Durban container terminal: capacity analysis and the feasibility of a dry port

dc.contributor.advisorSchoonees, J. S.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorScholtz, Carlen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents an analysis of the Durban Container Terminal (DCT), which consists of Pier 1 and Pier 2. The study was conducted due to the DCT reaching its maximum capacity in the next few years. The main objective of this report was to identify the constraints which limit the annual container throughput, and to provide solutions to increase the annual container throughput capacity for the DCT. The container throughput levels were analysed and projections were made. The capacity limiting constraints of the DCT were calculated and analysed. The study found that the container stacking yards were limiting the annual container throughput for Pier 1 and Pier 2. The annual container throughput that the stacking yards could handle was significantly less than the container throughput that the berths could physically achieve. It was calculated that the maximum capacity of the DCT was 3 600 000 TEU moves/year. This study found that the DCT would reach its maximum operating capacity between 2020 and 2024, under the current infrastructure. Two expansion projects have been implemented by TNPA to increase overall capacity of the container terminal. The first was the deepening, widening and lengthening of berths on DCT Pier 2. Additionally, expansion plans include the reclamation of land between DCT Pier 1 and the Salisbury Island naval base. The effect that the proposed expansions would have on the capacity limiting constraints of the DCT were analysed. The expansions were calculated to increase the annual container capacity to around 5.2 million TEU moves/year. The equivalent container stacking yard capacity would still be limiting the DCT after the expansions are complete. From the analysis of container throughput projections for the DCT it was found that the terminal, after proposed expansions were complete, would reach its maximum operating capacity between 2027 and 2036. The study analysed solutions to further increase the capacity of the DCT. The change in the stacking system from straddle carriers to a RTG “1 over 5” for Pier 2 was analysed. It was established that the above-mentioned change in stacking system would increase the annual capacity of DCT by around 980 000 TEU moves/year, to around 6 200 000 TEU moves/year. The change in stacking system was deduced to increase the overall capacity of the DCT, but a shortfall was still present between the equivalent container stacking yard capacity and the throughput that the berths could achieve. The effect of reducing the container dwell time was analysed and it was established that the concept would greatly increase the overall container capacity of the DCT. The ‘Masterplan’ is a solution that is recommended, which includes the above-mentioned change in stacking strategy, along with active dwell time control and the use of a dry port. The dry port concept would enable the DCT to implement strict container dwell time control, whereby containers exceeding a dwell time of 4 days would be transported to/from a dry port, via a shuttle train. The use of a dry port as part of the ‘Masterplan’ would increase the capacity of the DCT to around 7.05 million TEU moves/year. Two locations were identified for the dry port site: the Bayhead Road site, which is located very close to the DCT and would allow for cost effective transportation of containers; the old Durban Airport site, which would require a much larger capital input than the Bayhead Road site. The Bayhead Road site can also make use of all the rail and road connections that serve the DCT, whereas the old Durban Airport site would require excessive construction to connect with the rail networks. The Bayhead Road site was deduced to be the most feasible location for a dry port. The dry port concept is deduced as a feasible and plausible alternative for the DCT to increase its maximum annual container throughput capacity.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bied 'n ontleding van die Durban Houereindpunt (DCT) wat uit Pier 1 en Pier 2 bestaan. Die studie is uitgevoer omdat die DCT sy maksimumvermoë binne die volgende paar jaar sal bereik. Die hoofdoel van hierdie tesis is om die faktore wat die jaarlikse houerdeurvloei beperk, te identifiseer, om oplossings daarvoor te vind en om hierdie oplossings te evalueer. Die houerdeurvloeivlakke is ontleed en vooruitskattings is gemaak. Die vermoëbeperkinge van die DCT is bereken en ontleed. Daar is bevind dat die houerwerf se deurvloei die jaarlikse houerdeurvloei vir Pier 1 en Pier 2 beperk. Die jaarlikse houerdeurvloei van die houerwerf is aansienlik minder as die deurvloei wat die kaaie fisies kan bereik. Die maksimumvermoë van die DCT met die huidige infrastruktuur is 3.6 miljoen TEU-bewegings / jaar. Volgens die vooruitgeskatte houervervoer sal hierdie maksimumvermoë waarskynlik tussen 2020 en 2024 bereik word. Twee uitbreidingsprojekte is deur TNPA geïmplementeer om die algehele vermoë van die houereindpunt te verhoog. Die eerste was die verdieping en verlenging van die kaaie van DCT Pier 2. Daarbenewens, sluit die uitbreidingsplanne die herwinning van grond tussen Pier 1 en die naasliggende Salisbury-eiland se vlootbasis in. Die effek wat die voorgestelde uitbreidings op die vermoëbeperkinge van die DCT sal hê, is ontleed. Daar is bereken dat hierdie uitbreidings die jaarlikse houervermoë tot sowat 5.2 miljoen TEU-bewegings / jaar sal verhoog. Die verhoogde vermoë van hierdie uitbreidings is egter nie voldoende om die geprojekteerde toekomstige deurvloeivlakke te hanteer nie. Daar is gevind dat die DCT ná die voorgestelde uitbreidings, sy maksimumvermoë tussen 2027 en 2036 sal bereik. ‘n Oplossing is ondersoek om die vermoë van die DCT verder te verhoog, naamlik, die gebruik van portaalhyskrane met rubberbande (“rubber tyred gantry crans” (RTG); met ‘n 1-oor-5-stapelstelsel) in die houerwerf van Pier 2 in plaas van buidelwaens (“straddle carriers”). Hierdie verandering in die houerwerfstelsel sal die jaarlikse vermoë van die DCT met sowat 980 000 TEU-bewegings / jaar tot 6.2 miljoen TEU-bewegings / jaar verhoog. Daar is egter gevind dat in terme van TEU-bewegings, die kaaivermoë steeds die houerwerfvermoë oorskry. Die “Meesterplan” wat ontwikkel is, is 'n oplossing wat die bogenoemde verandering in houerstapelstrategie insluit, saam met aktiewe staantydbeheer en die gebruik van 'n droë hawe (“dry port”). Die droë-hawe-konsep maak dit maklik vir die DCT om aktiewe staantydbeheer uit te oefen, waar houers met ‘n staantyd van meer as 4 dae, per trein na die droë hawe vervoer word. Die gebruik van 'n droë hawe as deel van die meesterplan sal die vermoë van die DCT tot sowat 7.05 miljoen TEU-bewegings / jaar verhoog. Twee opsies is vir die droë-hawe-perseel geïdentifiseer, naamlik: (1) die “Bayhead Road”-perseel, wat baie naby aan die DCT geleë is en koste-effektiewe vervoer van houers sal toelaat en; (2) die ou Durbanse lughaweterrein, wat 'n veel groter kapitaalbelegging sal verg as die “Bayhead Road”-perseel. Die “Bayhead Road”-perseel kan ook van al die spoor- en padverbindings wat die DCT reeds het, gebruik maak terwyl die ou Durbanse lughawe-terrein aansienlike konstruksie sal vereis om byvoorbeeld, hierdie terrein met die bestaande treinnetwerk te verbind. Die “Bayhead Road”-perseel is as die mees haalbare opsie vir 'n droë hawe bevind. Daar is gevind dat die droë-hawe-konsep 'n haalbare en aanvaarbare oplossing vir die DCT is om sy maksimum jaarlikse houerdeurvloei mee te verhoog.af_ZA
dc.format.extent165 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectContainer terminalsen_ZA
dc.subjectHarbors -- Capacity analysisen_ZA
dc.subjectPorts -- Feasibility studiesen_ZA
dc.subjectDurban -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleDurban container terminal: capacity analysis and the feasibility of a dry porten_ZA
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