Publieke teologie as profetiese teologie? : 'n kritiese beskouing van die sosio-ekklesiologiese implikasies van die drieërlei amp in die teologie van Karl Barth

dc.contributor.advisorForster, Dion Angusen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLaubscher, Martinen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Systematical Theology and Ecclesiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is ʼn akute dog dubbelsinnige vraag na “Publieke Teologie as Profetiese Teologie?” in Suid-Afrika vandag. Desnieteenstaande die dringende en aktuele aard van die vraag, bevat dit ook hoogs aanvegbare terme waarmee die Suid-Afrikaanse teologiese verhaal van die laaste vier dekades geskets kan word; en selfs só gestel, is dit al omstrede. Vraend na die een, is in sommige gevalle ook bevraagtekenend van die ander. Gewaarwordinge in beide die onuithoudbare as kreatiewe spanninge tussen die vraag na publieke teologie en profetiese teologie, noop ons uiteindelik om ook só vraend na Karl Barth se unieke bydrae in die verband te gaan soek. Buiten Barth se insigself problematiese voetspoor in bogenoemde vertelling, is sy teologie in die algemeen besonders aantreklik om nagespeur te word in die verband. Trouens, om Barth los van die Suid-Afrikaanse verhaal profeties te profileer, mag dalk opnuut weer ʼn waardevolle oefening wees. Nie net leer ons van die breë kontoere en beduidende kenmerke se ontwikkeling in die lewe-en-werk van Barth ken in die proses nie, maar dit begelei ons ook om ʼn relatiewe onontginde deel van sy werk noukeurig te gaan nalees. Daar is al vele in-diepte studies oor bepaalde aspekte in Barth se versoeningsleer gedoen, maar opmerklik is ʼn gebrekkige lees van wat hy waarskynlik bedoel met die profetiese amp as een van die drie vorme in sy versoeningsleer. Vervolgens kyk ons aandagtig na die drieërlei amp tradisie se “teenwoordigheid” in die versoeningsleer, voor ons andersyds die derde band in die versoeningsleer oor “Jesus Christus, die Ware Getuie” aandagtig deurlees met die nodige kommentaar. Op die punt is dit dan gepas om te stop, ʼn paar treë terug te tree, te reflekteer op die talle ontdekkings en bevindinge langs die weg, en dit ten einde al vraend en gaande kortliks in ons gevolgtrekking aan te stippel in antwoord op die vraag waarmee ons die heeltyd besig was.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is an acute, though ambivalent, meaning in the question “Public Theology as Prophetic Theology?” in South Africa today. The question consists of highly contested terms in the South African theological landscape over the last four decades. Even formulating it like this, is almost self-evidently controversial. By telling this story, and getting a feel for some of the creative and unbearable tension in the narrative, we can be led into a renewed quest for Karl Barth’s unique contribution in this regard. Besides Barth’s problematic footprint in the preceding description, is it both necessary and rewarding to actually go and read him again in this regard. In fact, to frame Barth anew in terms of his prophetic profile, may be quite a refreshing exercise to pursue in light of contemporary readings. Not only are we introduced to the more general contours and significant characteristics in the development of Barth’s life and work, but this process also guides us inquisitively into one of the best kept secrets in Barth scholarship to date. Numerous studies have been done over the years into certain specific aspects of Barth’s doctrine of reconciliation, but somehow the third form of this highly complex text has yet to win a broad audience. Subsequently we will need to discuss anew the “presence” of the tradition of the threefold office in his doctrine of reconciliation. After a close reading through that particular third part in the doctrine of reconciliation, “Jesus Christ, the True Witness”, some necessary commentary will follow. Thereafter, we shall be able to draw some timely conclusions in relation to on the question we had in front of us all along the way.af_ZA
dc.format.extent300 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBarth, Karl, 1886-1968en_ZA
dc.subjectTheology, Doctrinal -- History -- 20th centuryen_ZA
dc.subjectPublic theologyen_ZA
dc.titlePublieke teologie as profetiese teologie? : 'n kritiese beskouing van die sosio-ekklesiologiese implikasies van die drieërlei amp in die teologie van Karl Barthen_ZA
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