A comparison of the best method to utilise when implementing an organisational design project in local government

dc.contributor.advisorMuller, Kobusen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBegbie, Karinen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Both a district municipality and a local municipality in the Western Cape province initiated an organisational review and design project. These projects were initiated to optimise the organisational structure and ensure alignment with the municipalities’ mandate, strategies and resources in order to improve service delivery and stabilise the organisational structure for a few years. The researcher was involved with both of these projects and therefore had the opportunity to explore the best process to follow for an organisational review and design project to ensure optimisation, stability and sustainability of the organisational structure. The aim of the research was to establish which method utilised by the two municipalities to review their respective organisational structures resulted in the optimisation, stability and sustainability of the organisational structure. The research objectives were to define the organisational review and design concept, illustrate organisational structure concepts, explain the different methods followed by the two municipalities and explore the stability and sustainability of the organisational structures after the implementation process. The research on the best method to follow, as perceived by the researcher, during the project implementation process was conducted by analysing information collected, the processes followed during the project implementation and the impact thereafter. The best method refers to the process that was followed that allowed optimisation, stability and sustainability of the organisational structure after the organisational review project was implemented. The two projects were analysed by observing the processes that were followed throughout the project lifecycle. These processes included the planning of the organisational review project, the methodology utilised, the change management methodology utilised, project implementation methods, project timeframes, project closure and the impact of the organisational review project implementation after one year. The methodology utilised by the district municipality was a formal process applying project management principles, with guidance and advice from an external service provider. The methodology utilised by the local municipality was an informal internal process without utilising an external service provider or applying formal project management principles and processes. The main findings of the research provide municipalities with guidelines on which method to follow to ensure the optimisation, stability and sustainability of the organisational structure over a period. An optimal, stable and sustainable organisational structure that aligns with organisational strategies allows the organisation to improve planning relating to budgeting and resources over a period. This should improve service delivery and ultimately lead to the creation of a stable and sustainable organisation. The overall recommendation is that a formal organisational review and design project and process would achieve a better result than an informal process.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : ’n Organisatoriese evaluerings- en ontwerpprojek is deur sowel ʼn distriksmunisipaliteit as ʼn plaaslike munisipaliteit in die Wes-Kaap-provinsie van stapel gestuur ten einde die organisatoriese struktuur te optimaliseer en ooreenstemming met die munisipaliteite se mandaat, strategieë en hulpbronne te verseker om dienslewering te verbeter en die organisatoriese struktuur vir ʼn paar jaar te stabiliseer. Die navorser was by albei projekte betrokke en het dus die geleentheid gehad om die beste proses te ondersoek wat vir ʼn organisatoriese evaluerings- en ontwerpproses gevolg moet word om optimalisering, stabiliteit en volhoubaarheid van die organisatoriese struktuur te verseker. Die doel van die navorsing was om te bepaal watter metode wat deur die twee munisipaliteite gebruik is om hul onderskeie organisatoriese strukture te evalueer tot die optimalisering, stabiliteit en volhoubaarheid van organisatoriese struktuur gelei het. Die navorsingsdoelstellings was om die konsep van organisatoriese evaluering en ontwerp te definieer, konsepte van organisatoriese struktuur te bespreek, die verskillende metodes wat deur die twee munisipaliteite gevolg is, te verduidelik, en die stabiliteit en volhoubaarheid van die organisatoriese strukture na afloop van die implementeringsproses te ondersoek. Die navorsing oor die beste metode, soos deur die navorser waargeneem, tydens die projekimplementeringsproses is uitgevoer deur versamelde inligting, die prosesse wat tydens projekimplementering gevolg is en die impak daarvan te ontleed. Die beste metode verwys na die proses wat gevolg is wat optimalisering, stabiliteit en volhoubaarheid van organisatoriese struktuur in die hand gewerk het ná implementering van die organisatoriese evalueringsproses. Die twee projekte is ontleed deur die prosesse waar te neem wat deur die lewensiklus van die projekte gevolg is. Hierdie prosesse het ingesluit die beplanning van die organisatoriese evalueringsprojek, die metodologie wat gebruik is, die veranderingsbestuursmetodologie gebruik, die projekimplementeringsmetodes, die projektydraamwerke, projekafsluiting en die impak van die organisatoriese evalueringsprojek ná een jaar. Die metodologie wat deur die distriksmunisipaliteit gebruik is, was ʼn formele proses waarin bestuursbeginsels toegepas is, met leiding en advies van ʼn eksterne diensverskaffer. Die metodologie wat deur die plaaslike munisipaliteit gebruik is, was ʼn informele interne proses sonder die gebruik van ʼn eksterne diensverskaffer of toepassing van formele projekbestuursbeginsels en -prosesse. Die hoofbevindinge van die navorsing bied leiding aan munisipaliteite oor die metode wat gevolg moet word om die optimalisering, stabiliteit en volhoubaarheid van organisatoriese struktuur oor ʼn tydperk te verseker. ʼn Optimale, stabiele en volhoubare organisatoriese struktuur in ooreenstemming met organisatoriese strategieë stel die organisasie in staat om beplanning rakende begroting en hulpbronne oor ʼn tydperk te verbeter. Dit behoort dienslewering te verbeter en uiteindelik tot die skepping van ʼn stabiele en volhoubare organisasie te lei. Die algehele aanbeveling is dat ʼn formele organisatoriese evaluerings- en ontwerpprojek en -proses ʼn beter resultaat lewer as ʼn informele proses.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, pages ; illustrations, includes annexure
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectOrganizational design -- Methodologyen_ZA
dc.subjectMunicipal government -- Planning -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectLocal government -- Planning -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectOrganizational effectivenessen_ZA
dc.titleA comparison of the best method to utilise when implementing an organisational design project in local governmenten_ZA
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