Plenum losses in forced draught air-cooled heat exchangers

dc.contributor.advisorKroger, D. G.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMeyer, Christiaan Johannesen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 1996.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This investigation aims to obtain a better understanding of the aerodynamic behavior of forced draught air-cooled heat exchangers (ACHEs) that make use of the normal or delta heat exchanger configurations. Particular emphasis is placed on the losses experienced within the plenum chambers of ACHEs. An experimental investigation of the performance characteristics of a wide range of ACHEs is conducted. During the investigation a number of component and geometrical changes are made to the ACHEs in order to determine what effect these changes have on the ACHE performance characteristics. These component and geometrical changes include - the use of different fan types and fan sizes - the use of different heat exchanger types - the use of heat exchangers with different frontal areas - the use of heat exchangers with different flow resistance characteristics - variation in the position of the fan rotor in the fan-axial direction within the fan casing - variation in the distance between the fan casing exit plane and the heat exchanger inlet plane (plenum chamber depth) - the use of guide vanes at the inlet and/or outlet of the delta heat exchanger From the results of the experimental investigation a set of design guide lines for ACHEs making use of the normal heat exchanger configuration is formulated. A recovery coefficient is also introduced that allows for a more accurate prediction of the operating point of a certain range of ACHEs. The results of the experimental investigation also indicate that kinetic energy recovery takes place within the plenum chamber of an ACHE making use of the delta heat exchanger configuration and that the use of guide vanes at the outlet of the delta heat exchanger leads to a greater increase in the operating point volume flow rate of the ACHE than the use of inlet guide vanes. Areas for possible future research are identified in the light of the experimental results.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die ondersoek is om meer insig te verkry in die ae rodinamiese gedrag van lugverkoelde warmte-uitruilers(L VWR) in die geforseerde trek mode. Beide die normale en delta warmteuitruilerkonfigurasies is eksperimenteel ondersoek. Klem word veral gele op verliese wat plaasvind in die plenumkamers van bogenoemde L VWRs. Die effek van sekere komponent en geometriese veranderinge op die werksverrigting van 'n wye reeks L VWRs is ondersoek. Hierdie veranderinge sluit die volgende in - die gebruik van verskillende tipes en groottes waaiers - die gebruik van verskillende tipes warmte-uitruilers - die gebruik van warmte-uitruilers met verskillende frontale areas - die gebruik van warmte-uitruilers met verskillende vloei-weerstande - ' n variasie in die aksiale posisie van die waaier rotor in die waaier huls - 'n variasie in die afstand gemeet van die waaier huls uitlaat vlak en die warmte-ruiler inlaat vlak (plenum diepte) - die gebruik van lei-lemme by die delta warmte-ruiler inlaat en/of uitlaat 'n Ste! ontwerpsriglyne vir L VWRs wat gebruik maak van die normale warmte-uitruilerkonfigurasie is opgestel gebaseer op die resultate van die eksperimentele ondersoek. 'n Plenumkamerherwinningsfaktor is ook gedefinieer wat 'n meer akkurate voorspelling van die werksverrigting van 'n sekere reeks L VWRs moontlik maak. Die resultate van die eksperimentele ondersoek dui verder aan dat daar we! herwinning van kinetiese energie plaasvind in die plenumkamer van L VWRs wat van die delta warmte-uitruilerkonfigurasie gebruik maak. Die gebruik van lei-lemme by die uitlaat van die delta warmte-uitruiler lei tot 'n groter toename in volumevloeitempo as wanneer lei-lemme by die inlaat van die delta warmte-uitruiler gebruik word. Areas vir moontlike verdere navorsing word ook aangedui in die lig van die eksperimentele resultate.af_ZA
dc.format.extent316 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectHeat exchangersen_ZA
dc.subjectPlenum spaceen_ZA
dc.subjectAir heatersen_ZA
dc.subjectHeat exchangers -- Design and constructionen_ZA
dc.titlePlenum losses in forced draught air-cooled heat exchangersen_ZA
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