Surendran Reddy, Master of Clazz

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Surendran Reddy (1962 – 2010) was held in high esteem as a composer, classical and jazz pianist and was awarded many commissions during his life. He was specifically known for his unique composition style which he called ‘clazz’ – a fusion of classical (Western art music), jazz, mbaqanga, mbira and popular music. However, there is an absence of research documenting his life and music. This qualitative study is a first attempt at documenting the life and work of Reddy. The study consists of two parts: first a biographical chapter and the second chapter discusses his unique style ‘clazz’, with references to its origins, influences and a discussion of selected works. What will be shown is how is his life and exposure to the racialized society in Apartheid South Africa led to his self-proclaimed egalitarianism and humanism and how these views are channelled through his music.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Surendran Reddy (1962 – 2010) het tydens sy lewe hoë aansien geniet as komponis, klassieke en jazz pianis en verskeie opdragwerke is aan hom toegestaan. Hy is spesifiek bekend vir sy unieke komposisiestyl ‘clazz’ – ’n mengsel van klassieke musiek (Westerse kusnmusiek), jazz, mbaqanga, mbira en populêre musiek. Daar is egter min navorsing beskikbaar oor sy lewe en musiek. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is ‘n eerste poging tot die skriftelike dokumentering van die lewe en werk van Reddy. Die studie bestaan uit twee dele: eerstens ’n biografiese hoofstuk, terwyl die tweede deel Reddy se unieke styl ‘clazz’ bespreek met verwysings na die oorsprong daarvan, invloede en ’n bespreking van geselekteerde werke. Daar sal gewys word hoe sy lewe en blootstelling aan ʼn ras-georeinteerde samelewing in die Apartheidjare gelei het tot sy self-geproklameerde egalitarisme en humanisme. Die studie dui aan hoe hy aan hierdie sienswyses in sy musiek gestalte gegee het.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Clazz, Reddy, Surendran., Music -- South Africa, Jazz-rock (Music)