Intermediate phase teachers’ perspectives and experiences of collaboration in a full-service school

dc.contributor.advisorSwart, Estelleen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSteyl, Jesse Kimberleighen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd) -- Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Inclusive education is widely understood as acknowledging that all individuals have the capacity to learn and require equal access to education. More specifically, it involves education systems that are able to adapt to accommodate the diverse learning needs of all individuals. The international movement towards inclusive education and educational change, as well as on a national level, forms the backdrop to this study. Research suggests that the implementation of an inclusive education system in South Africa has faced numerous challenges and obstacles. In all policies and legislation pertaining to inclusive education, collaboration is highlighted as an integral strategy in its successful implementation. Using Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as the theoretical framework, this study followed a single instrumental case study design of a particular full-service school in Cape Town in the Western Cape. The study aimed to explore intermediate phase teachers‟ perspectives and experiences of collaboration as a key strategy in support of learners with diverse learning needs and, thus, in the development of inclusive school communities. An interpretive paradigm guided this research, where four intermediate phase teachers were purposefully selected, in order to generate information-rich data. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data, as well as reflective discussions taking place after observations of collaborative encounters. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the transcribed data and the findings and recommendations were discussed. The findings suggest that collaboration is vital in creating inclusive school communities; however, collaboration is often informal and limited to sharing of resources and practical affairs. In addition, various supporting and hindering factors of collaboration have been identified. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has added another dimension to collaboration and inclusive education. While the findings in this research study cannot be generalised to all full-service schools in South Africa, recommendations could be made to full-service schools to enable better support for learners with diverse learning needs and thus promote inclusion and social justice. KEYWORDS: collaboration, inclusive education, full-service schools, intermediate phase teachers, Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT)en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Inklusiewe onderwys word algemeen verstaan as die erkenning dat alle individue die vermoë het om te leer en dus geregtig is op gelyke toegang tot gehalte-onderwys. Meer spesifiek behels dit onderwysstelsels wat in staat is om aan te pas om die diverse leerbehoeftes van alle individue te akkommodeer. Die internasionale beweging tot inklusiewe onderwys en onderwysverandering wat ook op nasionale vlak uitspeel, vorm die agtergrond van hierdie studie. Navorsing dui daarop dat die implementering van ʼn inklusiewe onderwysstelsel in Suid-Afrika met vele uitdagings en struikelblokke te kampe gehad het. In alle beleidstukke en wetgewing wat op inklusiewe onderwys betrekking het, word samewerking uitgelig as ʼn integrale strategie in die suksesvolle implementering daarvan. Met Kultuur-Historiese Aktiwiteitsteorie (KHAT) as teoretiese raamwerk, gebruik hierdie studie ʼn enkel instrumentele gevallestudieontwerp van „n bepaalde voldiensskool in Kaapstad in die Wes-Kaap. Die studie het ten doel om intermediêre fase-onderwysers se perspektiewe en ervarings van samewerking te verken as 'n sleutelstrategie in die ondersteuning van leerders met diverse leerbehoeftes en dus in die ontwikkeling van inklusiewe skoolgemeenskappe. ʼn Interpretatiewe paradigma rig hierdie navorsing, waartydens vier intermediêre faseonderwysers doelgerig gekies is ten einde inligtingryke data te genereer. Semigestruktureerde onderhoude en reflektiewe besprekings na afloop van waarnemings van samewerkende ontmoetings is as metodes gebruik. Die getranskribeerde data is met behulp van tematiese analise ontleed en die bevindinge en aanbevelings is bespreek. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat samewerking noodsaaklik is om inklusiewe skoolgemeenskappe te skep, maar samewerking is dikwels informeel en beperk tot praktiese kwessies en die deel van hulpbronne. Daarbenewens is verskeie ondersteunende en belemmerende faktore van samewerking geïdentifiseer. Verder het die COVID-19-pandemie nog 'n dimensie tot samewerking en inklusiewe onderwys gevoeg. Terwyl die bevindinge in hierdie navorsingstudie nie na alle voldiensskole in Suid-Afrika veralgemeen kan word nie, kan die aanbevelings aan voldiensskole groter ondersteuning van leerders met uiteenlopende leerbehoeftes bewerkstellig en insluiting en sosiale geregtigheid sodoende bevorder word.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectInclusive education -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectMiddle school teaching -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEducational change -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleIntermediate phase teachers’ perspectives and experiences of collaboration in a full-service schoolen_ZA
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