Exploring the potential health benefits from Hermetia illucens and Chrysomya chloropyga larvae meal in poultry diets

dc.contributor.advisorPieterse, Elsjeen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorHoffman, Louwrens C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan Emmenes, Lieselen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Animal Sciences.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhDAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The unaffordability and scarcity of good quality protein sources are especially severe for small scale farmers in rural areas of Africa. For this reason, the monogastric animal feed industry is in urgent need of new and sustainable protein sources. Insects have been proposed as a sustainable, high-quality protein source. A major focus has been placed on Hermetia illucens (BSF) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae due to their ability to break down organic matter from waste streams and convert it into high-quality protein. However, research on carrion species such as Chrysomya chloropyga (CC) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larvae, which are excellent in converting animal offal, is scarce. Even though numerous trials have proven that larvae meal can be used as a protein source in monogastric animal diets, the following question remains: Is this novel protein source only good to use as a protein source in animal diets to sustain production, or does it hold other benefits? Since published data regarding the immunomodulatory and antimicrobial properties of larvae meal in poultry diets are limited, this study focused on the effects of BSF and CC larvae meals on some of these properties when used in the diets of broiler chickens and broiler quails. The larvae meal sources used in this study provided essential amino acid profiles close to the requirements of broilers. Larvae meal from both Diptera species was accepted by broilers when used in a diet preference trial. Three animal trials were conducted for this study to determine the immunomodulatory and antimicrobial properties of larvae meal. In the first trial, BSF and CC larvae meals were used in the diets of 108 broiler female chickens over a 35-day growth period. Larvae meal was added to the diets at inclusion levels of 10% and 15%. Results were compared with broilers receiving a maize-soya-fishmeal based control diet (CON) or a control diet supplemented with an antimicrobial growth promoter, Zinc Bacitracin (ZincBac). The weekly measured production parameters for all treatment groups were similar to that of the control group, except for broilers in the 15%BSF group which had a poorer feed conversion ratio (FCR) at 35 days of age. Broilers were injected with sheep red blood cells and phytohaemagglutinin-P (PHA-P) to determine the effect of dietary treatments on the humoral immune response and cell-mediated immune response in the form T-cell lymphoproliferation. Increased antibody titers against sheep red blood cells and a greater swelling response to PHA-P were detected in broilers receiving BSF and CC larvae meal sources. Treatments had no negative effects on haematological parameters, lymphoid organ weights, liver colour, or gastrointestinal pH. Based on these results, it was concluded that the BSF and CC larvae meals were non-toxic and had no negative effect on the physiological status of the broiler chickens. For the second trial, BSF larvae were reared on two different substrates: 100% commercial layer chicken mash (BSF-M), or 50% commercial layer chicken mash + 50% fish offal (BSF-F). Resulting larvae were used as feed for quail. This trial aimed to determine the effects of larvae meal on specific immune parameters and selected bacterial counts in the quail ceca. Fish offal was chosen to form part of the larvae’s substrate to increase the content of long-chain omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids in the larvae meal. Sixty quails were injected with porcine red blood cells, and PHA-P. Quails in the BSF-F group exhibited lower slaughter weight compared to quails in the CON and BSF-M group. Quails in the BSF-M group had a significantly higher secondary humoral immune response compared to the CON group. Dietary inclusion of larvae meal significantly increased lymphoproliferative response, with the BSF-F group exhibiting the greatest response. Dietary treatments had no effect on in vivo serum bactericidal activity against E. coli. Most serum protein fractions were not influenced by treatment, with the exception of α2-globulin being higher in the BSF-M and BSF-F groups, whereas γ-globulin concentrations were lower in the serum of the BSF-F group. It was concluded that larvae meal has immunomodulatory properties in broiler quails, but the substrate used to rear the larvae can influence the results. In a third trial, a challenge experiment with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis A9 was conducted. A total of 476 broiler chickens were orally challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis. Broilers received either a control diet (CON+SAL), control diet supplemented with oxytetracycline antibiotic growth promoter (ANTIBIO+SAL), a diet containing 10% CC larvae meal (CC+SAL) or 10% BSF larvae meal (BSF+SAL). One group of broilers received the control diet but was not infected with Salmonella and served as the negative control group (CON-NEG). One bird per cage (replicate) was slaughtered on day 11, 14, 21, 24 and 28 for ceca and blood collection. Feed conversion ratio of chickens in the CC+SAL, BSF+SAL and ANTIBIO+SAL treatment groups were significantly improved compared to the CON+SAL treatment group. Since FCR were similar between broilers receiving larvae meal and broilers receiving the antimicrobial growth promoter, it is possible that 10% larvae meal can replace the need for antibiotic growth promoters in broiler diets since it delivered similar results in challenged animals. Oxytetracycline significantly reduced Salmonella colonisation one- and four-days post-infection, but ceca Salmonella levels slowly increased again over time in this treatment group. The opposite was noticed for the CC+SAL group, with CFU per ceca counts slowly decreasing until being significantly lower than the CON+SAL group on day 28. Salmonella counts were similar in the BSF+SAL and CON+SAL groups on all the slaughter days. Both larvae meal sources significantly enhanced serum bactericidal activity against Salmonella when compared to the CON+SAL group. Lymphoproliferative response to the PHA-P test was significantly higher in the CC+SAL, BSF+SAL and ANTIBIO+SAL treatment groups; whereas only the BSF+SAL group had enhanced lysozyme concentrations in their blood shortly after infection occurred. Lastly, treatments had no effect on lymphoid organ weight, haematological parameters, or serum interferon-gamma (IFN- γ) levels of broilers. To summarise the results from the three trials; BSF and CC larvae meals showed promising immunostimulating properties in broiler chickens and quails - dietary larvae meal showed signs of an increased humoral immune response, T lymphocyte function and serum lysozyme activity in both animal species. Even though BSF larvae meal did not change cecal microbial composition against selected bacterial counts in quails, when challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis, dietary CC larvae meal exhibited antimicrobial properties by decreasing Salmonella colonisation in the ceca as well as increasing serum bactericidal activity against the challenged organism. Even though no difference in FCR was observed in this study when healthy broilers or quails received larvae meal, there was an indication that larvae meal could improve FCR in infected animals, since BSF and CC larvae meal improved FCR in Salmonella infected broilers. To conclude, all the immune parameters studied in these trials were either improved or similar for poultry receiving dietary larvae meal, but the larvae species, as well as the substrate used to rear the larvae on, may affect the response.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onbekostigbaarheid en skaarsheid van goeie gehalte proteïenbronne is 'n probleem vir kleinskaalse boere in die landelike gebiede van Afrika. Die monogastriese veevoerbedryf het dus 'n dringende behoefte vir nuwe en volhoubare proteïenbronne. Insekte is voorgestel as alternatiewe proteïenbronne. Die fokus is tans op Hermetia illucens (BSF) larwes, vanweë hul vermoë om organiese afval om te skakel na proteïene van 'n hoë gehalte. Navorsing op aasvlieë, soos bv. Chrysomya chloropyga (CC) larwes, wat uitstekend is in die omskakeling van diere-afval, is egter skaars. Alhoewel talle navorsing studies bewys het dat larwemeel as 'n proteïenbron kan dien in monogastriese diëte, bly daar steeds baie vrae onbeantwoord. Tans is dit onbekend of larwemeel slegs goed is as proteïenbron in voer, en of dit dalk ook ander voordele inhou. Gepubliseerde data oor die immunomodulatoriese en antimikrobiese eienskappe van larwemeel in pluimveediëte is beperk. Hierdie studie het dus gefokus om die immunomodulatoriese en antimikrobiese eienskappe van BSF en CC larwemeel wat in braaikuiken- en kwarteldiëte gevoeg was, te bepaal. Die larwemeel bronne wat gebruik was in hierdie studie het die nodige aminosuurprofiele gehad wat voldoen het aan die moderne braaikuiken se behoeftes. Larwemeel van beide Diptera spesies is deur braaikuikens aanvaar tydens 'n voorkeur proef. Drie diereproewe was uitgevoer om die immunomodulatoriese en antimikrobiese eienskappe van larwemeel te bepaal. In die eerste proef was BSF of CC larwemeel in die diëte van 108 braaikuikens ingesluit tydens 'n 35 dae groeiperiode. Insluitingsvlakke van 10% en 15% larwemeel was tydens die studie getoets. Die resultate was vergelyk met resultate van braaikuikens wat 'n kontrole dieet (CON) ontvang het. Resultate was ook vergelyk met resultate van hoenders wat die kontroledieet, aangevul met 'n antimikrobiese groei promotor, Zink Bacitracin (ZincBac), ontvang het. Weeklikse produksieparameters vir alle behandelings groepe was soortgelyk aan die kontrole groep s’n, behalwe vir braaikuikens in die 15% BSF-groep, wat op 35 dae 'n swakker voeromsettingsverhouding gehad het. Tydens die studie was braaikuikens met skaap rooibloedselle en fitohaemagglutinien-P (PHA-P) ingespuit om die effek van dieetbehandelings op die humorale en sel-gemediëerde immuunresponse te bepaal. Verhoogde teenliggaam titers en 'n groter swelling reaksie was waargeneem in braaikuikens wat BSF en CC larwemeel ontvang het. Behandelings het geen negatiewe effekte op enige van die bloed parameters, orgaangewigte, lewerkleur of gastro-intestinale pH gehad nie. Op grond van hierdie resultate is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat BSF en CC larwemeel nie giftig is nie, en so ook geen negatiewe uitwerking op die fisiologie van braaikuikens het nie. Vir die tweede proef is BSF-larwes op twee verskillende substrate geproduseer; 100% kommersiële lêhen meel (BSF-M), of 50% kommersiële lêhen meel + 50% visafval (BSF-F). Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van larwemeel toediening op spesifieke immuunparameters en bakteriese tellings in die sekum van kwartels te bepaal. Visafval is gekies om die inhoud van langketting-omega-3 (n-3) vetsure in die larwemeel te verhoog. Sestig kwartels is met vark rooibloedselle asook PHA-P ingespuit. Kwartels in die BSF-F groep het laer slaggewigte gehad in vergelyking met kwartels in die CON en BSF-M groepe. Kwartels in die BSF-M groep het ‘n hoër sekondêre humorale immuunrespons gehad in vergelyking met kwartels in die CON groep. Die insluiting van larwemeel in die voer het so ook die limfoproliferatiewe respons verhoog en kwartels in die BSF-F groep het die grootste reaksie getoon. Dieet behandelings het geen effek gehad op die antibakteriese werking van die serum teen E. coli nie. Die meerderheid van die proteïenfraksies in die serum van kwartels was nie beïnvloed deur die verskillende behandelings nie, met die uitsondering van α2-globulien wat hoër was in die BSF-M en BSF-F groepe, terwyl γ-globulienkonsentrasies laer was in die serum van kwartels in die BSF-F-groep. Dit was bevind dat larwemeel immunomodulatoriese eienskappe besit, en dat die substraat waarop die larwes geproduseer is hierdie eienskappe kan beïnvloed. Tydens 'n derde proef is 'n uitdagings eksperiment met Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis A9 uitgevoer. Altesaam was 476 braaikuikens mondelings met Salmonella Enteritidis geïnfekteer. Braaikuikens het óf 'n kontrole dieet (CON+SAL), óf 'n kontrole dieet aangevul met ’n antibiotiese groeistimulant (ANTIBIO+SAL), óf 'n dieet wat 10% CC larwemeel (CC+SAL), of 10% BSF larwemeel (BSF+SAL) bevat, ontvang. 'n Groep braaikuikens het so ook die kontrole dieet ontvang, maar is nie geïnfekteer met Salmonella nie, die groep was genaamd die negatiewe kontrole groep (CON-NEG). Een braaikuiken per hok is op dag 11, 14, 21, 24 en 28 geslag om sodoende hul bloed en sekums te versamel. Die voeromsetverhouding (VOV) van braaikuikens in die CC+SAL, BSF+SAL en ANTIBIO+SAL behandelingsgroepe was betekenisvol beter as die van die CON+SAL groep. Aangesien soortgelyke VOV aangeteken was tussen braaikuikens wat larwemeel en antimikrobiese groei promotors ontvang het, is dit moontlik dat 10% larwemeel die antibiotiese groei promotors in braaikuikendiëte kan vervang. Oksitetrasikliene het Salmonella-kolonisasie op dag een- en dag vier na infeksie aansienlik verminder, maar die Salmonella-vlakke in die sekum van hoenders het mettertyd weer gestyg. Die teenoorgestelde is opgemerk vir die CC+SAL-groep. Tot en met dag 28 het die Salmonella tellings in die sekum stadig afgeneem totdat dit beduidend laer was as die van die CON+SAL groep. Salmonella tellings was dieselfde in die BSF+SAL en CON+SAL groepe op alle slagdae. Beide larwemeel bronne het die serum se antibakteriese aktiwiteit teen Salmonella verhoog in vergelyking met die CON+SAL groep. Die limfostimulerende respons was ook aansienlik hoër in die CC+SAL, BSF+SA en ANTIBIO+SAL behandelingsgroepe. Braaikuikens wat BSF ontvang het, het hoër serum lisosiem konsentrasies gehad kort na infeksie met Salmonella. Die verskillende behandelings het geen effek op orgaan gewigte, bloed parameters of serum interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) vlakke gehad nie. Ter opsomming: BSF en CC larwes het belowende immunostimulerende eienskappe getoon in braaikuikens en kwartels. ’n Verhoogde humorale immuunrespons, T-limfosiet funksie en serum lisosiem aktiwiteit is aangeteken in pluimvee wat larwemeel onvang het. Alhoewel BSF-larwemeel nie die samestelling van mikrobes in die sekum van kwartels verander het nie, het CC-larwemeel wel antimikrobiese eienskappe teen Salmonella in die sekum getoon, gepaard met ’n verhoging in serum antimikrobiese aktiwiteit wanneer braaikuikens met Salmonella geïnfekteer was. Alhoewel larwemeel geen verskil in die VOV in gesonde braaikuikens of kwartels veroorsaak het nie, het dit wel ‘n beduidende verbetering veroorsaak in hoenders wat met Salmonella besmet was. Alle immuunparameters wat bestudeer was tydens die studie het óf verbeter, óf dieselfde gebly, maar die larwespesies, sowel as die substraat wat gebruik word om die larwes op te groei, kan die voordelige eienskappe beïnvloed.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 134 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPoultry -- Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectHermetia illucensen_ZA
dc.subjectChrysomya chloropygaen_ZA
dc.subjectPoultry -- Feeding and feedsen_ZA
dc.subjectProteins in animal nutritionen_ZA
dc.titleExploring the potential health benefits from Hermetia illucens and Chrysomya chloropyga larvae meal in poultry dietsen_ZA
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