Economic evaluation of a fully integrated intelligent transportation system in Stellenbosch using the tops-bc tool

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Transportation plays a fundamental part in the social and economic functioning of a society, since it permits the movement of individuals and products to their destination. A reliable transportation system significantly affects the economic vitality of a nation and its capacity to make use of its natural assets. Cities have considerably improved their transportation system in order to ensure the availability of transport facilities. Transport issues, specifically, traffic congestion and road safety cannot be solved by the construction of new road infrastructure, which in themselves have high time and cost implications. For this reason, various components of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are considered as innovative alternative solutions. The objective of ITS is to improve road traffic conditions using modern technology, which empowers transportation management and operations to ensure road safety and efficiency using existing road infrastructure. ITS may not totally eradicate traffic congestion in Stellenbosch, but provide a fundamental parts that can yield more operational effectiveness from the current transportation network. It is a challenge to estimate the impacts of the ITS applied to the Stellenbosch transportation networks, because benefits from ITS deployments in the greater South Africa are poorly studied and understood as these technologies are still fairly new. Stellenbosch currently has no formalised public transport system. The informal minibus taxi services mainly cater for the low-income residential areas and farm workers. Like various urban communities in South Africa, Stellenbosch still battles with the remnants of apartheid's spatial arranging structures and racial isolation, which created spatial disparities of access for various races. Poor communities exist on the edges of the urban areas and force them into long commutes to work and school, while pedestrian facilities and/or public transport are inadequate. Stellenbosch also caters for the mobility of a large student population, tourists and business entities, resulting in major traffic congestion problems. The objective of this study is to provide an understanding of suitable ITS applications for Stellenbosch, by quantifying the benefits and costs that will result from the deployment of specific components of integrated ITS and operational strategies in Stellenbosch. There are different procedures to determine Benefit-Cost (B/C) ratios, but this thesis makes use of the Tool for Operations Benefit/Cost (TOPS-BC) that was developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the United States of America (USA). TOPS-BC is a spreadsheet-based tool intended to help practitioners in evaluating the advantages of operations or ventures. The B/C evaluation in this thesis compared ITS operations and deployment scenarios to a more conventional scenario that contain no ITS operation and deployment. TOPS-BC was intended to assess the particular benefits and costs of ITS deployments based on observed, real–world benefits and costs. It was used to gauge benefits, incorporating changes in travel time, travel time reliability, number and severity of accidents, vehicle emissions, fuel usage, and other essential measures. The ITS facilities that constitute the Stellenbosch ITS deployment were identified from information provided by the local Stellenbosch Municipality Transportation and Planning Department. Data was extracted from the Stellenbosch mobility study, which was carried out in 2010. To achieve the research objective two scenarios were tested. Firstly, to estimate the ITS deployment benefits in Stellenbosch, the following ITS operational strategies were analysed with TOPS-BC:  Arterial Traffic Management System  Parking Management System which is an application of En-Route Multimodal Traveller Information System Secondly, the construction of the Stellenbosch Western Scenic Bypass was proposed as a traditional transportation strategy. This was evaluated and compared with abovementioned ITS operations strategies. The overall B/C results indicate that the deployment of the proposed ITS strategies of the Stellenbosch Arterial Management System and the Stellenbosch Parking Management System yielded higher B/C ratio, compared to that of Stellenbosch Western Scenic Bypass. Based on the assumptions of the research, it will be more beneficial for Stellenbosch Municipality to deploy these ITS strategies, than to have a roadway bypassing Stellenbosch.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vervoer is 'n noodsaaklike komponent in die maatskaplike en ekonomiese ontwikkeling van 'n gemeenskap, aangesien dit die beweging van mense en goedere na hul bestemming neem. Betroubare vervoerstelsels het 'n beduidende impak op die ekonomiese lewenskragtigheid van 'n land en op sy vermoë om van sy natuurlike hulpbronne gebruik te maak. Tans, met die groei van die bevolking wêreldwyd, het stede aansienlike verbetering in hul vervoerstelsels gemaak om die beskikbaarheid van vervoer fasiliteite te verseker. Sekere vervoerprobleme, in die besonder verkeersopeenhopings en padveiligheid, kan nie uitsluitlik opgelos word deur die voorsiening van meer padinfrastruktuur nie, wat op sigself 'n hoë koste en tyd implikasies inhou. Om hierdie rede, word verskeie Intelligente Vervoer Systeme (IVS) beskou as innoverende alternatiewe oplossings. Die doel van IVS is om padverkeer toestande met behulp van moderne tegnologie te verbeter, en so vervoerbestuur en bedrywighede te bemagtig wat probeer om padveiligheid en doeltreffendheid te verbeter met behulp van bestaande padinfrastruktuur. Alhoewel, IVS nie heeltemal verkeersopeenhopings in Stellenbosch uitroei nie, is hulle noodsaaklike komponente wat kan help om meer operasionele doeltreffendheid uit die bestaande vervoerstelsel te benut. Daar bestaan egter 'n uitdaging om die impak van die IVS te skat, wat toegepas word op die Stellenbosch vervoernetwerke, want voordele as gevolg van die IVS toepassing in die groter Suid-Afrika bly ‘n swak bestudeerde vak en die verstaan van hierdie tegnologie is nog redelik nuut. Stellenbosch het tans geen formele openbare vervoerstelsel nie, behalwe vir die informele taxidienste, wat hoofsaaklik voorsiening maak vir die lae-inkomste woonbuurte en plaaswerkers. Soos die meeste ander stede in Suid-Afrika, sukkel Stellenbosch steeds met die oorblyfsels van apartheid se ruimtelike beplanning en rasse-segregasie wat ruimtelike ongelykhede van toegang vir verskillende rassegroepe geskep het, deurdat arm gemeenskappe aan die buitewyke van stedelike gebiede geplaas was en gedwing was om in 'n lang pendel na werk en skool , terwyl daar geen veilige voetganger fasiliteite of doeltreffende openbare vervoer verskaf was nie. Stellenbosch het 'n groot student bevolking asook 'n gereelde instroming van toeriste en sake-entiteite, wat lei tot groot verkeersopeenhopings probleme. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n beter begrip van die mees geskikte IVS toepassing in Stelelnbosch te leen deur die voordeel en koste wat as gevolg van die implementering van 'n geïntegreerde IVS en bedrywighede strategieë in Stellenbosch te kwantifiseer. Daar is verskeie metodes om voordeel/koste (v/k) verhoudings te bepaal, maar hierdie tesis sal gebruik maak van die Tool for Operations Benefit/Cost (TOPS-BC) sagteware wat ontwikkel is deur die Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) van die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSA). TOPS-BC is 'n sigblad-gebaseerde instrument wat ontwerp is om die industrie te help met die beoordeling van die voordele van projekte vir bedrywighede. Die voordeel-koste analise (v/k) wat in hierdie tesis gebruik word sal die bedrywighede en IVS ontplooiing opsies met ‘n meer tradisionele geval vergelyk wat geen bedrywighede en IVS ontplooiing bevat nie. TOPS-BC is ontwerp om die spesifieke voordele en koste van ontplooide IVS te baseer op waargenome, werklike wêreld koste en voordeel. TOPS-BC is 'n analise-instrument wat gebruik word om voordele, insluitend veranderinge in reistyd, reistyd betroubaarheid, aantal en erns van ongelukke, voertuigemissies, brandstof gebruik en ander belangrike maatreëls te skat. Die IVS fasiliteite wat die ontplooiing van IVS in Stellenbosch uitmaak is geïdentifiseer met die hulp van inligting vanaf die plaaslike Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit se Vervoer en Beplanning Departement. Data vanuit die Stellenbosch Mobiliteit Studie, wat in 2010 verwerk was, was ook gebruik in hierdie studie. Om die navorsing doelwitte te bereik en akkuraat die voordele van die IVS ontplooiing in Stellenbosch te bepaal, word die volgende verskillende IVS en strategieë ontplooiing ontleed met behulp van TOPS-BC: . Hoofpad vervoerbestuurstelsel . Parkeerbestuurstelsel wat ‘n deel uitmaak van die roete multimodale reisiger informasie stelsel Laastens, is 'n tradisionele vervoerverbetering geëvalueer en vergelyk met bogenoemde IVS strategieë. Die algehele v/k resultate dui daarop aan dat die ontplooiing van die voorgestelde IVS strategieë binne die Stellenbosch Arteriële Bestuur Sisteem en die Stellenbosch Parkering Bestuur Sisteem sal na verwagting die hoogste voordeel/ kosteverhouding lewer, in vergelyking met dié van die Stellenbosch Westerse Toerisme Verbypad. Dit sal dus meer voordelig wees vir Stellenbosch om hierdie IVS strategieë te ontplooi, as om 'n Stellenbosch verbypad te bou, by die oorweging van die behoefte om die vervoer opeenhoping in Stellenbosch te verminder.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Intelligent transportation systems, UCTD, Urban transportation, Transportation -- Planning