( Land use change in the rural-urban fringe of Cape Town). [Grondgebruikverandering in die landelikstedelike oorgangsone van Kaapstad.]

dc.contributor.authorVan Der Merwe J.H.
dc.description.abstractThe spatial expansion characteristic of modern cities is mainly concentrated along the edge of built-up urban areas. This intermingling of often incompatible urban and rural land uses leads to the development of a rural-urban fringe which often constitutes a problem area within the wider city structure. This paper evaluates the effect of urban expansion on the fringe zone from a reconstruction of successive land use patterns(1960 and 1977) for Cape Town. The nature of the process of areal urban expansion is detailed. Final urbanization is shown to be preceded by a preparatory phase in which typical fringe land use types are located along an ill-defined transition zone adjacent to the built-up urban boundary.-English summary
dc.identifier.citationSouth African Geographer
dc.title( Land use change in the rural-urban fringe of Cape Town). [Grondgebruikverandering in die landelikstedelike oorgangsone van Kaapstad.]