Apartheid South Africa's propaganda effort c.1960-1980 : the hearts and minds campaign of the National Party

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to examine the South African National Party’s efforts at winning ‘hearts and minds’ within the decades of the 1960s’ up to the 1980s’. Thus, the various attempts by the NP to control and manipulate the image of the Republic of South Africa as seen from within and outside of its borders, is examined. The perspective offered in this study is from the point of view from the NP itself, as this is done in order to try to get a clear picture of what the apartheid government was struggling for and against. The methods employed within the study are, at times, of a historiographical nature and rely on various documentary sources. Because of the nature of the topic, subterfuge is to be expected and thus the sources are assessed for what they are, and not necessarily what they perhaps pretend to be. The phenomenon of subterfuge is thus examined in its own right. The study concludes with the suggestion that it might be useful to further research one particular aspect as shown in chapter 3, as well as with the idea that further studies of this kind might be useful in contributing towards the shift towards a more integrated contemporary South African history.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om in die algemeen die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Party se poging op die wen harte en gedagtes binne die raamwerk van die 1960's 'tot die 1980's te bestudeer. Dus, die verskeie pogings deur die NP om die beeld van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te beheer en manipuleer soos gesien beide van binne en buite die land se grense. Die perspektief wat in hierdie studie gebruik word, is uit die oogpunt van die NP self, dit is gedoen om 'n duidelike beeld van waarvoor die apartheidsregering geveg het, te kry. Die metodes wat gebruik word in die studie is by tye van 'n historiografiese aard en berus op verskeie literêre bronne. As gevolg van die aard van die onderwerp, word skelmstreke verwag en dus moet die bronne geneem vir wat hulle is en nie wat hulle dalk voorgee om te wees. Die verskillende voorbeelde van skelmstreke is dus in hul eie reg ondersoek. Die studie word afgesluit met die idee dat dit moontlik nuttig kan wees om verdere navorsing oor een spesifieke aspek soos in hoofstuk 3 gewys word, te doen. Asook die idee dat ‘n studie van hierdie soort nuttig kan wees in die verskuiwing na 'n meer geïntegreerde geskiedenis.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
National Party (South Africa) -- History -- 1960-1980, National Party (South Africa) -- Politics and government -- 20th century, Apartheid -- South Africa, UCTD