Precast lightweight foamed concrete walling, a structural system for low-rise residential buildings

dc.contributor.advisorVan Zijl, G. P. A. Gen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVan Rooyen, Algurnon Steveen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDunn, Trevor Paul Andrewen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lightweight foamed concrete, in contrast to normal weight concrete, is a low density, zero coarse aggregate concrete. The applications of foamed concrete have previously been non-structural and made use of the aesthetic, thermal, fire-resistant and void filling properties. These existing properties make lightweight foamed concrete an ideal building material for residential building construction, thus the material is now being developed into a building material for structural applications. Previous research in the structural use of lightweight foamed concrete has focussed on the specific material properties and durability of the material. Contributing to the Centre for Development of Sustainable Infrastructure research unit, this study aims to contribute to the development of a reinforced lightweight foamed concrete building system as a substitute for unreinforced load-bearing masonry construction in low-rise (one to four storey) residential buildings in the South Western Cape of South Africa. This region of South Africa is a low to moderate seismic region which requires that the proposed building system be seismically sufficient. A prototype lightweight foamed concrete building is the basis for the study, from which a wall segment is tested. An additional feature of the building system is the incorporation of precast construction; where load-bearing wall panels would be made in a factory and transported to the site for rapid yet high-quality construction. For the selected wall panel, the top and bottom (ground and floor slab) connections are grouted dowel connections in compliance with international precast construction standards for seismic regions. Bespoke mechanical connection boxes are used for the vertical connections between adjacent wall panels. These vertical connections are placed at the centre of the wall segment to allow for in-plane testing of two adjacent walls. The testing of these wall panels is conducted according to precast concrete connection testing guidelines, as it is envisaged that stress concentrations at the connections will determine the seismic resistance of the walls. Three different physical tests are conducted on 1:3 scale wall panels from a single face of the prototype building. The first and third walls are tested via monotonic pull-over load action. These wall specimens vary in degree of grouted dowel reinforcement across their horizontal connections. The second wall is tested via quasi-static cyclic loading to determine the energy dissipation behaviour of the precast, lightweight foamed concrete building system. The objective of these tests is to determine the displacement behaviour and precast concrete connection behaviour under seismic load. A lightweight foamed concrete finite element material model and finite element simulation of both pull-over tests are created. A further sensitivity study to establish the dependence of the walling system computed response to changes of connection interface friction, tensile and compressive strength, and connection dowel size is conducted. The aim of this numerical analysis is to provide information regarding the failure mechanisms within the precast wall assembly. The results of the physical tests indicate that the wall’s capacity to withstand lateral pull-over force is significantly affected by changes to the degree of dowel reinforcement crossing the horizontal connections. The observed energy dissipation for the cyclic tests indicates that connecting dowel number and placement also influence the displacement mechanisms of the wall and the observed cracking indicates sound in-plane behaviour of the wall system. The finite element test results highlight the individual nonlinear displacement regions before ultimate slip failure at the horizontal connections. A normalisation study reveals that these regions are present at the same relative displacement within both the physical tests and numerical simulations. An analytical model is proposed, which focusses on the results of the sensitivity study conducted that highlight the significant effect that changes to friction and dowel-diameter have on the ultimate capacity of horizontal connections. These properties are seen to allow ductile failure over large displacements. This analytical model shows that the shear capacity of these connections determine the lateral force resistance of the precast walls. It is concluded that precast design for the proposed building system successfully dissipates energy, provided that care is taken for connection placement to prevent brittle failure. It is further concluded that reinforced lightweight foamed concrete walls give a ductile and predictable response, failing at lateral loads beyond the seismic demand in the region of interest.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Liggewig skuimbeton, in teenstelling met gewone gewigbeton, is ’n lae digtheid beton sonder growwe aggregaat. Die toepassings van skuimbeton was voorheen nie-struktureel en het gebruik gemaak van die estetiese, hitte-, brandbestande en opvul eienskappe. Hierdie eienskappe maak liggewig skuimbeton ’n ideale boumateriaal vir residensiële boukonstruksie, dus word die materiaal nou ontwikkel tot ’n boumateriaal vir strukturele toepassings. Vorige navorsing in die strukturele gebruik van liggewig skuimbeton het gefokus op die spesifieke materiaaleienskappe en duursaamheid van die materiaal. As bydrae tot die Sentrum vir Ontwikkeling van Volhoubare Infrastruktuur-navorsingseenheid, is hierdie studie daarop gemik om by te dra tot die ontwikkeling van ’n bewapende liggewig skuimbeton stelsel as ’n plaasvervanger vir onbewapende lasdraende messelwerk konstruksie in lae (een tot vier verdieping) residensiële geboue in die Suid-Wes-Kaap van Suid-Afrika. Hierdie streek van Suid-Afrika is ’n lae tot matige seismiese streek wat vereis dat die voorgestelde boustelsel seismies bestand sal wees. ’n Prototipe liggewig skuimbeton gebou is die basis vir die studie, waaruit ’n muursegment getoets word. ’n Bykomende kenmerk van die boustelsel is die inkorporering van voorafvervaardigde konstruksie; waar lasdraende muurpanele in ’n fabriek gemaak word en na die terrein vervoer word vir vinnige, maar hoë gehalte konstruksie. Vir die geselekteerde muurpaneel is die boonste en onderste (grond- en vloerplaat) verbindings mortel gevulde dwarsstaaf verbindings wees in ooreenstemming met internasionale standaarde vir seismiese gebiede. ’n Geskikte meganiese verbindingsmeganisme word gebruik vir die vertikale verbindings tussen aangrensende muurpanele. Hierdie vertikale verbindings word in die middel van die muursegment geplaas om die toets van in-vlak gedrag van twee aangrensende mure toe te laat. Die toets van hierdie muurpanele word uitgevoer volgens die riglyne vir voorafvervaardigde beton verbindingstoets, aangesien dit verwag word dat spanningskonsentrasies by die verbindings die seismiese weerstand van die mure sal bepaal. Drie verskillende fisiese toetse word uitgevoer op 1:3 skaalmuurpanele van ’n enkele aansig van die prototipe gebou. Die eerste en derde mure word getoets deur monotone skuifbelasting. Hierdie muur toetspanele wissel in aantal dwarsstaaf verbindings oor hul horisontale verbindings. Die tweede muur word getoets deur middel van kwasi-statiese, sikliese skuifbelasting om die energie dissipasie van die voorafvervaardigde, liggewig skuimbeton boustelsel te bepaal. Die doel van hierdie toetse is om die verplasingsgedrag en die beton verbindingsgedrag onder seismiese las te bepaal. ’n Liggewig skuimbeton eindige element materiaalmodel en eindige element simulasie van beide skuiftoetse word geskep. Verdere sensitiwiteitstudies word uitgevoer om die afhanklikheid van die boustelsel se berekende gedrag te bepaal van varierende verbindingskoppelvlak wrywing, trek-en-druksterkte, en verbinding dwarsstaaf dikte. Die doel van hierdie numeriese analise is om inligting te verskaf rakende die falingsmeganismes in die voorafvervaardigde muurmontering. Die resultate van die fisiese toetse dui daarop dat die muur se kapasiteit om dwarsskuif te weerstaan, noemenswaardig affekteer word deur veranderinge in die aantal dwarsstawe in die horisontale verbindings. Die waargenome energiedissipasie in die sikliese toetse dui daarop dat die dwarsstaaf verbindingsaantal en -plasing ook die verplasingsmeganismes van die muur beïnvloed, en die waargenome krake dui aan dat die in-vlak gedrag van die muurpanele struktureel geskik is. Die eindige element resultate beklemtoon die individuele nie-lineêre verplasingsbereike voor die uiteindelike glipfaling in die horisontale verbindings. ’n Normaliseringstudie toon dat hierdie verplasingsbereike in dieselfde relatiewe gebiede in beide die fisiese toetse en numeriese simulasies voorkom. ’n Analitiese model word voorgestel, wat fokus op die resultate van die sensitiwiteitstudie wat die noemenswaardige effek wat verandering in die wrywing en dwarsstaaf-deursnee het op die uiteindelike kapasiteit van horisontale verbindings, beklemtoon. Hierdie eienskappe word gesien as instrumenteel tot duktiele faling oor groot verplasings. Hierdie analitiese model toon dat die skuifkapasiteit van hierdie verbindings die laterale weerstand van die voorafvervaardigde mure bepaal. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die ontwerp vir die voorgestelde voorafvervaardigde boustelsel suksesvol energiedissipasie tot gevolg het, met dien verstande dat verbindings sorgvuldig ontwerp word om bros faling te voorkom. ’n Verdere gevolgtrekking is dat gewapende liggewig skuimbetonmure ’n duktiele en voorspelbare reaksie het, wat faling onder dwarsbelasting toon wat die vereisde seismiese aksie van die streek van belang oorskry.af_ZA
dc.format.extent160 pages : illustrations, mapsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAseismic designen_ZA
dc.subjectConcrete wallsen_ZA
dc.subjectStructural designen_ZA
dc.subjectResidential buildings -- Constructionen_ZA
dc.subjectLightweight concreteen_ZA
dc.titlePrecast lightweight foamed concrete walling, a structural system for low-rise residential buildingsen_ZA
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