Quality of life of persons with complete traumatic spinal cord injuries in Gaborone and surrounding areas: a qualitative enquiry

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: for persons surviving traumatic spinal cord injury, community reintegration is a multi-faceted challenge. While researchers here and there have explored the daily struggles and the lived experiences of discharged patients in different environments, more insights were needed in the given context. The purpose of this study was to describe the individual experiences and quality of life of persons with traumatic spinal cord injury, after discharge from centre-based rehabilitation and returning to their homes in and around Gaborone, Botswana. The objectives were to explore (1) the persons’ individual experiences since returning home; (2) barriers and facilitators to participation in their homes and communities and (3) the persons’ individual coping strategies Method: A qualitative, phenomenological study design was applied. A pilot study was implemented to resolve practical and logistical challenges. Data were collected through home-based interviews and observations with a convenience sample of four participants, after discharge from the national rehabilitation centre following traumatic spinal cord injury. Thematic content analysis was applied to the transcriptions of the participants’ responses; these were coded, grouped into categories and then into themes. Findings: Six main themes covered: the impact of the spinal cord injury; access barriers; diverse experiences of government recognition and support; financial and insurance issues; family support and community responses; and individual coping strategies. Conclusion: In the given context, there is a need for more, and deeper, direct engagement with, and decisive responses to, the needs and contributions of persons with spinal cord injury who have been discharged and who are endeavouring to re-integrate into their homes and communities. Implications and practical recommendations were identified for specific stakeholder groups.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: vir mense wat ʼn rugmurgbesering oorleef het, is herintegrasie in hul gemeenskap ʼn besonder komplekse uitdaging in die rehabilitasie proses. Terwyl etlike navorsers plaaslik en elders die geleefde ervarings van pasiënte wat ontslaan is in verskeie kontekste ondersoek het, was meer spesifieke insigte nodig in die gegewe konteks, in Botswana. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die geleefde ervarings van mense met traumatiese rugmurg beserings na hul ontslag uit ʼn rehabilitasie sentrum en hul terugkeer na hul tuistes in en om Gaborone in Botswana, te beskryf. Die spesifieke doelwitte was om die volgende te verken: (1) die persone se individuele ervarings sedert hul ontslag en tuiskoms na hul rugmurg besering; (2) hindernisse en fasiliteerders van deelname in hul wonings en gemeenskappe en (3) die persoon se individuele hanteringstrategieë. Metode: ʼn Kwalitatiewe, fenomenologiese studie ontwerp is toegepas. Data is versamel deur middel van tuisgebaseerde onderhoude en waarnemings met ʼn gerieflikheidsteekproef van vier deelnemers, wat almal vanuit die nasionale rehabilitasie sentrum ontslaan is na ʼn traumatiese rugmurgbesering. ʼn Loodsstudie is eers gedoen om enige praktiese of logistieke uitdagings op te los. ʼn Tematiese inhoudsanalise is op die data transkripsies gedoen; gekodeer en in kategorieë gesorteer wat tot die temas bygedra het. Bevindinge: Ses hooftemas het die volgende aangedui: die impak van die rugmurgbesering; hindernisse ten opsigte van toeganklikheid; verskeie ervarings van erkenning en ondersteuning; finansiële en versekerings kwessies; familie ondersteuning en reaksies van die gemeenskap; en hanterings strategieë (insluitend persoonlike geloof, selfaanvaarding, harde werk en toewyding. Gevolgtrekkings: Daar is ʼn behoefte aan meer, en dieper direkte betrokkenheid by die behoeftes en bydraes van mense met rugmurgbeserings wat ontslaan is en poog om te herintegreer in hulle gemeenskappe. Implikasies en praktiese voorstelle is geïdentifiseer vir spesifieke groepe belanghebbendes.
Thesis (MHumanRehabSt)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Spinal cord -- Wounds and injuries -- Gaborone (Botswana), Spinal cord -- Wounds and injuries -- Patients -- Rehabilitation, Community reintegration, Patient participation -- Gaborone (Botswana), UCTD