Perceptions of globalisation : how high school learners perceive and express their understanding of globalisation

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As an art educator, my role is to assist learners to assign a deeper meaning to art. Learners need to be guided to connect with art on a greater than superficial level based on the obvious aesthetic. Learners need to understand that art connects them with the world they inhabit and where they, as a generation, are headed. This has been the focus of my approach: to guide them towards an understanding that there is a difference between form and context. My challenge is to instil knowledge and understanding of the potential of art to reveal more about the world in relation to others and where one stands within this context; to reveal an interconnectedness between the self and the world. This attempt was met with ambivalence, disinterest and, in certain cases, resistance on the part of the high school learners. The theoretical perspectives of Theodor W. Adorno regarding conceptions of reified consciousness were used to inform the research. The research focused on how high school learners perceive globalisation, how those perceptions are expressed, what those expressions reveal about high school learners’ attitudes towards globalisation and to what extent attitudes expressed by high school learners may be interpreted according to the theoretical perspectives of Adorno as reified consciousness. This case study was used in conjunction with non-probability sampling and qualitative data-collection techniques. The sample comprised high school learners at a private school in the Helderberg region of the Cape Town Metropole. Inductive content analysis was used to make sense of the collected data. The study revealed that perceptions and attitudes towards globalisation of high school learners do indeed exhibit traits of reified consciousness. This was indicated by the learners’ general lack of interest in broader socio-cultural contexts and through displays of lack of empathy towards others, a certain level of desensitisation towards violence and a limited level of autonomy. Implications based on the findings and conclusions of this study indicate that reified consciousness poses a significant barrier to critical citizenship education. As an educator this poses certain challenges for me, such as how to approach related topics and ensuring that I do not potentially alienate learners further or, unintentionally, reinforce resistive attitudes.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: My rol as ʼn kunsopvoeder is om leerders te help om ʼn dieper betekenis aan kuns te heg. Leerders moet gelei word om ʼn band met kuns te vorm op ʼn groter vlak as die oppervlakkige wat gegrond is op die vanselfsprekende estetiek. Leerders moet verstaan dat kuns hulle verbind met die wêreld waarin hulle woon, en waarheen hulle as geslag op pad is. Hierdie was die fokus van my benadering: om hulle te begelei om te verstaan dat daar ʼn verskil tussen vorm en konteks is. My uitdaging is om kennis en begrip te skep van kuns se potensiaal om meer oor die wêreld in verhouding tot ander te openbaar en waar mens binne hierdie konteks staan; om ʼn onderlinge verbondenheid tussen die self en die wêreld te openbaar. Hierdie poging is met teenstrydigheid, belangeloosheid en, in sekere gevalle, weerstand deur die hoërskoolleerders ontvang. Die teoretiese perspektiewe van Theodor W. Adorno rakende konsepte van gereïfiseerde bewussyn het die navorsing gerig. Die navorsing het gefokus op hoërskoolleerders se persepsie van globalisering, hoe daardie persepsies uitgedruk word, wat daardie uitdrukkings oor hoërskoolleerders se houdings teenoor globalisering openbaar en in watter mate houdings wat deur hoërskoolleerders uitgedruk word volgens die teoretiese perspektiewe van Adorno as gereïfiseerde bewussyn geïnterpreteer kan word. Niewaarskynlikheidsteekproefneming en kwalitatiewe data-insamelingstegnieke is in hierdie gevallestudie gebruik. Die steekproef was hoërskoolleerders by ʼn privaat skool in die Helderberg-streek van die Kaapstadse Metropool. Induktiewe inhoudsontleding is gebruik om sin van die ingesamelde data te maak. Die studie het aan die lig gebring dat hoërskoolleerders se persepsies van en houdings teenoor globalisering inderdaad eienskappe van gereïfiseerde bewussyn toon. Dit is aangedui deur die leerders se algemene gebrek aan belangstelling in breër sosio-kulturele kontekste en gebrek aan empatie teenoor ander, ʼn sekere vlak van desensitisering teenoor geweld en ʼn beperkte vlak van outonomie. Implikasies gegrond op die bevindings en gevolgtrekkings van hierdie studie dui daarop dat gereïfiseerde bewussyn ʼn beduidende versperring tot kritiese burgerskapsopvoeding inhou. As opvoeder stel dit vir my sekere uitdagings, soos hoe om verwante onderwerpe te benader en te verseker dat ek nie die leerders moontlik verder vervreem nie of, onopsetlik, weerstandbiedende houdings versterk nie.
Thesis (MA(VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969 -- Criticism and interpretation, Globalisation -- Study and teaching (Secondary), Reification, Learners' perception of globalisation, UCTD