie, sluit die vyf personeelverwante dimensies die volgende waargenome veranderlikes in: deskundigheid, aangenaamheid, bekendheid, kommunikasievaardighede, en verbruiker-oriëntasie. Verder, was vertroue gekonseptualiseer as 'n multi-dimensionele konstruk wat drie verskillende tipes vertroue behels, naamlik, affektiewe, kognitiewe en kontraktuele vertroue. Drie modelle is geëvalueer in die konteks van onafhanklike gemeenskapsapteke deur die bevindinge van 'n opname onder 299 respondente. Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) tesame met Partial Least Squares (PLS) analise is uitgevoer om die kwantitatiewe data wat ingevorder is onder verbruikers van die Essential Health Apteekgroep regoor agt apteke in beide stedelike en plattelandse gebiede, te ondersoek. Die vyf geïdentifiseerde personeel-verwante dimensies affekteer die verskeie tipes vertroue op verskillende wyses. Alhoewel, die kern bevindinge dui daarop dat waargenome deskundigheid en kommunikasievaardighede die sterkste invloed op algehele vertoue het. 'n Interessante bevinding het daarop gedui dat waargenome bekendheid nie 'n kenmerkende impak op kognitiewe vertroue het nie. In geheel speel personeel-verwante dimensies 'n kenmerkende rol daarin om verbruikers se vertroue te beïnvloed. Verder, spesifieke dimensies kan bestuur word in so 'n mate dat dit tot algehele vertroue kan bydra. Uiteindelik bied hierdie studie 'n bespreking van die teoretiese en praktiese implikasies van hierdie bevindinge vir verhoudingsbemarking strategieë.
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Pharmacist and patient, Trust -- Social aspects, Patient satisfaction, Community pharmacies, UCTD