Motion verbs in Xhosa

dc.contributor.authorMnqumeni-Songxaba, Cecilia Nomncekeleloen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of African Languages.
dc.descriptionStudy project (M.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1996.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the motion verb in Xhosa. In Section 1 the aim of the study is stated. Findings about motion verbs by Levin and Rappaport Hovav in Roca (1992) are discussed. The nature of unaccusative verbs and the problems which are encountered when the differences between the unaccusatives and inergatives are identified, are presented from the finding ,s of Nels (1987). Theta theory and Case theory are also discussed in this section. Section 2 deals with the classification of motion verbs. The external argument of these verbs is dealt with. Three classes of motion verbs, as stated by Levin and Rappaport Hovav, are examined. Types of inherent directional verbs are dealt with. These types are the following: (a) Achievement of motion, e.g. -f'tka (arrive). (b) Inherent specified path, e.g. (i)hla (descend). The manner of motion verbs which are [+DEC] and [-DEC] as well as the types and their features are discussed. A group of manner of motion verbs which do not fit in with the [+DEC] class but were classified as members of this group by Levin and Rappaport, is also identified. In Section 3 features of motion verbs are looked into. Locative argument and locative inversion are discussed. Time clauses of duration which involve for and in in English and referred to in Xhosa as ngemizuzu, emizuzwini and imizuzu, are also looked into. Time clauses, commands and requests are dealt with in this section. Section 4 focusses on the derivational affixes and the effect of these affixes to the semantic interpretation of the arguments of the derived motion verbs. Section 5 deals with adjuncts. Subject inversion and NPs which can appear as objects of the motion verbs, are discussed. Nga- phrases and their semantic features when they appear with motion verbs are also dealt with. The infinitive and ulruba-clauses that can appear with motion verbs are looked into in this section. Section 6 is the conclusion, summarising the findings of all the previous sections in this study on motion verbs.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is die verkenning van die bewegingswerkwoorde in Xhosa. In Afdeling 1 word die studiedoelwit verder uiteengesit en bevindinge rondom bewegingswerkwoorde word aan die hand van navorsing deur Levin en Rappaport Havav in Roca (1992) bespreek. Die aard van nie-akkusatiewe werkwoorde en die struikelblokke wat teengekom word wanneer verskille tussen nie-akkusatiewe en rie-ergatiewe werkwoorde geldentifiseer word, word aangebied vanuit die siening van Nels (1987). Daar word verder 'n bespreking in hierdie afdeling gevoer aangaande die theta en kasus teorie. Afdeling 2 handel oor die klassifikasie van bewegingswerkwoorde en die eksterne argument word van nader beskou. Die aandag word ook gevestig op die drie klasse van bewegingswerkwoorde soos weergegee deur Levin en Rappaport Hovav, en die tipes inherente rigting-aanduidende werkwoorde waaronder: (a) Bereiking van beweging, bv. -fika (arriveer). (b) Inherente gespesifiseerde rigting, bv. (i)hla (om te daal). Die manier van bewegingswerkwoorde, bv. [+DEC] en [-DEC], word verken en verskillende tipes van wyse of manier en hul eienskappe word bespreek. Ook geldentifiseer in Afdeling 2 is 'n groep van werkwoorde, onderskei deur hulle wyse van beweging, wat nie tuishoort in die [+DEC] klas nie, maar tog deur Levin en Rappaport in die hierdie klas geplaas word. Afdeling 3 is gemoeid met die eienskappe/kenmerke van bewegingswerkwoorde en die lokatiewe argument en -inversie. Bysinne van tyd, wat in Xhosa na verwys word as ngemizuzu, emizuzwini en imizuzu, word ondersoek. Die aandag word laastens in hierdie afdeling gevestig op vraag en bevelsinne. Afdeling 4 fokus op afgeleide voor en agtervoegsels en die effek hiervan op die semantiese interpretasie van die argumente oor die afgeleide bewegingswerkwoorde. Die onderwerp van bespreking in afdeling 5 is bywoorde. Die vergrootglas word geplaas op onderwerps-inversie en NPs wat as voorwerpe van bewegingswerkwoorde kanv erskyn. Ngafrases en hul semantiese kenmerke indien hulle saam met bewegingswerkwoorde verskyn, is ook ondersoek sowel as die infinitief en ukuba-bysinne. Afdeling 6 is 'n samevatting van die bevindinge in hierdie studie oor bewegingswerkwoorde in Xhosa, in elk van die voorafgaande afdelings.af_ZA
dc.format.extent178 leaves
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectXhosa language -- Verben_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Xhosa languageen_ZA
dc.titleMotion verbs in Xhosaen_ZA
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