An Investigation into the Extraction of Melodic and Harmonic Features from Digital Audio

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Approaches towards musical pitch analysis by software are presented with unique interpretative challenges in the inherent complexity of presenting results that are not only adequate for scientific researchers but also of relevance to musical practitioners. The cognitive representation of musical pitch arrangement is tied to societal conventions, canonical practices and their listeners expectations. These conventions are by no means universal. Different traditions of music may make very different uses of pitch space, and have very different associated ideas of ‘tonalities’, and intervals. It is considered in this research that a complex mathematical model of pitch space may flesh out a suitably unbiased model of musical sensation with which one may describe the many discrepancies that exist between, and within, differing sociologically defined canons of musical pitch theory. This research describes such a practical approach towards such a suitably complex methodology of pitch data interpretation and proposes a music information retrieval system based upon these findings.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Benaderings tot toonhoogte-analise in musiek deur middel van sagteware staar unieke uitdagings in die gesig ten opsigte van die lewering van resultate wat geskik is vir beide navorsing en die praktyk. Die kognitiewe voorstelling van musikale toonhoogte berus op maatskaplike konvensie, kanonieke praktyke en die verwagtings van luisteraars. Verskillende tradisies van musiek wend die toonhoogtespektrum op verskillende wyses aan en het uiteenlopende idees omtrent ‘tonaliteit’ en intervalle. Hierdie navorsing wend ’n onbevooroordeelde toonhoogtepersepsiemodel aan om die verskille tussen die verskeie sosiologiese interpretasies van toonhoogte uit te lig. ’n Metodologie om toonhoogtedata te interpreteer word in hierdie navorsing geïmplementeer en ’n inligtingherwinningstelsel is op grond daarvan ontwikkel.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Harmonic analysis (Music), Melody, Greek Harmonic Theory, Intonation, Harmony, Helmholtz, Hermann von, 1821-1894, UCTD