An exploration of road-transport collaboration between private transport providers and humanitarian organisations through strategic CSI : A case-based approach

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : A growing concern among humanitarian relief organisations globally is that the high cost of transportation is hindering their ability to, not only, effectively meet beneficiary needs, but also to expand the reach and impact of their operations. In South Africa, humanitarian organisations provide the bulk of services that address social challenges in the country. Therefore, should the efficiency and longevity of humanitarian organisations be threatened due to high transport costs, it would have a ripple effect on socio economic development in the country. Most humanitarian logistics research in the area of saving transport costs sets its focus on saving costs through fleet management in humanitarian organisations. Owing to this, there is a gap in research regarding transport cost saving initiatives in humanitarian organisations that outsource their transport to private transport providers. Corporate social investment (CSI) is an existing platform by which free transport could be supplied by transport providers to these humanitarian organisations through a collaboration. If transport collaboration as such is initiated through strategic CSI, on the other hand, both parties would earn maximum benefits through the initiative. Although a potentially feasible alternative, transport collaboration with private transport providers through strategic CSI has not yet been explored from a research perspective. Hence, this thesis takes the form of an exploratory multiple case study on transport collaboration between private transport providers and humanitarian organisations through strategic CSI. The research approach adopted in this study included eight qualitative semi-structured interviews with participants from four different humanitarian organisation-transport provider collaborations. In addition to the interviews and the collection of data from online sources and organisational documentation, an in-depth literature review was executed to contextualise the phenomena of transport collaboration and strategic CSI. The contribution of the study is threefold. Firstly, it validates transport collaboration as a feasible means to save transport costs in humanitarian organisations. Secondly, it confirms the possibility of transport collaboration as a form of strategic CSI. Thirdly, it reveals the composition of transport collaboration in the form of a transport collaboration framework. The framework suggests that there are three types of transport collaboration compositions: complex, cooperative and strategic. Developed alongside the transport collaboration framework is the “three-sphere analysis tool”. The tool facilitates the analysis and measurement of transport collaborations to reveal their unique composition. Ultimately, the application of the framework could better inform the establishment of strategic transport collaborations, thereby motivating an increase in transport collaborations as strategic CSI, whilst also enhancing the longevity and benefit of transport collaborations. Overall, strengthening transport collaboration as a form of CSI holds the potential for humanitarian organisations to sustain transport cost savings over the long term. Considering that this study is the first to explore the topic of transport collaboration through strategic CSI, it leaves much opportunity for future research.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : ‘n Groeiende kommer onder humanitêre hulpverleningsorganisasies oor die wêreld heen is dat die hoë koste van vervoer dié organisasies se vermoë belemmer om nie net in die behoeftes van hul begunstigdes te voorsien nie, maar ook om die omvang en die impak van hul projekte te vergroot. Humanitêre organisasies in Suid-Afrika verskaf die meerderheid dienste wat sosiale probleme in die land verlig. Indien die doeltreffendheid en langlewendheid van humanitêre organisasies dus deur hoë vervoerkoste bedreig sou word, sal dit verreikende gevolge hê vir sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling in die land. Meeste navorsing in die veld van humanitêre logistiek rondom die besparing van vervoerkoste fokus op besparing deur vlootbestuur in dié organisasies. As gevolg hiervan is daar dus ‘n leemte in die navorsing rondom kostbesparingsinisiatiewe in humanitêre organisasies wat hul vervoerfunksies uitkontrakteer aan privaat vervoerverskaffers. Korporatiewe sosiale investering (KSI) is ’n platform wat reeds bestaan waar vervoerverskaffers deur middel van samewerkingsooreenkomste, gratis vervoer verskaf aan hierdie humanitêre organisasies. Indien vervoer geïnisieer word deur middel van hierdie strategiese KSI, sal beide partye die maksimum voordeel daaruit put. Alhoewel dit moontlik ’n haalbare alternatief kan wees, is daar nog geen navorsing gedoen rondom samewerking met privaat vervoerverskaffers as deel van strategiese KSI nie. Hierdie tesis neem dus die vorm aan van verkennende navorsing deur veelvuldige gevallestudies van samewerking tussen privaat vervoerverskaffers en humanitêre organisasies deur middel van strategiese KSI. Die benadering het agt kwalitatiewe semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude behels met deelnemers van vier verskillende humanitêre organisasie-privaat vervoerverskaffer pare. Bykomend tot die onderhoude en data-invordering vanaf aanlynbronne en dokumente van die oganisasies, is ’n in-diepte literatuuroorsig ook onderneem om konteks te verleen aan die fenomeen van samewerking rondom vervoer en strategiese KSI. Die bydrae van hierdie studie is drieledig. Eerstens, bekragtig dit vervoersamewerking as ’n haalbare moontlikheid om vervoerkostes van humanitêre organisasies te bespaar. Tweedens, bevestig dit die moontlikheid van vervoersamewerking as ’n vorm van strategiese KSI. Derdens, dui dit op die samestelling van vervoersamewerking in die vorm van ’n raamwerk vir vervoersamewerking. Hierdie raamwerk stel voor dat daar drie tipes vervoersamewerking is: kompleks, samewerkend en strategies. Saam met die raamwerk is die “drie-sfere analise hulpmiddel” ook ontwikkel. Hierdie hulpmiddel fasiliteer die ontleding en meting van vervoersamewerking om hul eie unieke samestelling uit te lig. Die toepassing van hierdie raamwerk kan uiteindelik leiding verskaf tot beter vestiging van vervoersamewerkings. Gevolglik behoort dit te lei tot ’n verhoging in vervoesamewerking as strategiese KSI en ook die bevordering van die langslewendheid en voordeligheid van vervoersamewerkings. Die versterking van vervoersamewerking as ’n vorm van KSI hou die moontlikheid vir humanitêre organisasies om oor die lang termyn vervoerkostes te bespaar. Siende dat hierdie studie die eerste van sy soort is om vervoersamewerking te verken deur middel van strategiese KSI, laat dit ruimte vir verdere toekomstige navorsing.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Humanitarianism -- Business management, Transportation -- Business management -- Economic aspects, Strategic alliances (Business), Corporate social investment, Social responsibility of business, UCTD