Vladimir's Round Table by Stefans Grove : transcription for Two Pianos

dc.contributor.advisorRoosenschoon, Hansen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHollins, Brendan Vincenten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Music.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MMus (Performance)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The work represented here is a transcription for two pianos of Vladimir’s Round Table, a relatively unknown, large-scale orchestral work by Stefans Grove. This particular transcription involved an intensive study of the orchestral score in order to best reproduce the work in the most effective way possible for two pianos, as well as to create a sound and convincing work for the two-piano repertoire. The process involved academic as well as pianistic substantiations regarding the inclusion or exclusion of various elements of the orchestral score. It is my hope that the final product is a good representation of a work supported by academic research but not so much as to exclude the possibility of freedom of performance. The ultimate aim of this transcription is to hopefully re-ignite interest in the work as well as to expose it to a wider audience and, in turn, encourage performance of the work in its original form.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werk wat hiermee voorgelê word, is 'n transkripsie vir twee klaviere van Stefans Grové se minder-bekende orkeswerk, Wladimir se Tafelronde (die Afrikaanse titel wat op die titelblad van die manuskrip verskyn). Die transkripsie het 'n deeglike studie van die orkespartituur behels om sodoende die werk ten beste in die klavier-duo genre weer te gee, en om n oortuigende dog bruikbare werk vir hierdie tipe repertorium te skep. Ten einde die insluiting of weglating van bepaalde elemente van die orkespartituur teen mekaar op te weeg, is die proses deur sowel akademiese- en pianistiese oorwegings ingegee. Ek hoop dat die finale produk verteenwoordigend is van n transkripsie wat deur n akademiese ondersoek ondersteun is, terwyl dit ruimte laat vir praktiese oorwegings wat met die uitvoeringsmoontlikhede en -beperkinginge van die klavier-duo weergawe ter sprake kom. Die hoofdoel met die transkripsie is om hopenlik hernude belangstelling in Grove se orkeswerkte te wek; om dit aan 'n wyer publiek bekend te stel, en op sy beurt uitvoerings van die werk in sy oorspronklike gedaante aan te moedig.
dc.format108 leaves of music
dc.publisherUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectGrove, Stefansen_ZA
dc.subjectVladimir's Round Tableen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshDissertations -- Music
dc.subject.lcshTheses -- Music
dc.subject.otherMusic, orchestral work,two pianosen_ZA
dc.titleVladimir's Round Table by Stefans Grove : transcription for Two Pianosen_ZA
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