'n Ondersoek na die persepsie en uitvoer van die moederlike rol

dc.contributor.advisorDe Vos, H. M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBrown, Catharina Elizabethen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
dc.descriptionThesis (M.A.)--University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The purpose of this research was to determine how women experience motherhood. This was done by observing what they do as mothers and what their perceptions are of what other mothers do. Attention was also given to the significant sense of coherence (SOC), which is an indication of women's psychological well-being. Mothers of children in creches and playschools in the Somerset West area were included in this study. A biographical questionnaire, three checklists on household and child care activities and a sense of coherence questionnaire have been used. Comparisons among the three work status groups (fulltime housewives, part time workers and fulltime working mothers) with regard to demographical characteristics were made. Gardening was the only household activity where mothers of the three work status groups differed with regard to the choice they had in doing it. According to Somers d-measure, mothers' experience of voluntary service, repairing a household appliance or piece of furniture or spending time on car maintenance, regardless oftheir work status, was the same. With regard to three child care activities statistical significant associations were found, namely watching programs on educational television with a child, transporting children to a lesson, practice or social event and for praising a child for taking care of self. A definite trend and tendency was found in this research. The largest percentage of mothers at all the child care activities indicated that they thought the behaviour was typical, but in many cases a large percentage of mothers were not actually involved in this themselves. It seems that mothers' own role behaviour or role activity (what they do) differs from their perceptions of what other mothers do. This research could not indicate whether possible differences between perception and enactment (active behaviour) ofthe mothering role has any impact on the psychological wellbeing on women. A one-way analysis of variance indicated a Significant difference among the three work status groups' SOC scores. According to the Post Hoc comparison the significant difference exists between the fulltime housewives and the fulltime working mothers. It was found that the fulltime housewives had on average higher sense of coherence (SOC-29) scores than the fulltime working mothers. We recommend the design of psychological programs to contribute to the equipment of women.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die ondersoek was om vas te stel hoe vroue moederskap ervaar deur te kyk na wat hulle self doen as moeders en wat hul persepsie is van wat ander moeders doen. Die betekenisvolle gevoel van koherensie (SOC), wat op sigself weer 'n aanduiding is van die vroue se sielkundige welstand, is ook aangespreek. Moeders van kinders in kleuterskole en speelskole in die Somerset-Wes area is betrek in die ondersoek. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n biografiese vraelys, drie aktiwiteitslyste wat handel oor huishoudelike en kinderversorgingsaktiwiteite en 'n lewensoriantasievraelys. 'n Vergelyking tussen die drie werkstatusgroepe (voltyds tuisteskeppermoeders, deeltyds werkende moeders en voltyds werkende moeders) met betrekking tot demografiese eienskappe is gedoen. Tuinwerk was die enigste huishoudelike aktiwiteit waar moeders, van die drie werkstatusgroepe, statisties betekenisvol verskil het ten opsigte van die keuse wat hulle gehad het in die uitvoer daarvan. Volgens Somer se d-maatstaf ervaar moeders vrywillige dienslewering, die herstel van 'n meublement of toestel en tyd spandeer aan motor-onderhoud, ongeag hul werkstatus, as min of meer dieselfde. Statisties betekenisvolle assosiasie het by drie kinderversorgingsaktiwiteite na vore gekom naamlik om 'n program of opvoedkundige televisie saam met 'n kind te kyk, die vervoer van 'n kind na 'n les, oefening of sosiale aangeleentheid en prys kind vir selfversorging. 'n Definitiewe tendens en tema het uit die resultate na vore gekom. By al die kinderversorgingsaktiwiteite het die grootste persentasie moeders aangedui dat dit tipiese gedrag is, maar in baie gevalle het 'n groot persentasie moeders dit nie gedoen nie. Dit blyk dat moeders se eie rolgedrag of rolaktiwiteit (dit wat hulle doen) heel dikwels verskil van hul persepsie van ander moeders se gedrag. Die navorsing kon nie bepaal of die moontlike verskil tussen persepsie en uitvoer (aktiewe gedrag) van die moederlike rol implikasies inhou vir die sielkundige welstand van die vrou nie. 'n Eenrigtingvariansieontleding het aangetoon dat daar 'n beduidende verskil gevind is tussen die drie werkstatusgroepe se SOC-tellings. Volgens die Post Hoc vergelyking bestaan die betekenisvolle verskil tussen die voltydse tUisteskeppermoeders en voltydse werkende moeders. Daar is gevind dat die voltyds tuisteskeppermoeders gemiddeld 'n betekenisvol hoar SOC-29 telling het as die voltyds werkende moeders. Daar word aanbeveel dat sielkundige programme ontwerp word wat 'n moontlike bydrae kan he op die gebied van bemagtiging van vroue.
dc.format.extent56 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectDissertations -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.title'n Ondersoek na die persepsie en uitvoer van die moederlike rolaf_ZA
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