An investigation of passive sonar on an AUV

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis provides a theoretical foundation for a passive sonar system with the focus being on delay-and-sum beamforming. The parallel nature of the delay-and-sum beamforming algorithm is exploited by using NVIDIA’s Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Theory and simulations are used to determine the feasibility of such a system on an AUV. The theory of each element that forms part of a passive sonar system is discussed. Similarly, CUDA is also discussed with a focus on theory that was used in the beamformer simulations. Homogeneous and isotropic ambient noise in the sea and a submarine’s signal at periscope depth is simulated. Using these signals, near-field and far-field delay-and-sum beamforming simulations in two and three dimensions are done in MATLAB and CUDA C. Meaningful results were obtained using planar and volumetric arrays with four, eight, and nine sensors. Increasing the number of synchronous beams via increasing the temporal sampling frequency had significant beneficial effects of estimating target position or bearing. Resilience against decreasing signal-to-noise ratio was also shown to improve. Promising results were obtained when implementing the delay-and-sum beamforming algorithm in CUDA C. A comparison to standard C yielded an 11.67-fold decrease in execution time at best. The use of pinned Central Processing Unit (CPU) memory and CUDA streams facilitated concurrent execution of memory copies and kernel executions. Concurrent execution of kernels were also achieved. Many applications of passive sonar require large arrays that is not feasible for application on an AUV. A retractable array can alleviate this problem, also enabling the array to control spacing between sensors and thus operate at multiple frequencies. Harbours and naval bases can be vulnerable to an underwater attack from divers. Securing these perimeters with fences can become a complex task. Concluded from the research in this thesis, a diver detection sonar is the most feasible application of a passive sonar system on an AUV. The absence of the need for long distance near-field detection and the need for short spacing between sensors in the array counts in favour of this application.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bevat ‘n teoretiese grondslag vir ‘n passiewe sonar sisteem met spesifieke fokus op die vertraag-en-sommeer straalvormingsalgoritme. NVIDIA se “Compute Unified Device Architecture” (CUDA) vir grafiese verwerkingseenhede word gebruik om te kapitaliseer op die parallelle natuur van hierdie algoritme. Teorie en simulasies is gebruik om die lewensvatbaarheid van so ‘n stelsel te bepaal op ‘n outonome onderwater voertuig (OOV). Elke element wat deel vorm van ‘n passiewe sonar sisteem is bespreek uit ‘n teoretiese oogpunt. Soortgelyk word CUDA bespreek met ‘n fokus op teorie wat toepaslik is op straalvormings-simulasies in hierdie tesis. Homogene en isotropiese omgewingsgeraas in die see asook ‘n duikboot se sein by perikoop diepte is gesimuleer. Deur hierdie seine te gebruik word naby-veld en ver-veld vertraag en sommeer straalvormings simulasies gedoen in twee- en drie dimensies, deur gebruik te maak van MATLAB en CUDA C. Betekenisvolle resultate was verkry met platvlak- en volumetriese skikkings wat vier, agt en nege sensors bevat het. ‘n Vermeerdering in die aantal sinkroniese strale deur die monster frekwensie in tyd te vermeerder het beduidende voordelige effekte gehad met betrekking tot die bepaling van teiken posisie of peiling. Veerkragtigheid teen ‘n vermindering van sein-tot-ruis verhourhouding het ook verbeter. Belowende resultate was verkry in CUDA C met die implementering van die vertraag-en-sommeer straalvormingsalgoritme. ‘n Vergelyking met standaard C het in die beste geval ‘n 11.67-foud vermindering in uitvoeringstyd gelewer. Die gebruik van vasgepende sentrale verwerkingseendheid geheue en CUDA “streams” het konkurrente uitvoering van geheue kopieë en CUDA “kernel” uitvoering moontlik gemaak. Meeste toepassings van passiewe sonar vereis groot skikkings wat dit nie moontlik maak vir toepassing op ‘n OOV nie. ‘n Terugtrekbare skikking kan hierdie probleem minder prominent maak en terselfdetyd ook die vermoë gee om by verskillende frekwensies te kan werk. Hawens en vloot basisse is kwesbaar tot onderwater-duiker aanvalle. Dit is ‘n komplekse taak om hierdie areas met onderwater-heinings te beveilig. Aangesien langafstand naby-veld deteksie nie nodig is nie en kort spasieering tussen sonsors vereis word in die skikking, is duiker deteksie die mees vatbare toepassing van ‘n passiewe sonar sisteem op ‘n OOV.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Passive Sonar, UCTD, Electroacoustic transducers, Beamed-energy transfer, Delay circuits