'n Ondersoek na die rolbelewenis van Afrikaanse joernaliste wat oor politiek verslag doen by Netwerk24, Maroela Media, eNuus en KykNET Verslag

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is the media’s responsibility to inform citizens about issues that affect them. Thanks to political journalists assuming a classic “watchdog” role incidents of corruption, abuse of power and state capture in South Africa are increasingly being exposed. However, the relationship between the media and government, a relationship that has led to ongoing debate, can impact this kind of reporting – especially in the case of the Afrikaans mainstream news media. This study investigates the current state of political reporting in Afrikaans by identifying how Afrikaans journalists describe their role in society and how they regard their relationship with the government, as well as their responsibilities towards their audiences. In order to investigate the role perceptions of Afrikaans journalists, the researcher relied on the combination of three normative ethical theories of the press: Social responsibility theory, libertarian theory and the developmental theory. A qualitative research design was applied in order to determine to what extent Afrikaans journalists apply each of these ethical frameworks in their reporting. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with journalists from four Afrikaans mainstream media institutions – Netwerk24, Maroela Media, eNuus and KykNET Verslag. The data was analysed by means of thematic analysis. The findings show that Afrikaans political journalists assume that they have a social responsibility but give preference to the so-called watchdog role by monitoring government and exposing corruption, especially among politicians. However, the participants do not experience the role as exclusive, as they also regard the well-being of society in their reporting, and thus, to a lesser extent, also regard themselves as developmental journalists. By investigating journalists’ personal impressions and experiences, the study emphasises the importance of journalists’ own role perception, and sheds light on the Afrikaans media landscape.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die media is verantwoordelik daarvoor om gewone landsburgers in te lig oor kwessies wat hulle raak. Dit is danksy politieke joernaliste wat die rol van die sogenaamde “waghond” inneem dat voorvalle van korrupsie, magsmisbruik en staatskaping in Suid-Afrika toenemend blootgelê word. Die verhouding tussen die media en die regering, ʼn verhouding wat al dekades lank tot hewige debat lei, kan egter dié soort verslaggewing beïnvloed – veral in die geval van die Afrikaanse hoofstroomnuusmedia. Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na die huidige stand van politieke verslaggewing in Afrikaans deur vas te stel hoe Afrikaanse joernaliste self hul rol binne die samelewing beskryf en hoe hierdie joernaliste hul verhouding met die regering sowel as hul verantwoordelikhede teenoor hul gehore beskou. Ten einde die rolbelewenis van Afrikaanse joernaliste te ondersoek, het die navorser staatgemaak op die kombinasie van drie normatiewe etiese teorieë: sosialeverantwoordelikheidsteorie, libertynse teorie en die ontwikkelingsteorie. Die studie is uitgevoer deur middel van ʼn kwalitatiewe veldnavorsingsontwerp ten einde vas te stel tot hoe ʼn mate Afrikaanse joernaliste elkeen van hierdie etiese raamwerke tydens hul verslaggewing toepas. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met joernaliste van vier Afrikaanse hoofstroommedia-instellings – Netwerk24, Maroela Media, eNuus en KykNET Verslag – gevoer. Die data is deur middel van tematiese analise ontleed. Daardeur is bevind dat Afrikaanse politieke joernaliste aanvaar dat hulle ʼn sosiale verantwoordelikheid het, maar voorkeur gee aan die sogenaamde waghondrol, deur die werklikhede van wat in die land aangaan, bloot te lê – veral korrupsie onder politici. Die deelnemers beleef egter nie die rol as eksklusief nie, aangesien hulle ook die welstand van die samelewing in ag neem in hul verslaggewing, en dus ook, tot ʼn mindere mate, hulself as ontwikkelingsjoernaliste beskou. Deur joernaliste se persoonlike indrukke en ervaringe te ondersoek, beklemtoon die studie die belangrikheid van joernaliste se eie rolpersepsie, en werp die studie lig op die Afrikaanse medialandskap.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Communication in politics, Political participation, Journalism -- Social aspects -- South Africa, Social media -- Political aspects -- South Africa, Mass media -- Political aspects -- South Africa, UCTD