Severity of pulmonary disease in infants less than three months with culture confirmed tuberculosis

dc.contributor.advisorSchaaf, Hendrik Simonen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorGoussard, Pierreen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorStröbele, Silviaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherPaediatrics and Child Healthen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Paediatrics and Child Health.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MMed)--Stellenbpsch University, 2015en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant health burden among children. Very young infants are particularly at risk for severe pulmonary disease and disseminated forms of TB and the morbidity and mortality is high. There are few studies that address TB disease in infants less than 3 months of age. The aim of this study was to describe various clinical and radiological characteristics of TB in a cohort of infants in this age group. Methods This was a retrospective descriptive study of infants less than 3 months of age (<91 days), with a positive culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis on any collected specimen, who presented to Tygerberg Children’s Hospital, a tertiary referral hospital in the Western Cape Province (WCP), South Africa (SA) between 1 March 2003 and 30 June 2011. Results Seventy-one infants below 3 months of age were included in the study. Sixty-six infants (92%) had pulmonary TB, of which 22/66 (33%) also had extrapulmonary TB; 4 (6%) infants had only extrapulmonary TB. One (1%) infant was only infected with TB. Of the patients with extrapulmonary TB, 54% (14/26) had miliary TB. Six of the 26 (23%) patients (2 confirmed; 4 suspected) had TB meningitis. Of all 71 infants, 27 infants (38%) were human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exposed and 10 infants (14%) were HIV-infected. Drugresistant TB was found in 7% (5/71) of the infants. Cough was the most common presenting symptom, and was found in 41/71 (58%) infants; 29 (41%) infants had loss of weight or failure to gain weight and 24 (34%) infants presented with fever. Respiratory signs were the most common presenting signs. Respiratory distress was a clinical finding in 18/71 (25%) infants, wheezing in 15 (21%) and stridor in 6 (8%) infants. Abdominal distension was found in 6 (8%) patients; 5 (7%) patients had ascites and 5 (7%) had jaundice. Nineteen infants (27%) were classified as having congenital TB. On chest radiography, 55% (39/71) of the infants had mediastinal lymphadenopathy and large airway compression. Thirty-four (48%) of the 71 infants had features of airway compression as well as bronchopneumonia. Miliary TB was seen in 14 (20%) and cavities were seen in 9 (13%) infants. Twenty-one (54%) of the 39 infants with airway compression underwent bronchoscopy, and 21/39 (54%) infants required lymph node decompression (4 patients who underwent bronchoscopy did not require lymph node decompression; 4 patients who required lymph node decompression did not have a preceding bronchoscopy). Ten (14%) infants died. Conclusions Infants under 3 months of age presented with severe pulmonary and also disseminated disease. In areas where there is a high incidence of TB (and HIV), it is important for clinicians to maintain a high index of suspicion of TB disease in young infants, and in so doing to allow earlier diagnosis and treatment. Further studies addressing aspects of TB in very young infants should be undertaken. en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Tuberkulose (TB) is 'n belangrike gesondheidslas in kinders. Baie jong babas het veral 'n risiko vir ernstige longsiekte en verspreide vorms van TB en die morbiditeit en mortaliteit is hoog. Daar is min studies wat TB in babas onder 3 maande oud bespreek. Die doel van hierdie studie was om verskeie kliniese en radiologiese kenmerke van TB in 'n kohort van babas in hierdie ouderdomsgroep te beskryf. Metodes Hierdie was 'n retrospektiewe beskrywende studie van babas minder as 3 maande oud (<91 dae) met 'n positiewe kultuur vir Mycobacterium tuberculosis van enige ingesamelde monster, wat by Tygerberg Kinderhospitaal, 'n tersiêre verwysingshospitaal in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie (WKP), Suid-Afrika (SA) gepresenteer het tussen 1 Maart 2003 en 30 Junie 2011. Resultate Een en sewentig babas onder die ouderdom van 3 maande is ingesluit in die studie. Ses-ensestig babas (92%) het pulmonale TB gehad, waarvan 22/66 (33%) ook ekstrapulmonale TB gehad het; 4 (6%) babas het slegs ekstrapulmonale TB gehad. Een (1%) baba was slegs TB geïnfekteerd. Van die pasiënte met ekstrapulmonale TB het 54% (14/26) miliêre TB gehad. Ses uit 26 babas (23%; 2 bevestig; 4 vermoedelik) het TB meningitis gehad. Van die 71 babas was 27 (38%) babas aan die menslike immuniteitsgebreksvirus (MIV) blootgestel en 10 babas (14%) was MIV geïnfekteerd. Middelweerstandige TB is in 7% (5/71) van die babas gevind. Hoes was die mees algemene simptoom waarmee babas gepresenteer het, 41/71 (58%); 29 (41%) babas het gewigsverlies of onvermoë om te gedy gehad en 24 (34%) babas het met koors gepresenteer. Respiratoriese tekens was die mees algemene teken wat voorgekom het. Respiratoriese nood was 'n kliniese bevinding in 18/71 (25%) babas, fluitbors in 15 (21%) en stridor in 6 (8%) babas. Abdominale uitsetting was in 6 (8%) pasiënte gevind; 5 (7%) pasiënte het askites en 5 (7%) het geelsug gehad. Negentien babas (27%) was geklassifiseer as aangebore TB. Op borskas radiografie het 55% (39/71) van die babas mediastinale limfadenopatie en groot lugweg kompressie gehad. Vier-en-dertig (48%) van die 71 pasiente het kenmerke van lugwegkompressie asook brongopneumonie gehad. Miliêre TB was in 14 (20%) en kaviteite in 9 (13%) babas gesien. Een-en-twintig (54%) van die 39 babas met lugwegkompressie het brongoskopie ondergaan en 21/39 (54%) babas het limfnode dekompressie benodig (4 pasiënte wat brongoskopie ondergaan het, het nie limfnode dekompressie benodig nie; 4 pasiënte wat limfnode dekompressie gehad het, het nie 'n voorafgaande brongoskopie ondergaan nie). Tien (14%) babas het gesterf. Gevolgtrekkings Babas jonger as 3 maande oud het met ernstige pulmonale asook verspreide siekte voorgekom. In gebiede waar daar 'n hoë voorkoms van TB (en MIV) is, is dit belangrik vir dokters om 'n hoë indeks van vermoede van TB in jong babas te handhaaf, en sodoende vroeër diagnose en behandeling te verseker. Verdere studies wat aspekte van TB in baie jong babas aanspreek moet onderneem word. af_ZA
dc.format.extentv, 26 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshLungs -- Diseases -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshTuberculosis in children -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshNewborn infants -- Diseases -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPregnancy -- Complications -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleSeverity of pulmonary disease in infants less than three months with culture confirmed tuberculosisen_ZA
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