The effect of dietary protein on reproduction in the mare. IV. Serum progestagen, FSH, LH and melatonin concentrations during the anovulatory, transitional and ovulatory periods in the non-pregnant mare

Van Niekerk F.E.
Van Niekerk C.H.
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The effect of total protein intake and protein quality on the serum concentrations of certain reproductive hormones during the anovulatory, transitional and ovulatory periods were studied in 36 Anglo-Arab mares. High-quality protein stimulated FSH and LH production during the late transitional period. Serum progestagen and melatonin concentrations were unaffected by the quality of protein nutrition during the anovulatory period. Mares receiving high-quality protein exhibited a 10-14-day cyclical pattern of FSH release approximately 4-6 weeks earlier than the mares fed the lower-quality protein diet, and also ovula ted 3-4 weeks earlier than the mares on the lower-quality protein diet. Progesterone concentrations during the 1st oestrous cycle after the anovulatory period were unaffected by protein quality in the diet.
follitropin, gestagen, luteinizing hormone, melatonin, analysis of variance, animal, animal food, anovulation, article, blood, estrus, female, horse, ovulation, physiology, protein intake, reproduction, season, Analysis of Variance, Animal Feed, Animals, Anovulation, Dietary Proteins, Estrus, Female, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Horses, Luteinizing Hormone, Melatonin, Ovulation, Progestins, Reproduction, Seasons
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association