The effects of selective laser melting scan strategies on deviation of hybrid parts

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of additive manufacturing to produce intricate part geometries in the aerospace, medical, and tool-and-die industries is increasingly incorporated in manufacturing process chains. However, the high costs, long production times, and material integrity issues associated with additive manufacturing technologies such as selective laser melting make the process suitable only for certain applications. In order to reduce selective laser melting production costs for selected parts, a combination of selective laser melting and milling can be used. Metal parts produced with this method are referred to as hybrid parts. A challenge in producing hybrid parts is to reduce the geometrical deviation due to process-induced warping. This paper discusses the effects of various laser scan strategies on the deviation of hybrid parts. A newly developed scan strategy is experimentally compared with its commercial counterpart with regard to as-built part warping and porosity. The novel strategy resulted in a significant reduction in warping and porosity.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die benutting van toevoegingsvervaardiging vir die produksie van komplekse onderdeel geometrieë in die lugvaart, mediese, en werktuig industrieë word toenemend geïnkorporeer in vervaardigingsproseskettings. Gepaardgaande hoë kostes, lang produksietye, en materiaal integriteitstekortkominge met toevoegingsvervaardiging tegnologieë soos selektiewe laser smelting veroorsaak dat die proses slegs uitvoerbaar is vir sekere toepassings. Ten einde selektiewe laser smelting produksiekoste te verminder vir geselekteerde onderdele, kan ’n kombinasie van selektiewe laser smelting en freesmasjinering geïmplementeer word. Metaal onderdele wat met so kombinasie geproduseer word, word na verwys as hibried onderdele. ’n Uitdaging in die vervaardiging van hibried onderdele is om geometriese afwyking deur skeeftrekking wat deur die proses veroorsaak word, te verminder. Hierdie artikel bespreek die effekte van verskeie laser skandeer strategieë op die afwyking van hibried onderdele. ’n Nuut ontwikkelde skandeer strategie is eksperimenteel vergelyk met ’n kommersiële eweknie met betrekking tot skeeftrekking en porositeit. Die skeeftrekking en porositeit van die nuut uitgevonde strategie is beduidend laer.
CITATION: Hagedorn-Hansen, D., et al. 2017. The effects of selective laser melting scan strategies on deviation of hybrid parts. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 28(3):200-212, doi:10.7166/28-3-1862.
The original publication is available at
Laser scan, Additives -- Production engineering, Manufacturing processes, Laser arc welding
Hagedorn-Hansen, D., et al. 2017. The effects of selective laser melting scan strategies on deviation of hybrid parts. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 28(3):200-212, doi:10.7166/28-3-1862