Interference modulation for microwave dielectric heating

dc.contributor.authorMeier I.
dc.contributor.authorde Swardt J.B.
dc.description.abstractMicrowave Field pattern synthesis using interference is proposed as a novel approach to microwave heating. It is based on ideas already well known from the optical bench (interference circles, holograms), but applied and adapted to microwaves. The angle of total transmission (Brewster's Angle) keeps reflections at the microwave to material interface to a minimum, thereby improving energy transfer. Signals from two injection-locked magnetron based sources are interfered with each other to demonstrate the idea. No direct limit is imposed on the number of sources by the topology. Simulation indicates that certain heating patterns can be obtained, simply changing relative phases between sources. Phase being variable, particular average heat distribution patterns can be realized throughout the interference space. Limits mainly occur as a result of material properties, especially loss, material dimensions and wavelength.
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, COMSIG
dc.subjectDielectric heating
dc.subjectElectromagnetic wave interference
dc.subjectInjection-locked magnetrons
dc.subjectInterference modulation
dc.subjectMicrowave dielectric heating
dc.subjectMicrowave heating
dc.titleInterference modulation for microwave dielectric heating