Comparative construction costs of typical low-rise office buildings in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Low-rise multi-storey office buildings are required globally on a regular basis, and have thus become an increasingly important field within the engineering industry. A critical decision that has to be made during the initial stages of the planning and design of such a building is the selection of the structural framing material. This decision typically involves choosing between steel and reinforced concrete and is important as it will influence both the construction time and cost. In South Africa, concrete is currently the default option for the framing material of multi-storey office buildings. This is in contrast to some other parts of the world where steel frames hold a dominant market share. Very little information on the costs and construction time could be traced which provided a comparison of steel and concrete framed office structures in South Africa. This study aims to fill this knowledge gap by providing a cost comparison between steel and concrete structural alternatives for the structure of a typical low-rise office building. A building configuration was developed that can be seen as being representative of a typical low-rise office building in South Africa. Its structure was then designed employing various steel and concrete structural alternatives. Several meetings were held with industry professionals during the study to obtain insight into current South African construction practices, including steel fabricator’s preferences, construction times and costs, and designer’s preferences to name a few. The construction programmes for each of the structural alternatives were developed in detail and compared. It was shown that the steel structures were able to offer a shorter construction time of approximately one month when compared to the concrete structures. This equates to a reduction of 12.5 % in the total construction time. A detailed cost comparison was developed using 2016 South African construction costs in the Western Cape. In addition, the influence of time-related costs, such as lower preliminary and general (P&G) costs, reduced interest charges and the ability to earn income at an earlier stage, were all incorporated into the cost comparison. Thereafter, a sensitivity analysis was performed to better understand how changing various parameters would influence the cost model. The study revealed that for a typical low-rise office building constructed in South Africa, a steel framed structure supporting hollowcore units acting compositely with the steel beams, provided the most cost-effective solution. The difference between the cheapest steel and concrete structural alternatives was found to be 0.6 % of the total construction cost, which equated to a cost difference of approximately R 150 000.00. Furthermore, the study presented a methodology for developing cost comparisons between different structural alternatives, and highlighted the importance of considering time-related costs when doing a cost comparison.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lae multi-verdieping kantoorgeboue word wêreldwyd op ’n gereelde basis vereis, die gevolge hiervan lei tot ’n verhoging in belang vir die veld in die ingenieursbedryf. Vir die toepaslike gebou, is die keuse van die strukturele raammateriaal ’n noodsaaklike besluit in die eerste fase van die beplanning en ontwerp proses. Hierdie besluit behels tipies die keuse tussen staal en gewapende beton, belangrik aangesien dit beide die konstruksietyd en koste sal beïnvloed. Tans in Suid-Afrika se ingenieursindustrie word beton bo staal vir die raammateriaal van ’n multi-verdieping kantoorgebou verkies. Dit is in teenstelling met sommige ander dele van die wêreld waar staalrame ’n dominante markaandeel hou. Daar is bevind dat daar ’n tekort aan inligting is, wat die vergelyking tussen die koste en konstruksie tyd vir staal en beton geraamde strukture in ’n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks bemoeilik. Dié studie dien as ’n poging om die leemte in kennis te vul, en ’n koste vergelyking tussen staal en beton strukturele alternatiewe vir ’n tipiese lae-styging kantoorgebou. ’n Gebou uitleg is ontwikkel wat as verteenwoordigend van ’n tipiese lae multi-verdieping gebou in Suid-Afrika beskou kan word. Die verteenwoordigende struktuur was verder ontwikkel deur van verskeie staal en beton strukturele alternatiewe gebruik te maak. ’n Reeks vergaderings is met industriële deskundiges onderneem, om insig in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiebedryf te verkry insluitend, die voorkeur van staal vervaardigers en ontwerpers, konstruksie tye en pryse, om ’n paar te noem. Vir elk van die alternatiewe strukture, word die konstruksie programme in detail ontwikkel en met mekaar vergelyk. Daar is gevind dat die staalstrukture in staat was om ’n korter konstruksie tyd, van ongeveer ’n maand, in vergelyking met die betonstrukture te bied. Dit is gelykstaande aan ’n verskil van 12.5 % in totale konstruksie tyd. ’n Gedetailleerde koste vergelyking is, met behulp van 2016 Suid-Afrikaanse boukostes in die Wes-Kaap, ontwikkel. Daarbenewens, was die invloed van tyd-verwante kostes, soos laer voorlopige en algemene (V&A) koste, verminderde rente en die vermoë om inkomste op ’n vroeër stadium te verdien ingesluit in die koste vergelyking. Daarna is ’n sensitiwiteitsanalise uitgevoer, om ’n beter begrip oor hoe die verandering van verskeie parameters die kostemodel sal beïnvloed te kry. Die studie toon dat ’n tipiese lae multi-verdieping kantoorgebou, gebou in Suid-Afrika, ’n staal raam struktuur, wat hol-kern blaaie saamgestel ondersteun deur die staal balke die mees kosteeffektiewe opsie is. Die verskil tussen die goedkoopste staal en beton strukturele alternatiewe is gevind as 0.6 % van die totale boukostes, wat gelykstaande is aan ’n koste verskil van ongeveer R 150 000.00. Dié studie lig verder ’n metode vir die ontwikkeling van koste vergelykings tussen verskillende strukturele alternatiewe, en beklemtoon die belangrikheid deur tyd-verwante kostes te oorweeg wanneer ’n koste vergelyking ondersoek word.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Office buildings -- Design and construction, UCTD, Building -- Details -- Drawings, Buildings, Reinforced concrete, Building, Iron and steel, Construction industry -- Costs