The effect of legislative compliance on infrastructure service delivery: the case of Matatiele Local Municipality

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : South African municipalities are faced with a backlog in infrastructure service delivery. The ineffective delivery of basic services has been blamed on a number of factors, including limited municipal budget, shortage of qualified and experienced personnel, unclear legislation as to which sphere of government is responsible for the delivery of certain services, as well as the on-going effects of the municipal demarcation process. Using the case of Matatiele Local Municipality (MLM) in the Eastern Cape Province, this study investigates the effect of legislative compliance on infrastructure service delivery by municipalities. Data for the study was gathered using a qualitative questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that local municipalities’ role is not just the provision of day-to-day services, but they have also been mandated to deliver on universal basic services. Respondents in this study point to a number of issues as affecting infrastructure service delivery, which include, but are not limited to, the following: the limited administrative and technical capacities of municipalities, the effect of national government policy, the financial viability of local municipalities, poor budgeting, poor financial management, poor planning, ineffective cost recovery systems, limited revenue powers, decentralized administrative functions and powers, as well as the effect of municipal demarcation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite word gekonfronteer met 'n agterstand in infrastruktuur dienslewering. Die oneffektiewe lewering van basiese dienste kan blameer word op die volgende; beperkte munisipale begrotings, tekort aan gekwalifiseerde en ervare personeel, onduidelike wetgewing rakkende watter regeringsfeer is verantwoordelik vir die lewering van sekere dienste, sowel as die voortslepende gevolge van die munisipale afbakening proses. Deur te verwys na Matatiele Plaaslike Munisipaliteit (MPM) in die Oos-Kaap Provinsie, hierdie studie ondersoek die effek van voldoening van wetweging rakende infrastruktuurdiens lewering deur munisipaliteite. Data vir die studie is versamel met behulp van 'n kwalitatiewe vraelys. Die resultate van die studie dui daarop daft die rol van plaaslike munisipaliteite nie net die verskaffing van die dag-tot-dag dienste behels nie, maar hulle het ook 'n mandaat om te lewer op universele basiese dienste. Respondente in hierdie studie dui op 'n aantal kwessies wat infrastruktuur dienslewering insluit beïnvloed, en sluit in -, maar is nie beperk tot die volgende nie naamlik, die beperkte administratiewe en tegniese vermoëns van munisipaliteite, die effek van die nasionale regering se beleid, die finansiële lewensvatbaarheid van plaaslike munisipaliteite, swak begrotings, swak finansiële bestuur, swak beplanning, oneffektiewe kosteverhaling stelsels, beperkte inkomste magte, gedesentraliseerde administratiewe funksies en magte, asook die effek van munisipale afbakening.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Municipal government -- South Africa, Infrastructure (Economics), Municipal services, Municipal government -- Law and legislation, UCTD