The quest for realism : an assessment of D.C. Maguire's ethical model as a resource in hermeneutical pastoral care and counselling towards moral decision-making for adolescents in the midst of the HIV and AIDS epidemic in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The reality of the HIV and Aids epidemic in South Africa has entered into the lives of all South Africans in such a way that all people are either infected or affected by this epidemic. The age-old aphorism “Prevention is better than cure” is also true for the HIV and AIDS epidemic and can be seen as one of the primary strategies in the fight against HIV and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. A lot of work has been done by different organisations both public and private to prevent further infections from taking place. Although there are a number of different strategies in place to help prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS, this epidemic is in essence a behavioural disease. By definition then, it can be prevented through changing behaviour. However, this is easier said than done. To change behaviour it is necessary to change thought processes and basic moral decision-making processes of individuals who are at risk of being infected with HIV and AIDS. In Sub-Saharan Africa the reality is that adolescents between the ages of 15-24 are at the highest risk of being infected because of a number of different factors often causing promiscuous and risky sexual behaviour. Even though incidence rates are decreasing as current statistics show, new infections are still occurring, especially amongst young people. A single, prescriptive approach, specifically when working with adolescents, is not feasible. In light of the above, this research study explores the moral decision-making model of DC Maguire as a possible approach to empower pastoral caregivers in hermeneutical pastoral care towards guiding adolescents in a quest for realism in terms of their sexuality and sexual activities. By looking at the current context of HIV and Aids in South Africa, as well as the reality of adolescent sexuality, this study suggests that an approach to moral decision-making like Maguire’s can empower pastoral caregivers to guide adolescents comfortably and confidently in the search for meaning-making when they are challenged with difficult decisions regarding their sexual activities in the light of the HIV and Aids epidemic in South Africa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die MIV en Vigs epidemie in Suid-Afrika raak die lewens van alle Suid-Afrikaners op so ‘nmanier dat elkeen óf daardeur geïnfekteer óf geaffekteer word. Die primêre strategie vir die afgelope aantal dekades is om infeksie te voorkom. Grootskaalse werk is alreeds gedoen deur verskeie publieke- en privaatorganisasies om voorkoming te bewerkstellig. Alhoewel daar veelvuldige strategieë in plek is juis om te voorkom dat verdere infeksies plaasvind, gebeur infektering steeds aangesien MIV en Vigs grootliks ‘n gedragsiekte is. Per definisie kan die epidemie dus bekamp word deur gedrag te verander. Dit is egter makliker gesê as gedaan. Om gedrag te verander, moet denkprosesse en morele besluitnemingsprosesse van individue wat die grootste risiko loop om geïnfekteer te word, ook verander word. Jongmense tussen die ouderdomme van 15-24 in Sub-Sahara Afrika is tans die groep wat die grootste risiko loop om geïnfekteer te word as gevolg van ‘n magdom faktore wat lei tot promiskuïteit en gevaarlike seksuele gedrag. Alhoewel huidige statistieke toon dat die voorkomsyfers van nuwe MIV-infeksies afneem, vind daar steeds nuwe infeksies plaas, veral onder jongmense. ‘n Enkele, voorskriftelike benadering tot die voorkoming van nuwe infeksies is nie haalbaar nie, veral nie wanneer ‘n mens met jongmense werk nie. In die lig hiervan ondersoek hierdie navorsingstudie die morele besluitnemingsmodel van DC Maguire as ‘n moontlike benadering om pastorale versorgers te bemagtig in hermeneutiese pastorale sorg om jongmense te begelei in die soektog na realisme in terme van hulle seksualiteit en seksuele aktiwiteite. Deur eerstens te kyk na die huidige konteks van MIV en Vigs in Suid-Afrika, asook die realiteit van adolessente se seksualiteit, stel die studie voor dat ‘n benadering soos dié een van Maguire pastorale werkers kan help om adolesente met vrymoedigheid en selfvertroue te begelei wanneer hulle gekonfronteer word met moeilike morele besluite in terme van hulle seksuele aktiwiteite in die lig van die MIV en Vigs epidemie in Suid-Afrika.
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
AIDS (Disease) -- Religious aspects -- Christianity, AIDS (Disease) -- South Africa, Pastoral care, Church work with the sick, Pastoral counseling, UCTD