Conceptual design of trough collector torque-tubes based on the SENERTrough - 2.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Parabolic Trough Collectors (PTCs) incorporate different structural designs, namely: space frame designs, torque-box designs and torque-tube designs. Of the latter, one of the most critical components within these PTCs is the torque-tube. The torque-tube forms the backbone of the collectors in parabolic trough plants and is the main structural part to ensure an accurate and rigid collector design. To provide more cost-effective solutions, different torque-tube concepts were proposed and evaluated, as the torque-tube consumes a major part of the costs associated with a PTC. These concepts were based on the SENERTrough-2 (SNT2®) torque-tube and were designed with the aim to reduce the design-to-cost actuation of said torque-tube. The SNT-2 has a good design-to-cost actuation and SENER group is continuously striving to reduce the cost of this collector and make the technology more commercially attractive. Two torque-tube concepts were created, each exploring a different manufacturing process and/or different material selection. Concept 1 utilized a stamping and rolling process to create pre-galvanized tube shells that will be assembled on-site, whereas concept 2 explored the use of weathering steel as material consideration. Both concepts were designed within a South African context to reduce costs related with the infrastructure, industry, etc. of South Africa and utilized new transportation schemes. The concepts were evaluated on a technical level, to determine their technical feasibility; a performance level, to determine the effect of the new torque-tube on the collector performance; and an economic level, to determine the perceived cost savings with regards to the torque-tubes weighed against the current SNT-2 torque-tube. Finite Element (FE) program, Patran, and a ray tracing program were used as the analysis tools of the concepts. Concept 1 proved to be an unfeasible torque-tube concept as the collector, due to the torque-tube, could not withstand the maximum wind loading the collectors were subjected to. Furthermore, the concept failed in attaining the 20 % cost reduction goal, displaying a cost increase of approximately 0.6 %. The performance of the collector also diminished greatly, presenting an Intercept Factor (IF) decrease of 4.22 % compared to the original SNT-2. Concept 2 proved to be successful in reducing costs, whilst retaining a proved and accurate design. The torque-tube yielded preliminary cost savings of approximately 21 %. Subjected to the worst-case loading scenario the torque-tube did not yield or exhibit high stress concentrations, indicating that concept 2 was technically feasible. The performance of the collector was slightly reduced than that of the SNT-2, however the reduction in costs still make this concept an attractive alternative to continue to a final design and prototype phase. Subjected to the boundary conditions pertaining to a South African context, concept 2, with material selection of weathering steel, presented itself as the most feasible and applicable torque-tube development design to optimize the cost effectiveness of the torque-tube.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Paraboliese Trogversamelaars (PT) bevat verskillende struktuurontwerpe, naamlik: raamwerk-ontwerpe, wringkrag-boksontwerpe en wringkragbuisontwerpe. Die laasgenoemde is een van die mees kritieke komponente binne hierdie PT’s die wringkragbuis. Die wringkragbuis vorm die ruggraat van die versamelaars in paraboliese trog sonvelde en is die belangrikste struktuurdeel om 'n akkurate en rigiede kollektorontwerp te verseker. Om meer koste-effektiewe oplossings te bied, was verskillende wringkragkonsepte voorgestel en geëvalueer, aangesien die wringkragbuis 'n groot deel van die koste verbonde aan 'n PTC opneem. Hierdie konsepte is gebaseer op die SENERTrough-2 (SNT-2®) wringkragbuis en is ontwerp om die ontwerp-totkoste-bewerking van dié wringkragbuis te verminder. Die SNT-2 het ʼn goeie ontwerp-tot-koste-bedrywighede en SENER-groep streef voortdurend om die koste van hierdie versamelaar te verminder en die tegnologie meer kommersieel aantreklik te maak. Twee konsepte, gebaseer of die SNT-2 wringkragbuis, was geskep, elkeen wat 'n ander vervaardigingsproses en/of verskillende materiaalkeuse ondersoek. Konsep 1 het 'n stempel-en rolproses gebruik om voorafverzinkte buishalwes te vervaardig wat op die perseel gemonteer sal word, terwyl konsep 2 die gebruik van verwerende staal as materiaalkeuse ondersoek. Beide konsepte is binne 'n SuidAfrikaanse konteks ontwerp om koste wat verband hou met die infrastruktuur, nywerheid, ens. van Suid-Afrika te verminder en maak gebruik van nuwe vervoerskemas. Die konsepte is op 'n tegniese vlak geëvalueer om hul tegniese haalbaarheid te bepaal; op 'n prestasievlak, om die effek van die nuwe wringkragbuis op die versamelaarprestasie te bepaal; en 'n ekonomiese vlak om die waargenome kostebesparings met betrekking tot die wringkrag-buise te bepaal, geweeg teen die Stellenbosch University v huidige SNT-2 wringkragbuis. Die Eindige Element (EE)-program, Patran, en 'n straalopsporingsprogram is gebruik as die analise-instrumente van die konsepte. Konsep 1 was 'n onbereikbare wringkragbuis-konsep, aangesien die versamelaar weens die wringkragbuis nie die maksimum windlading waaraan die versamelaars onderworpe was, kon weerstaan nie. Verder het die konsep misluk om die 20 % - kosteverminderingsdoel te bereik en toon 'n kostestyging van ongeveer 0.6 %. Die vertoning van die versamelaar het ook aansienlik verminder en het afname in Afsnit Faktor (AF) van 4.22 % vertoon in vergelyking met die oorspronklike SNT-2. Konsep 2 alhoewel, was suksesvol om koste te verminder, terwyl 'n bewysde en akkurate ontwerp behou was. Die wringkragbuis het voorlopige kostebesparings van ongeveer 21 % opgelewer. Onderworpe aan die slegste geval lading scenario het die wringkragbuis nie geswig of hoë spanningskonsentrasies vertoon nie, wat aandui dat konspet 2 tegnies haalbaar is. Die vertoning van die versamelaar is effens verminder as dié van die SNT-2, maar die verlaging in koste maak hierdie konsep steeds 'n aantreklike alternatief om voort te gaan na 'n finale ontwerp- en prototipe fase. Onderworpe aan die randvoorwaardes wat verband hou met 'n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, het konsep 2, met materiaalkeuse van verwerende staal, homself voorgestel as die mees haalbare en toepaslike wringkrag-ontwikkelingsontwerp om die koste-effektiwiteit van die wringkragbuis te optimeer.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.