Perspectives on musical strategies of settlement and migration: four case studies from the Western Cape, South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current dissertation investigates discursive perspectives on settlement and migration as they apply to musical practice and production, through the presentation of four disparate South African case studies. The first chapter of the thesis explores theoretical issues of settlement and migration relevant to the case studies presented in the subsequent chapters. In the following chapter, I provide a reading of the work A South African Symphony (1927) by English-born composer William Henry Bell (1873- 1946) in conjunction with aspects of settler colonial discourse. In Chapter Three, I turn to the music archive of the Genadendal Mission Museum, which I consider in terms of its long-standing history in the Western Cape as a missionary settlement, and draw inferences about its musical practices from the archive. In Chapter Four, the music of Latozi Mpahleni (‘Madosini’) (b. 1943-) is considered in terms of Madosini’s movement from the rural Eastern Cape to the urban Western Cape. In the Western Cape, Madosini makes a living as a performer of an exoticized ‘pre-colonial’ and ‘indigenous’ practice. Madosini can perhaps be viewed as a migrant in this context; however, the chapter suggests ways in which her art can be viewed as a form of settlement. In Chapter Five the research focuses on the liturgical musical practices of a Nigerian Catholic Community in Stellenbosch. Here I explore music made at these gatherings as metonymic to the sounds of ‘home’. The purpose of this study is not to produce a historically chronological account of settlement and migration in relation to music, but rather to explore these intersections as portals into the ‘undomesticated’ content and discursive problematics of settlement and migration as they relate to musical production.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek aan die hand van vier verskillende Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudies diskursiewe perspektiewe van volksplanting en migrasie soos dié impakteer op musiekpraktyk en –produksie. Die eerste hoofstuk speur teoretiese aspekte van volksplanting en migrasie na wat relevant is tot die gevallestudies wat in die daaropvolgende hoofstukke aangebied word. In Hoofstuk Twee word die komposisie A South African Symphony (1927) deur die komponis William Henry Bell (1873 – 1946) (gebore in Engeland) bespreek binne ‘n konteks van koloniale setlaarsdiskoers. Die argief van die Genandendal Sendingstasie Museum is die onderwerp van Hoofstuk Drie; ek beskou die Museum binne ‘n konteks van die gebou se lang geskiedenis in die Weskaap as sendeling vestiging, en maak gevolgtrekkings rondom musiekpraktyke eie aan die sendingstasie soos voorgestel deur argiefnavorsing. Hoofstuk Vier fokus op die musiek van Latozi Mpahleni (‘Madosini’) (geb. 1943), en haar verskuiwing vanaf die landelike Ooskaap provinsie na die stedelike Weskaap. Madosini maak haar bestaan in die Weskaap as uitvoerder van pre-koloniale en inheemse musiek, wat as eksoties binne die stedelike konteks ervaar word. Madosini sou as migrerende persoon benader kon word; hierdie hoofstuk ondersoek egter die moontlikheid om haar kuns as ‘n vorm van setlaarskap te interpreteer. Die laaste gevallestudie val binne die raamwerk van die etnografiese hedetyd, en fokus op die liturgiese musiekpraktyke van ‘n Nigeriese Katolieke gemeenskap in Stellenbosch. Hier word die musiek wat tydens ontmoetings van hierdie gemeenskap gemaak word ondersoek as metonimies vir verklankinge van ‘tuiste’. Die doel van hierdie studie is nie om ‘n chronologiese, historiese verslag rondom volksplanting of setlaarskap en migrasie in verband te bring met musiek nie, maar eerder om die diskursiewe problematiek van setlaarskap en migrasie te ondersoek soos dit vergestalt word binne musiekproduksie.
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Settlement -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Settler colonialism -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Migration -- South Africa --, Music -- History and criticism, Emigration and immigration -- Songs and music -- History and criticism, UCTD