A transtextual approach to lexicographic functions

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Bureau of the WAT
The development of theoretical lexicography clearly indicates a movement towards a more general recognition of the role of lexicographic functions. A consistent application of lexicographic functions has a major influence on the contents of dictionary articles but also on the data distribution and even the typological classification. In the discussion of lexicographic functions, the emphasis has primarily been on the central list of dictionaries. This article proposes an approach where outer texts are also selected and compiled in order to make an active contribution to achieving the lexicographic functions of a given dictionary. A distinction is made between function-adhering and non-function-adhering outer texts. The function-adhering outer texts can further be divided into integrated and non-integrated function-adhering outer texts. With reference to the data distribution programme of a dictionary, it is suggested that in the planning of every dictionary, provision should be made for a function allocation programme. This will ensure that the identified functions of a given dictionary will be realised in both the central list and the outer texts.
CITATION: Gouws, R. H. 2007. A transtextual approach to lexicographic functions. Lexikos, 17:77-87, doi:10.5788/17-0-1165.
The original publication is available at http://lexikos.journals.ac.za
Gouws, R. H. 2007. A transtextual approach to lexicographic functions. Lexikos, 17:77-87, doi:10.5788/17-0-1165.