A micro approach to quantitative dehydration sensor development

dc.contributor.advisorScheffer, C.en
dc.contributor.authorVisser, Cobusen
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The assessment of dehydration is an ever elusive golden standard, even given the plethora of hydration markers that exist to date. Many literature sources acknowledge the need for a portable device that can be used as an indicative tool for hydration. This project sought to find a solution for assessing dehydration on a micro level looking for an indication of hydration by investigating the levels of water concentration in the skin and water compartments of the body using bioelectrical impedance, stratum corneum impedance and infrared spectrometry. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of these devices: an infield study to assess the efficacy of the devices for measuring dehydration brought on by exercise in adults and an infant study where the devices where used to assess its ability to measure dehydration in infants who have succumbed to diarrhoea. The studies showed that the devices are not applicable in measuring real time hydration in exercising subjects as sweat was a perturbing factor in the measurements. The infant study provided promising results with regards to the usage of the infrared device. It is believed that these results could spur further investigation into the field of using infrared spectrometry as a dehydration marker. Dehydration still remains to be an ever elusive standard but the importance of finding a solution to quantitatively assess hydration is a field which could benefit the general population and its importance should not be underestimated.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die assessering van dehidrasie is steeds 'n ontwykende goue standaard selfs gegewe die oorvloed van hidrasiemerkers wat bestaan tot op datum. Baie literatuurbronne erken egter die behoefte aan 'n draagbare toestel wat as 'n hulpmiddel kan dien vir die evaluering van die vlakke van dehidrasie. Hierdie projek streef daarna om ondersoek in te stel tot die assessering van dehidrasie op 'n mikrovlak deur die waterkonsentrasies te meet in die vel en die verskeie waterkompartemente in die liggaam via die gebruik van bio-elektriese impedansie analise, stratum corneum impedansie analise en infrarooi-spektrometrie. Twee studies is gedoen om die doeltreffendheid van die toestelle te evalueer: 'n inveldstudie wat die hidrasievlakke van volwassenes meet wat ly aan dehidrasie weens oefening en 'n studie wat dehidrasie meet in neonate wat ly aan dehidrasie weens diarree. Die studies het bewyse gelewer dat die toestelle nie effektief is met betrekking tot die meet van dehidrasie in aktiewe volwassenes nie, weens die rede dat sweet 'n verstorende faktor is. Die neonate studie het belowende resultate verskaf met betrekking tot die gebruik van die infrarooi toestel. Daar word geglo dat hierdie resultate verdere ondersoek in die veld met betrekking tot infrarooi spektrometrie as 'n hidrasie merker kan motiveer. Finale bevindinge wys dat die kwantifisering van dehidrasie steeds 'n ontwykende standaard is, maar die belangrikheid van 'n moontlike oplossing sal voordelig wees vir die wêreld se volke en moet dus nie onderskat word nie.af_ZA
dc.format.extent109 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectQuantitative dehydration sensor -- Developmenten_ZA
dc.titleA micro approach to quantitative dehydration sensor developmenten_ZA
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